
viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

#livres #architecture | Architecture météorologique

Architecture météorologique / par Philippe Rahm.
Archibooks, Paris : 2009.
123, [16] p. de lám. : il.
Colección: Crossborders.
ISBN 9782357330498

Arquitectura -- Aspecto del medio ambiente.
Arquitectura y economías de energía.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-620.9 ARC

Animé par une puissante volonté de dépasser la modernité en architecture et de prendre à bras le corps les inquiétantes questions environnementales liées au réchauffement climatique, Architecture météorologique propose un univers radicalement nouveau qui refonde le langage de l'architecture par une subtile intrication entre une pensée théorique et pratique expérimentale. Mobilisant tout autant les sciences de la vie que les traités de météorologie, la littérature fictionnelle de Jules Vernes ou l'œuvre romanesque d'Alain Robbe-Grillet, la philosophie critique de Peter Sloterdijk ou de Giorgio Agamben, Philippe Rahm opère un glissement vers l'invisible en proposant non plus des fonctions et leurs formes, mais des climats à habiter. Travaillant " l'invisible ", c'est-à-dire la température, les variations d'humidité, la lumière, l'air et ses mouvements, il propose une architecture comme remède naturel à respirer, à goûter, à vivre organiquement dont la pensée technique et la poétique sont fondamentalement tournées vers la sensualité et le bien être des habitants. Magnifiquement ancré dans les projets et les installations Architecture météorologique contribue à une réflexion commune sur l'environnement en faisant de la mission climatique de l'architecture, non seulement un objectif mais un moyen pour le projet.

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

#books #architecture | Architectural strategies : (marketing, icon, politics, masses, developer, the No. 1)

Architectural strategies : (marketing, icon, politics, masses, developer, the No. 1) / Eduard Sancho Pou ; foreword by Eduard Bru.
Península, Barcelona : 2012.
XV, 185 p., [12] p. de lám. col. / Bibliogr.: p. 175-185.
ISBN 9788499421957

Sbc Aprendizaje A-72-05 ARC

This book studies the strategies used by architects to secure commissions, sell projects and erect buildings. Although their modus operandi might seem to be mere marketing techniques, the economic conditions in each stage of a project that determines the final result cannot be overlooked.
Selling strategies are not taught in school, since it has traditionally been considered that architects cannot market themselves. Nor are they discussed among practicing professionals, since no one is willing to reveal his recipes for success. Therefore, there is no specific bibliography in this area, although architects have always been excellent salesmen for ideas.

California is a place for opportunities where results matter more than theory. Everyone working there uses strategies to secure profits. Most of the architects in the study were born or developed their careers in the area: Gehry (who lives in Santa Monica), Gensler (who lives in San Francisco), Ma (who is dean of USC), Jerde (who works in L.A.), Koolhaas (who created Amo on the basis of a project for the Universal Building in L.A.), Jobs (who founded Apple and worked in Cupertino) and Page and Brin (the founders of Google in Palo Alto).
The inclusion of software architects in the list of building architects may come as a surprise; however the change undergone by architecture justifies it. Nowadays, corporations do not commission buildings to represent them, but rather strategies to improve their brands, efficiency and sales. Offering these is also the work of today’s architects.

Nowadays architects are designing fewer buildings and focusing on designing strategies. Let’s begin to study them. We shall discover how they work and where can they take us. We are certainly going to need them to convince society that we can still be useful.

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

#books #architecture | Architectural intertextuality : architecture as acceptance of "the other"

Architectural intertextuality : architecture as acceptance of "the other" / Khaled al-Sultany.
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture, [Copenhagen] : 2012.
256 p. : il. / Bibliogr.: p. 168-172.
ISBN 9788770980036

Arquitectos -- Dinamarca.
Arquitectura -- Siglo XX -- Oriente Medio.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.038(5-011) ARC

The book aims to examine and describe the activities of Danish architects, who have worked in the Middle East countries. The works of Danish architects in Arabic countries are considered as important design works because of their public functions and big scale. They are also highly regarded by reason of aesthetical and cultural values. The book also points out the richness of architectural approaches of Danish architects when they have used elements and features related to Islamic architecture in their own designs in Denmark. The book contains projects by Utzon, Henning Larsen, Arne Jacobsen, Dissing and Weitling, Knuds Holscher and Hans Munk Hansen.

martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

#libros #arquitectura | Affordable houses architecture

Affordable houses architecture / [editor, idea and projects management, Josep Maria Minguet ; text and projects selection, Oscar Mira].
Monsa, Sant Adrià de Besòs (Barcelona) : 2012.
[60] p. : bprincipalmente il.
Textos en inglés y español.
ISBN 9788415223603

Arquitectura doméstica.
Casas individuales.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-728.3 AFF

A menudo son las casas sencillas y sin pretensiones así como sus arquitectos y propietarios los que dejan huella en un vecindario o comunidad. Crear algo único y eficiente con un bajo presupuesto requiere no sólo de imaginación, necesita algo tan importante como tener la voluntad de reconocer que los recursos del planeta son costosos y que hay que utilizarlos de manera inteligente y creativa.

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

#books #landscape | 1000 details in landscape architecture : a selection of the world's most interesting landscaping elements

1000 details in landscape architecture : a selection of the world's most interesting landscaping elements / Francesc Zamora Mola, editor.
Firefly Books, Richmond Hill, Ontario : 2012.
292 p. : il. col.
ISBN 9781770850408

Arquitectura del paisaje.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-712 ONE

Landscape architecture dovetails the needs and desires of the user with the conditions of the site. Plants and hardscape materials contribute line, form, color, texture and visual weight, which interact with proportion, order, repetition and unity to create a pleasing landscape.

