
viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | The solar house : pioneering sustainable design

The solar house : pioneering sustainable design / Anthony Denzer.
Rizzoli, New York : 2013.
256 p. : il.
ISBN 9780847840052

Arquitectura y economías de energía.
Arquitectura y radiación solar.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-620.91 SOL

The first comprehensive study of the development of solar house design in the United States and around the world. The Solar House explores the development of solar residential architecture over the course of the twentieth century and up to the latest designs today. The solar house is often understood as a product of the 1970s, and few people are aware of the influential experimental solar houses which were constructed during the previous four decades, beginning with the work of masters of twentieth-century architecture such as Richard Neutra, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Paolo Soleri, Louis Kahn, Pietro Belluschi, Edward Durell Stone, and Harwell Hamilton Harris, and continuing with more recent innovations like the German Passivhaus movement and the Heliotrope, the first house to produce more energy than it consumed, and the U.S.-based Solar Decathlon, conceived as a living demonstration laboratory and recently expanded to include contests in Europe and China. Not only are these innovative projects the models for architects exploring environmentally conscious design today, they hold the imagination of the wider public, beginning with the idealism of the 1960s, the pragmatism that accompanied the energy crisis of the 1970s, and continuing into the twenty-first century with the demand for environmentally sustainable living. The first complete study of solar house design through the decades, this volume is a must-have resource for designers today.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | DD 39 | Skins, bones and empty spaces : Atelier Thomas Pucher

Skins, bones and empty spaces : Atelier Thomas Pucher [Austria] / publisher Kyong won Suh.
DAMDI, Seoul, Korea : 2013.
207 p. : il.
Colección: DD Design Document Series ; 39.
Texto en inglés y coreano.
ISBN 9788968010033

Atelier Thomas Pucher
Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Austria.
Pucher, Thomas, 1969-
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72PUCHER SKI

Atelier Thomas Pucher was established in Graz in 2005. Pucher and his team have won numerous competitions around the world in recent years, confirming the firm’s status as a producer of internationally sought-after architecture. A selection of fourteen notable projects, both realised and not, is detailed in this highly informative edition, ranging from the Linz Dance Theatre and Salzburg Regional Hospital to the headquarters of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Jeddah, and the new seat of the Sinfonia Varsovia, Warsaw. Over 300 colour illustrations add depth to the practice’s concepts and ambitions, along with texts by Joost Meuwissen and Thomas Pucher.

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | DD 38 | Alternative destinies : 2A + P/A - Italy

Alternative destinies : 2A + P/A - Italy / publishers Kyong won Suh.
DAMDI, Seoul, Korea : 2013.
269 p. : il. col.
Colección: DD Design Document Series ; 38.
Texto en inglés y coreano.
ISBN 9788968010026

Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Italia.
Bombaci, Giangranco, 1975-
Costanzo, Matteo, 1976-
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.038(450) ALT

Presented in reverse chronological order, this selection of projects follows the Rome-based practice from its most recent finished buildings and competition entries to its early concepts and collaborations. Founded in 2006, 2A+P/A is active in architectural and landscape design, and known for its particular interest in the nature and conditions of public space. From a design for the Bauhaus Museum, Weimar, and the Contemporary Art Museum, Maribor, to a primary school in Herat, Afghanistan, and a self-sufficient housing prototype, it is colourfully and playfully illustrated throughout. With texts by Luca Molinari, Peter T. Lang and Andrea Branzi, plus an interview by Luca Galofaro.

martes, 28 de julio de 2015

#libros #arquitectura | As pallozas

As pallozas / Mark Gimson ; traducción de Xavier Senín. Galaxia, Vigo : 1983.
119 p. : il.
Colección: Cultura Popular
ISBN 8471544466

Arquitecturapopular -- Galicia.
Construcciones rurales -- Galicia.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-728.9 PAL

El autor en este libro describe de una forma sencilla, pero a su vez muy pedagógica, las pallozas; tanto la construcción como todo los enseres, más comunes que podía tener cada familia en las mismas.  Se puede considera como un estudio pionero, en cuanto a lo bien realizado y que aún hoy está plenamente valido.

En los años 1975 y 1976, el inglés Mark Gimson se trasladó al Noroeste de España para estudiar el ancestral mundo de la vivienda del ámbito celta que tenía constatado en Irlanda, en el corazón de Gran Bretaña y por las tierras de la Bretaña francesa. Después de un largo recorrido se centró en los Ancares gallegos. Su obra, breve, densa y concentrada, hace una incursión por las técnicas, materiales, formas, usos o expansión territorial de las pallozas; uno de los elementos que más le impresionó fue el techo, el techo de paja. Pero la arquitectura popular de cubiertas de paja no está adscrita a una sola zona geográfica; ha traspasado territorios y ha resistido el nacimiento y la muerte de edades históricas.

Construcciones de techo de paja [Recurso electrónico] : pervivencia y destrucción / Angel Cerrato Alvarez
En: Revista de Folclore, n. 277 (2004), p. 31-36
TEXTO COMPLETO | Fundación Joaquín Díaz | html


lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

#livres #architecture | Ueli Brauen + Doris Wälchli

Ueli Brauen + Doris Wälchli / [avec des textes de Mercedes Daguerre... (et al.)].
Infolio, Gollion : 2006.
196 p. : il. col. y n.
ISBN 9782884744553

Arquitectura -- Siglo XX -- Suiza.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Suiza.
Brauen + Wälchli.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.038(494) UEL

D’importants chantiers qui s’achèvent, d’autres qui débutent, des projets en cours et en concours, des expositions, des publications attestent la belle vitalité du bureau fondé en 1990 par les architectes Ueli Brauen et Doris Wälchli. Dans leur quête pragmatique et inspirée d’un langage propre, ceux-ci dévoilent, de desseins en ouvrages, leur manière de penser et de faire l’architecture et se plaisent à faire entendre d’autres voix dans la leur. Ils aiment à dire, en effet, que la théorie transversale de leur travail, ce dont se nourrit le processus projectuel, c’est le dialogue élargi : dialogue entre les expériences et les compétences des différents intervenants du projet, dialogue entre les solutions possibles d’un problème, dialogue avec le site, le contexte... Les travaux présentés dans cet ouvrage sont emblématiques de leur production et de leur démarche créative entendue comme ouverture d’esprit, celle que requiert l’exercice raisonné de la profession d’architecte. Un ouvrage richement illustré de photographies, plans et détails retraçant les quelque 20 années de réalisations et projets du bureau d’architecture Ueli Brauen + Doris Wälchli.

domingo, 26 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Aircraftcarrier : American ideas and Israeli architecture after 1973

Aircraftcarrier : American ideas and Israeli architecture after 1973 / edited by, Milana Gitzin-Adiram, Erez Ella, Dan Handel.
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit : 2012.
173 p. : il.
Catalogo publicado junto a la exposición Aircraft Carrier, La Biennale di Venezia, 13th International Architecture Exhibition, Israeli Pavilion, Venice, Agosto 29-Noviembre 25, 2012.
ISBN 9783775734684

Arquitectura -- Siglo XX -- Israel.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Israel.
Conflicto árabe-israelí, 1973.
Urbanismo -- Israel.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.036(569.4) AIR

The year 1973 marked a watershed in the workings of global capitalism, in America’s strategic interest in the Middle East, and in Israel’s social, economic, and political structures. Together, these elements, shaped by territorial struggles and energy crises, radically transformed Israeli architecture. This publication looks at the structural environment that evolved at the time with the aid of contemporary visual commentary, historical materials, and essays on architecture in both the United States and Israel. The buildings being presented not only tell a tale of the unprecedented implementation of liberal and capitalist principles in a country that was hitherto known as a socialist welfare state, but of a cultural reorientation and an architectural agenda that are being examined today in light of another major crisis.

sábado, 25 de julio de 2015

#livres #architecture | ASP : architecture du paysage

ASP : architecture du paysage / sous la direction de, Michael Jakob ; en collaboration avec Christian Stern... [et al.]
Infolio, Gollion : 2012.
277 p. : il. col. y n.
ISBN 9782884746380

Arquitectura del paisaje -- Suiza.
ASP Landschaftsarchitekten AG
Sbc Aprendizaje A-712 ASP

Rétrospective de 40 ans d'activité de l'un des plus importants bureaux d'architecture du paysage suisse. Le bureau, fondé par Christian Stern à Zurich puis développé avec quatre partenaires, a joué un rôle clé dans la transformation du paysage suisse. ASP (Atelier Stern und Partner) s'est occupé de toutes les formes et échelles du projet de paysage.

viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Net zero energy buildings : international projects of carbon neutrality in buildings

Net zero energy buildings : international projects of carbon neutrality in buildings / Karsten Voss, Eike Musall.
Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, München : 2011.
192 p. : il. / Bibliogr.: p. 186-187
Colección: Detail Green Books
ISBN 9783034607803

Arquitectura y economías de energía.
Arquitectura y energía.
Construcciones -- Economías de energía.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-620.9 NET

Net zero energy buildings, equilibrium buildings or carbon neutral cities – depending on location and the reasons for making the calculation, the numbers are run differently. The variety of terms in use indicates that a scientific method is still lacking – which is a problem not just in regard to international communication, but also with respect to planning processes as a response to energy challenges. The clarification and meaning of the most important terms in use is extremely important for their implementation.

Since October 2008, a panel of experts from an international energy agency has concerned itself with these topics as part of a project entitled “Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings”. The objective is to analyse exemplary buildings that are near a zero-energy balance in order to develop methods and tools for the planning, design and operation of such buildings. The results are documented in this publication: In addition to the presentation of select projects, it is not just architectural showcase projects that are shown – the focus is on relaying knowledge and experience gained by planners and builders.

Even if many questions remain unanswered: Project examples that have already been implemented prove on a practical basis that the objective of a zero energy balance is already possible today.