‘1000 Details in Landscape Architecture’ is a reference catalog to the aesthetic and technical features of outstanding landscape designs chosen from around the world. Through photographs and drawings (elevations, cross-sections, axonometrics and sketches), the book examines landscape architecture as an artistic application that evolves as plants grow, environmental conditions change, and people use the space.

The details in this practical reference have been selected for their capacity to inspire and propose innovative ideas. Divided into thematic chapters, the details are numbered from one to one thousand, and described in concise captions.

This handsome volume is packed with illustrations and the most current technical expertise. Professionals, students and anyone with an interest in landscape architecture and design in general will find it fascinating and eminently practical.

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

#books #architecture | 1000 tips by 100 eco architects

1000 tips by 100 eco architects / Marta Serrats, editor.
Firefly Books, Buffalo, New York : 2012.
319 p. : il. col., planos
ISBN 9781770850415

Arquitectura -- Aspecto del medio ambiente.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72:504 ONE

The process of executing an architectural plan, a building or a landscape, can be disastrous for the environment. The construction process, whether it is erecting a building or excavating a landscape, is destructive. Toxic land sites are disturbed, trees are removed, bedrock is shattered, watercourses are altered. And it goes on--buildings cause erosion and ongoing water pollution and worldwide they consume a quarter of all energy produced.

Fortunately there are numerous ways through which buildings and landscape can be designed to mitigate such negative impacts. ‘1000 Tips by 100 Eco Architects’ shows how forward-thinking design and environmentally sound construction practices can create outstanding results. Coming from the world's leading eco-architecture firms, these real-life projects demonstrate the pinnacle of progressive design and eco restraint.

Working from the essential objectives of economy, sustainability, beauty and function, the 1000 ideas display a wide array of outcomes. Design plans illlustrate the concepts and captioned photographs display the results.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018

#libros #construccion | Organización práctica de obras | T. II. Los oficios en la construcción

Organización práctica de obras. T. II, Los oficios en la construcción / Evelio Cartagena Ruiz, Nela Carbonell Lado.
Club Universitario, San Vicente, Alicante : 2015.
207 p. : il.
ISBN 9788416479146

Construcción -- Dirección de los trabajos.
Construcción -- Industria -- Planificación.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-69.05 ORG/II

Todo está preparado y a punto para el comienzo de los trabajos. Esto conlleva dirigir a todo el personal de obra y gestionar la dirección de la ejecución de la obra con toda una gran variedad de materiales, medios auxiliares, proveedores, subcontratistas…, con las dificulatdes que implican las condiciones de emplazamientos, climatológicas, las contractuales y, muy especialmente, las de seguridad de cada una de las obras. En los trabajos de cada partida contaremos con los ‘tajos’, donde los equipos de personal y obreros ya desarrollan la ejecución, empiezan los trabajos productivos, los certificables. Inicialmente todo será gastos improductivos de preparación, acondicionamiento del terreno, de implantación de los medios, casetas, de las acometidas de energía, agua, alcantarillado, teléfono…; de muchas horas de reuniones, debatiendo , reflexionando, planificando… y que conforman los gastos generales de la obra, para a continuación dar paso a los trabajos realmente productivos, a la ejecución de la obra propiamente dicha.

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

#libros #construccion | Organización práctica de obras | T. I. Nacimiento y desarrollo de una obra

Organización práctica de obras. T. I, Nacimiento y desarrollo de una obra / Evelio Cartagena Ruiz, Nela Carbonell Lado.
Club Universitario, San Vicente, Alicante : 2015.
194 p. : il.
ISBN 9788416479139

Construcción -- Dirección de los trabajos.
Construcción -- Industria -- Planificación.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-69.05 ORG/I

Viendo los distintos pasos y procesos por lo que tiene que discurrir un proyecto de edificación se constata que no se trata de un trabajo fácil o sencillo. Es una tarea muy compleja en la que intervienen demasiados factores: por un lado los de tipo económico como la economía internacional, la nacional, la financiación bancaria, la demanda particular…; por otro del de tipo político, como son el urbanismo, el medio ambiente…; los de tipo legal y normativo, como son los Planes Generales, Costas, Carreteras, Aeropuertos, Industria…; y, finalmente, los que tienen como consecuencia los muchos agentes intervinientes definidos en la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación, como las Administraciones, promotores, constructores, proyectistas, direcciones técnicas, organismos de control, urbanizadores, subcontratistas, oficios… Todo esto se hace necesario estudiarlo y conjugarlo de forma correcta para poder llegar a realizar un determinado proyecto edificatorio y que se convierta en una realidad física.

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2018

#dictionaries #architecture | The Oxford dictionary of architecture

The Oxford dictionary of architecture / James Stevens Curl ; with line drawings by the author ; and contributions on landscape architecture by Susan Wilson.
Oxford University Press, Oxford : 2016 / 3rd ed.
XXII, 872 p. : il.
ISBN 9780199674992

Arquitectura -- Diccionarios ingleses.
Sbc Aprendizaje | Referencia A-(038)72 OXF

Beautifully illustrated and written in a clear and concise style, this dictionary covers every period of Western architectural history. The text is complemented by over 250 beautiful and meticulous line drawings, labelled cross-sections, and diagrams. There are more than 900 new entries, including hundreds of new biographical entries on leading historical architects, as well as subjects such as algorithmic design, digital architecture, and parametric design, and many entries expanding the coverage of landscape architecture.

Contains over 6,000 entries and over 260 illustrations, primarily focusing on architectural history. Fully revised and updated, with hundreds of new entries including individuals such as Sir Francis Bacon and Liang Ssu-ch'eng, and many landscape architecture terms, including hortus conclusus and Zen garden-design. Comprehensive coverage of architectural, garden, and landscape terms with clear definitions. Includes mini-bibliographies for all entries.