- Representation of a comprehensive balancing methodology
- Explanation and usage contexts of crucial terminology
- Energy balancing in building practice
- Implementation examples of zero energy and plus energy buildings
- Typology-oriented cross-sectional views of international projects

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Miroslav Šik : Architectur 1988-2012 = Architecture 1988-2012

Miroslav Šik : Architectur 1988-2012 = Architecture 1988-2012 / herausgeber = Editor, Heinz Wirz.
Quart, Luzern : 2012.
144 p. : il.
Texto en alemán e inglés.
ISBN 9783037610572

Arquitectura -- Siglo XX -- Europa.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Europa.
Sik, Miroslav, 1953- .
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.038(4) MIR

Miroslav Šik coined the term Analogue Architecture in the late 1980s. It stands for an architectural approach that is oriented towards the existing environment, its atmosphere and the construction tradition in a subtly radical way. It has made Miroslav Šik an unmistakable protagonist in Switzerland and Europe in the last 20 years. He has pursued this dedicated, anti-modernist orientation both as a teacher at the ETH Zürich and in his architectural work, which shows clear continuity since 1988. This monograph compiles his existing buildings and works. Each project pursues his pugnacious architectural stance, which is anything but “modern” or modernist. Even in the simplest construction tasks, Miroslav Šik uncovers and makes tangible the work’s intrinsic dignity and noble potential.

miércoles, 22 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Massimo Scolari : the representation of architecture

Massimo Scolari : the representation of architecture.
Skira, Milano : 2012.
383 p. : il.
Publicado con ocasión de la exposición "Massimo Scolari : the Representation of Architecture, 1968-2012", celebrada en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Univ. de Yale, del 6 de febrero al 4 de mayo del 2012.
ISBN 9788857212593

Arquitectura en el arte.
Dibujo arquitectónico.
Scolari, Massimo, 1943- .
Sbc Aprendizaje A-721.021 MAS

Massimo Scolari, who has been Professor of Theories and Methods of Representation at the School of Architecture in Venice from 1973 until 2000, is also an internationally famous painter and designer. A versatile artist, Scolari was visiting professor in numerous European and North American universities between 1975 and 1993. He was and is editor of several architecture journals and a member of the Paris “Bureau de la Recherche Architecturale” international scientific committee.

This publication presents a significant number of works – all analysed extensively – produced between 1965 and 2011 which trace the entire trajectory of Scolari’s artistic production: oil paintings and watercolours, installations, ink and pencil drawings, elevations, sections, architectural models, and theatre sets and costumes. One of the main objectives of this edition is to clarify the central role played by representation in Scolari’s work. In order to do this, the significant texts included in the book address Scolari’s focus on the visualization of the architectural idea, a feature of his approach that allows him to detach the discipline from some of its more conventional procedures of embodiment, construction, and realization. This is important at a moment when a prevailing emphasis on digital technology and constructive technique has tended to obscure the role played by the imagination, and its indispensable corollary, the hand of the architect, in the design and production of architecture.

martes, 21 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Reduce, reuse, recycle : architecture as resourse

Reduce, reuse, recycle : architecture as resourse : German Pavilion, 13th International Architecture Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia 2012 / edited by Muck Petzet, Florian Heilmeyer.
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit : 2012.
1 vol (pag. var.). : il., planos.
Publicado junto con la contribución alemana al evento 13th International Architecture Exhibition, German Pavilion, Venice, Agosto 29-Noviembre 25, La Biennale di Venezia 2012.
ISBN 9783775734257

Arquitectura -- Exposiciones.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Alemania.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.092 RED

In Germany, working with existing structures has become the architect’s most important task, the objective being to recognize and redevelop the energy and potentials of such structures: ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’. The approaches put forward here for dealing with them demonstrate what is possible in “everyday” building endeavors. Architects respect existing buildings, examine them from a contemporary point of view, and develop architecture through their interventions. With numerous best-practice examples, this book offers an overview of innovative strategies for regenerating, reusing, renovating, and augmenting pre-existing structures. Interviews, statements, and international references generate a changing self-image—of architects who, when transforming existing buildings, no longer see themselves as creators but as developers.

lunes, 20 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Detail : selected articles from the past 20 years

Detail : selected articles from the past 20 years = ausgewählte Beiträge aus 20 Jahren / [redaktion = edition Christian Schittich... (et al.)].
Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, München : 2011.
231 p. : il., planos.
Texto en alemán e inglés.
ISBN 9783920034539

Arquitectura -- Detalles.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.04 DET

Detail has been reporting on high-quality architecture from around the world, questioning designs and getting below the surface for the past 50 years. Detail does not simply parade ambitious architecture in the form of glossy photos, but instead examines backgrounds under the leitmotif of “aesthetics and construction”, reveals constructional contexts and relationships.

To celebrate this anniversary, the editors have for the first time brought together a number of articles and case studies from the past two decades in one publication. Twenty years – a period in which the popularity and influence of the journal have grown continuously, the concept and presentation have developed steadily, and which, in 1997–98, saw the wary changeover from drawings done by hand to drawings done by computer.

Subdivided into sections with the titles Discussion, Reports, Documentation, Technology, Typology and Process, this anniversary edition depicts not only the progress of the journal itself, but also paints a kaleidoscopic picture of the architecture of the last 20 years, its moods, trends and constructional idiosyncrasies. Not surprisingly, it makes a significant contribution to the architecture debate. Just like the “normal” issues, this special edition contains plenty of material to inspire and assist readers in their daily work.

domingo, 19 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | De Aedibus International 6 | Wingender Hovenier Architecten Amsterdam

Wingender Hovenier Architecten Amsterdam / [herausgeber = edited by Heinz Wirz].
Quart, Luzern : 2012.
74 p. : il.
Colección: De Aedibus International ; 6.
Texto en alemán e inglés.
ISBN 9783037610442

Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Holanda.
Wingender Hovenier Architecten.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72WINGENDER WIN

After the highly acclaimed Dutch architectural scene in the 1990s, a second generation of architects has formed, whose buildings less spectacular, but designed more sophisticated and attentive to the site and its surroundings are. Important representatives of this younger generation, Jan Peter Wingender Hovenier and Joost are in Amsterdam. Their buildings respond pointedly to the ambient and paste into a sonorous resonance of the respective site-specific mood.

sábado, 18 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Tietgen Dormitory : An imaginary journey around a real buildin

Tietgen Dormitory : An imaginary journey around a real building / Concept, research & editing, Torsten Bløndal ; with an essay in two parts by Richard Weston ; structure and captions illustrated by Alex H. Lee.
Blondal, Copenhagen : 2012.
280 p. : il.
ISBN 9788791567247

Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Dinamarca.
Arquitectura doméstica -- Dinamarca.
Copenhague (Dinamarca)
Inmuebles para vivienda -- Dinamarca.
Lundgaard& Tranberg Arkitekter.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-728.2 TIE

Ideal geometric forms such as circles and squares have an enduring appeal for architects, but are rarely suited to the contingent demands of modern building programmes and urban sites. Tietgen Dormitory, completed in Copenhagen in 2006, is a triumphant exception. Named after the leading Danish financier C.F. Tietgen (1829-91) and winner of numerous national and international architectural awards, the project began life as the dream of Nordea-fonden who wished to offer students a collegiate alternative to the contemporary norm of living individually or in small groups in private accommodation. Following an architectural competition the foundations vision was given form by the leading Danish architects Lundgaard and Tranberg, who found that the circular geometry, so rare in modern architecture, provided both a telling contrast to the orthogonal discipline of the surrounding buildings in the new-town district of Ørestad North and a perfect way of balancing community and privacy. Tietgen Dormitory is a unique celebration of a unique project. Through numerous specially prepared drawings and photographs and two short but evocative essays, it invites the reader to take an imaginative journey around the building and through the long and fascinating history of circular structures in world architecture - from vernacular dwellings to prefabricated houses, theatres to sports stadia, churches to ideal town plans.

viernes, 17 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Radical commonplaces : european architectures from Flanders

Radical commonplaces : european architectures from Flanders / [compilation, Flemish Architecture Institute ; authors Guy Châtel... (et al.) ].
Flemish Architecture Institute, Antwerp : 2012.
303 p. : il.
Colección: Architectural Review Flanders ; 10.
ISBN 9789081326353

Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Bélgica.
Flandes (Bélgica)
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.038(493) ARC
The architectural production in Flanders is enjoying increased international attention. Architects from Flanders and Brussels are present at prestigious global architectural events and are invited to present their work. This international recognition reflects the significant work of a number of Flemish practices who have contributed to the emergence of a vital culture of design and research.

Since the 1990s this dynamic process, which is also the result of an enlightened architectural policy of the Flemish government has been recorded in the series of Architectural Yearbooks, which have been published bi-annually by the Flemish Architectural Institute VAi. On the occasion of the Interiors Biennale Kortrijk the VAi and its partners are proud to present the tenth edition of this series which has been renamed as Architectural Review Flanders to an international audience. In the present publication an editorial board of architects, critics and scholars from Flanders and Europe reflect upon the development of new concepts for housing and dwelling in one of Europe’s most densely populated regions, on urban renewal projects and infrastructures and on the profound cultural ambition that is reflected in a significant number of public and private buildings across Flanders. Published under the title ‘Radical Commonplaces’ the Architectural Review Flanders is both a critical reflection upon the state of architecture in this European region and a celebration of the remarkable achievement of architects, urbanists and interior architects in shaping the everyday environment of our cities and landscapes.

jueves, 16 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Atelier Kempe Thill

Atelier Kempe Thill / with essays by = mit Beiträgen von Pier Vittorio Aureli... [et al.] ; and an interview by = und einem Interview von Kaye Geipel.
Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern-Ruit : 2012.
391 p. : il., planos.
Edición bilingüe en inglés y alemán.
ISBN 9783775733021

Arquitectura -- Siglo XX -- Holanda.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Holanda.
Atelier Kempe Thill.

Architecture of the past twenty years has had to respond to contradictory requirements: on the one hand, it had to be scaled back in order to provide neutral structures open for a variety of uses. On the other, it had to present inimitable, eye-catching objects with a unique design and high recall value. Pursuant to the idea of “specific neutrality” and strategic key terms such as “low cost monuments” or “Ikea classicism,” Atelier Kempe Thill has continually come up with new solutions that, despite times of upheaval and increasing costs, still manage to recall the legacy of European architecture in a powerful, natural, and innovative way. Today, the office, founded in Rotterdam in 2000 by André Kempe (*1968 in Freiberg) and Oliver Thill (*1971 in Chemnitz), has about fifteen employees. This publication illuminates the architects’ distinct approach based on very personal and not always politically correct statements with respect to selected projects from the past twelve years.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Architecture concepts : red is not a color

Architecture concepts : red is not a color / Bernard Tschumi.
Rizzoli, New York : 2012.
776 p. : il. n. y col., planos.
ISBN 9780847837977

Arquitectura -- Teoría.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.01 ARC

An autobiographical look at the work of a seminal modernist architect. This is the first comprehensive treatment of the architecture of Bernard Tschumi. Part monograph, part architectural theory, and part story, the book narrates a three-decade journey through a personal history of architecture and architectural ideas, intertwining theory, practice, and hypothetical projects with forty built works. From Tschumi’s many written works, such as Architecture and Disjunction and The Manhattan Transcripts to such renowned projects as the Parc de la Villette in Paris, major concert halls in Geneva, Switzerland, and in Rouen and Limoges, France, a high-rise in Manhattan, the Vacheron Constantin Headquarters in Geneva, the Paris Zoo, and the Acropolis Museum in Athens, the book presents a profusely illustrated tour through the work of the architect, set in the context of a rich history of architectural ideas. Written for the layperson as well as the specialist, the book is an entertaining narrative about the condition of architecture today.

martes, 14 de julio de 2015

#livres #architecture | Jacques Ignace Hittorff : [précurseur du Paris d'Haussmann]

Jacques Ignace Hittorff : [précurseur du Paris d'Haussmann] / Michael Kiene.
Éditions du Patrimoine-Centre des monuments nationaux, Paris : 2011.
165 p. : il.
ISBN 9782757701539

Arquitectura -- Siglo XIX -- Francia.
Hittorff, Jacques Ignaz.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72HITTORFF JAC

Très peu d'ouvrages, à ce jour, ont été consacrés à Jacques Ignace Hittorff qui est pourtant l'un des principaux représentants de cette architecture du XIXe siècle à laquelle Paris doit l'image qui est la sienne, partout dans le monde.

Que cet architecte, « parisien » entre tous, ait été de nationalité allemande n'est sans doute pas étranger à la relative discrétion dans laquelle son oeuvre fut longtemps tenue. L'hostilité délibérée d'Haussmann y est certainement, aussi, pour quelque chose. Ajoutons que l'irréparable perte d'une grande partie des archives d'Hittorff a considérablement entravé les recherches réalisées autour de cette carrière exceptionnelle.

C'est néanmoins cet architecte méconnu qui - de 1810 jusqu'à la fin de sa vie - redessine le coeur de Paris, imaginant l'une des plus belles perspectives de l'urbanisme européen : sous la monarchie de Juillet puis sous le Second Empire, il réalise et aménage l'axe superbe qui s'élance de la place de la Concorde aux Champs-Elysées pour rejoindre la place de l'Étoile et se poursuivre jusqu'au bois de Boulogne.

Auteur de nombreux édifices parisiens, dont la gare du Nord, Hittorff s'est également fait remarquer de ses contemporains par sa fameuse théorie sur la polychromie dans l'architecture grecque. Théorie qu'il a mise en pratique dans plusieurs de ses réalisations parisiennes comme l'on peut en juger, de nos jours, par deux monuments dont les façades restaurées ont retrouvé leurs couleurs d'origine : le Cirque d'hiver et l'église Saint-Vincerit-de-Paul.

Cet ouvrage -qui comporte un catalogue complet de l'oeuvre d'Hittorff- invite le lecteur à revisiter Paris à travers les réalisations de l'architecte colonais.

lunes, 13 de julio de 2015

#libros #urbanismo | The public chance : nuevos paisajes urbanos

The public chance : nuevos paisajes urbanos = new urban landscapes / Aurora Fernández Per, Javier Arpa.
A + T, Vitoria-Gasteiz : 2008.
419 p. : il., planos.
Ed. bilingüe español – inglés.
Colección: In common.
ISBN 9788461244881

Arquitectura del paisaje.
Urbanismo -- Aspecto del medio ambiente.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-712 PUB

‘The public chance’es un análisis visual de 30 paisajes urbanos situados en escenarios de oportunidad. Los proyectos seleccionados se agrupan según el escenario de origen: zonas industriales, vacíos periféricos, infraestructuras, bordes de agua.Cada proyecto está localizado: en un entorno de 60 km2 a una escala de 1:20.000; en un entorno de 3,5 km2 a una escala de 1:10.000. Cada actuación se somete a un análisis por capas: agua, vegetación, edificios, recorridos, estancias, actividades. De la comparación entre todos los proyectos, surgen 20 estrategias. ‘The public chance’ es el primer libro publicado por a+t de la serie 'In Common', que nació en 2005, dentro de la revista a+t, para expresar nuestra preocupación por el buen uso y diseño del espacio común y se desarrolló en cuatro números, a lo largo de dos años. ‘The public chance’ ofrece una renovada visión de algunos de aquellos proyectos publicados en la revista e incorpora nuevas actuaciones, todas ellas bajo el análisis temático, característico de las publicaciones de a+t.

domingo, 12 de julio de 2015

#books #construction | Prefabricated systems : principles of construction

Prefabricated systems : principles of construction / Ulrich Knaack, Sharon Chung-Klatte, Reinhard Hasselbach.
Birkhäuser, Basel : 2012.
133 p. : il.
ISBN 9783764387471

Casas prefabricadas.
Construcciones prefabricadas
Sbc Aprendizaje A-728.7 PRE

For a number of years, modular construction the use of prefabricated elements in architecture has once again become a subject of lively discussion and debate. Long written off as monotonous, today s building components are actually highly differentiated and capable of supporting and enhancing the architect s creativity. Numerous structures work with prefabricated components; for single-family homes the figure is ninety-eight percent, and modular systems are available that meet high aesthetic standards. This book provides an overview of the various different systems and their possible uses, particularly in the areas of housing, office, and industrial buildings. It explains the processes and components of modular construction and the behavior of the various materials when this construction approach is used. The authors offer strategies for planning and designing with prefabricated systems so that the architect can use them productively. Numerous drawings explain the principles of modular construction, while built examples forge a link between those principles and the practical activity of building.

sábado, 11 de julio de 2015

#books #construction | Material strategies in digital fabrication

Material strategies in digital fabrication / Christopher Beorkrem.
Routledge, New York [etc.] : 2012.
223 p. : il. / Bibliogr.: pp. 220-221.
ISBN 9780415533669

Arquitectura -- Innovaciones tecnológicas.
Construcción -- Informática.
Construcción -- Materiales.
Fabricación -- Automatización..
Sbc Aprendizaje A-691 MAT

Author Christopher Beorkrem shows how material performance drives the digital fabrication process and determines technique. He has recreated and dissected thirty-six of the most progressive works of architecture of the last few years, with perspectives from the designers so that you can learn from the successes and failures of each project. Including step-by-step diagrams and using consistent language and the simplest construction techniques, he identifies the important characteristics of each material, including connection types, relative costs, deformation, color, texture, finish, dimensional properties, durability, and weathering and waterproofing to link the design outcomes to form. The book is divided into five parts by material – wood, metal, concrete, hybrids, and recycled – to help you reference construction techniques for the fabrication machines you have on-hand.

viernes, 10 de julio de 2015

#libros #urbanismo | Forma urbis : cinco ciudades bajo sospecha

Forma urbis : cinco ciudades bajo sospecha / Josep Parcerisa Bundó.
Laboratori d'Urbanisme de Barcelona, Barcelona : 2012.
235 p. : il., planos.
Colección: Laboratori d'Urbanisme ; 8.
ISBN 9788461611416

Urbanismo -- España.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-711.4(460) FOR

Este trabajo es un ejercicio de observaciones sobre un tema colocado en los límites de la práctica de la arquitectura. La cuestión inicial era saber si en la ciudad contemporánea podía existir una cierta discusión de forma vinculada a la escala conjunta y general de la ciudad y saber cómo se manifestaba. Esta cuestión, referida a proyectos de menor escala, ni se plantea, porque la respuesta es evidente e implícitamente afirmativa. Así se explica desde tiempos antiguos el peso y la solidez de la actividad artística, crítica y divulgativa aplicada a los temas que resuelve la arquitectura. ¿Puede decirse otro tanto de los asuntos relacionados con la escala grande y general en una ciudad?

Hace tiempo que hablamos sobre las formas que toman las ciudades, cómo nacen y cómo se inventan. En las ciudades, que tantas imágenes tiene, hay unas inspiraciones últimas de la gran forma que -más allá de la banal referencia a su expresión en los documentos del urbanismo burocrático- son como objeto de estudio y admiración, como resultado del esfuerzo humano y como producto de cultura, apasionantes.

'Forma urbis: cinco ciudades bajo sospecha' se trata de una publicación muy ilustrada basada en el estudio de la fortuna de cinco ciudades españolas durante las décadas centrales del siglo XX. La investigación se aborda desde la perspectiva de la urbanística entendida como la actividad que se cuida del buen desarrollo de las ciudades como obras de civilización.

Las ciudades tratadas son Málaga, Granada, Tarragona, A Coruña y Palma de Mallorca y de cada una de ellas se hace una monografía. El conjunto del estudio se acompaña de una introducción en la cual se explican los antecedentes de esta investigación; un proyecto sobre la ciudad de Trieste ('Forma general de Ciudad: los paisajes de Trieste' UR nº4 del 1986); y las conclusiones, donde se desarrolla el contenido más teórico del libro.

jueves, 9 de julio de 2015

#books #construction | Concrete : architecture & design

Concrete : architecture & design / Manuela Roth.
Braun, [Berlin] : 2012.
239 p. : il. col. y n.
ISBN 9783037681077

Construcción de hormigón.
Estructuras -- Diseño.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-624.012.4 CON

Hardly any other material unites such contradictory associations, stigmatized on the one hand, celebrated on the other – concrete is still in the spotlight. Its almost inexhaustible potential and ever new applications and possibilities make it a most valuable building material. Especially in combination with other building ware it displays an astonishing flexibility of utilization. Recent developments leading to new possibilities have inspired architects and designers to innovative and exciting solutions. The contemporary projects presented in this volume provide impressive testimony to the many faces of concrete and how much design potential it possesses. The publication shows with impressive images and distinct texts the ongoing relevance and inimitable fascination of concrete.

miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Wiel Arets : autobiographical references

Wiel Arets : autobiographical references / [editor] Robert McCarter.
Birkhäuser, Basel [etc.] : 2012.
528 p. : il.
ISBN 9783034608114

Arets, Wiel, 1955.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XX -- Holanda.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72ARETS WIE

‘Wiel Arets: Autobiographical References’ opens up a unique and richly layered view of the architectural work and thinking of this internationally renowned Dutch architect. Underlying Arets’ practice, research and teaching is his concept of "a wonderful world", an optimistic outlook on how the world will evolve in the next 75 years.In addition to portfolios of 60 exemplary projects and designs by his studio, this book presents 5 lectures, and 5 debates between Arets and other thinkers and practitioners, as well as an extensive series of 10 interviews with Arets.

More than simply presenting his work alongside essays and project descriptions, ‘Wiel Arets: Autobiographical References’ reveals the interaction between Arets’ biography and his architectural thinking, teaching and design in the evolution of his distinguished career.

As well as being a congenial interview partner, Robert McCarter, Professor of Architecture at Washington University (St. Louis), provides an insightful concluding essay on Arets’ dialogical practice. The multi-layered content finds perfect form and expression in the exceptional book design and layout by Irma Boom Office.

martes, 7 de julio de 2015

#libros #arquitectura | Ciudades radicales : un viaje a la nueva arquitectura latinoamericana

Ciudades radicales : un viaje a la nueva arquitectura latinoamericana / Justin McGuirk ; traducción de Eva Cruz.
Turner, Madrid : 2015.
286 p., [16] p. de lám. col.
Colección: Noema
ISBN 9788416142132

Arquitectura doméstica -- América latina.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XX -- América latina.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- América latina.
Vivienda social -- América latina.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-73.038(7/8) CIU

Este viaje por lugares extremos en América Latina empieza en México, a la sombra de una inmensa barriada de viviendas sociales de la década de 1960, cuando las colmenas de pisos baratos parecían la solución a la escasez de vivienda. Sigue visitando las villas miseria de Buenos Aires, los cerros de Caracas, las favelas de Río, las casas ampliables de Chile, las laderas de Medellín ahora salvadas por el Metrocable… y diversas iniciativas de vivienda social planteadas con espíritu práctico, creatividad y una mirada al futuro.

Desde mediados del siglo XX, cuando la utopía del movimiento moderno se fue a América Latina para morir, la región se ha convertido en un campo de pruebas para las concepciones más radicales de lo que es una ciudad. Aquí, en el continente más urbanizado del planeta, las ciudades extremas han dado pie a situaciones extremas. Justin McGuirk las ha recorrido y vivido y el resultado es este libro radical, imprescindible para interesados en la política, el urbanismo y las maneras de vivir en el siglo XXI.

Ciudades radicales, soluciones radicales: el libro de Justin McGuirk encuentra oportunidades en los lugares más inesperados.
Joshua K Leon ; traducido por Natalia Yunis | Plataforma Arquitectura, 2015-06-07


lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Kansai6 : Shuhei Endo, Young Il Lee, Katsuhiro Miyamoto, Dai Nagasaka, Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama, Akira Yoneda

Kansai6 : Shuhei Endo, Young Il Lee, Katsuhiro Miyamoto, Dai Nagasaka, Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama, Akira Yoneda / [editors, Doo-sik Shin, Gyu-hong Kwak].
Equal Books, Seoul, Korea : [2011].
337 p. : il., planos.
Colección: Jpeak ; 2.
ISBN 9788996633648

Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Japón.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.038(520) KAN

Kansai6 is a group that consists of six architects who practice in Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Kobe around the Kansai region. The architects explore and research the architecture of Asia. Even though each of the six members has different thoughts, and practices, they share their understanding and vision of the historical awareness of Asia in larger perspective. The reason why Kansai6 was formed is to create a way of specifically representing modern architecture of Asia. The group consists of Shuhei Endo, Young Il Lee, Katsuhiro Miyamoto, Dai Nagasaki, Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama, and Akira Yoneda. This book features works and projects by each architect and their collaborative efforts as well.

domingo, 5 de julio de 2015

#books #architecture | Novartis Campus - Virchow 6 : Alvaro Siza

Novartis Campus - Virchow 6 : Alvaro Siza / [Herausgeberin Ulrike Jehle-Schulte Strathaus].
Christoph Merian, Basel : 2012.
79 p. : principalmente il. col. y n., planos.
Texto en alemán e inglés.
ISBN 9783856165475

Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Suiza.
Basilea (Suiza)
Investigación, Centros de -- Suiza.
Novartis Campus (Basel, Suiza)
Siza, Alvaro, 1933- .
Sbc Aprendizaje A-727.5 NOV

Álvaro Siza is one of the most important architects in Europe today. This publication on his laboratory for the Novartis Campus is the the thirteenth volume in the series of monographs on this new ensemble of modern architecture in Basel. Siza's laboratory is prominently located close to the banks of the Rhine and the former harbour. The facade has been covered with a second skin of glass, which gives the building a multilayered radiance.

sábado, 4 de julio de 2015

#libri #architettura | Future Systems, Shiro Studio : Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari, Moden

Future Systems, Shiro Studio : Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari, Modena / testi di = texts by Fabio Camorani... [et al.] ; fotografie di = photos by Gabriele Melloni, Stefano Paolini.
Electa Architecture, Milano : 2012.
127 p. : il. col. y n. 

Ed. bilingüe italiano - inglés.
ISBN 9788837091033

Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI -- Italia.
Future Systems.
Modena (Italia)
Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari (Modena, Italia)
Museos -- Arquitectura.
Museos -- Italia.
Shiro Studio.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-727.7 FUT

Electa Architettura pubblica il volume dedicato al Museo Casa Enzo Ferrari, il complesso museale inaugurato il 10 marzo 2012, nato dal restauro della casa in cui Enzo Ferrari nacque, a Modena, nel 1898 e dalla costruzione di un nuovo edificio dal design avveniristico, il noto “cofano” in alluminio giallo, colore simbolo della città di Modena e colore scelto come sfondo del Cavallino, il marchio dell’azienda che porta il suo nome.

La casa natale di Enzo Ferrari ha conservato intatti nel tempo sia il corpo abitativo che quello dell’officina ed è entrata a far parte del nuovo complesso espositivo modenese, che si propone di celebrare l’automobilismo sportivo e di raccontare al mondo la storia di un grande personaggio, uomo, pilota e costruttore, che può essere ben descritto da una sua stessa frase: “se lo puoi sognare lo puoi fare”. Enzo Ferrari, era capace di coinvolgere nelle sue imprese grandi tecnici, piloti, artigiani, accomunati dall’incontenibile passione per la velocità, vera molla tecnologica del XX secolo.

Il volume documenta, anche attraverso la ricca campagna fotografica di Gabriele Melloni e Stefano Paolini, l’iter progettuale che ha portato alla costruzione del nuovo museo: dal progetto di concorso al quale presero parte importati architetti di fama internazionale e che premiò il lavoro dello studio anglosassone Future Systems – di cui era titolare Jan Kaplicky –, fino al completamento e al disegno degli interni, curati da Andrea Morgante di Shiro Studio e al rapporto con la committenza. Il criterio museografico prevede che la vita di Enzo Ferrari sia oggetto dell’allestimento permanente all’interno dell’edificio preesistente, mentre la nuova struttura è la sede di mostre temporanee, che coniugano il tema dell’automobilismo con arte, scienza, tecnologia. Grazie alla raffinata soluzione espositiva ideata da Jan Kaplicky, le auto nel grande spazio della galleria sembrano galleggiare, posizionate come vere opere d’arte su piattaforme bianche.

Il libro descrive inoltre gli aspetti tecnologici e strutturali e le problematiche esecutive legate alla realizzazione del museo, attraverso schizzi, disegni e progettazioni grafiche. Nell’involucro dell’edificio espositivo Kaplicky ha esplorato la propria passione per le geometrie organiche complesse, evocando il cofano di un’automobile ad alte prestazioni attraverso una intricata e raffinata struttura in acciaio curvato, frutto di una lavorazione sviluppata da un cantiere navale austriaco. Monumento al dialogo tra presente e passato, tra passione e creatività, ricerca e innovazione, coraggio e sfida il museo afferma la propria identità associando all’audacia del suo carattere architettonico il fascino di automobili da sogno che è chiamato a custodire.