
jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019

#libros #arquitectura | Álvaro Siza Vieira : [piscinas en el mar] : conversación con Kenneth Frampton

Álvaro Siza Vieira : [piscinas en el mar] : conversación con Kenneth Frampton / [texto] Kenneth Frampton ; fotografías de Vincent Mentzel.
Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2018.
89 p. : il.
ISBN 9788425229985

/ ES / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Portugal / Alvaro Siza
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72SIZA ALV

[.es] Este libro documenta una experiencia única de un viaje de Alvaro Siza Vieira, Vincent Mentzel y Kenneth Frampton a los primeros trabajos de Siza en Oporto. El libro incluye una conversación entre Kenneth Frampton y Alvaro Siza y fotos de Vincent Mentzel.

Piscinas en el mar. Álvaro Siza Vieira en conversación con Kenneth Frampton.
Blanca Vázquez | Metalocus, 2019-05-23


El libro recoge las conversaciones y fotografías de una entrevista que la delegación del MCHAP -formada por Kenneth Frampton, Wiel Arets, Vedran Mimica, y el fotógrafo Vincent Mentzel- realiza para visitar a Álvaro Siza. Durante el encuentro, realizan un recorrido por las obras tempranas del arquitecto, que tiene como punto de partida el estudio del propio Siza. En la conversación entre Kenneth Frampton y Álvaro Siza se abordan temas relevantes en la obra del arquitecto, entre los que permanece constante el papel que el dibujo ha tenido siempre en su obra. En paralelo, las fotografías de Vincent Mentzel documentan todo el recorrido. El recorrido presentado se desplaza desde el estudio de Siza a la Quinta da Conceição, donde se encuentra el pabellón de dos plantas que Fernando Távora construyó en 1950, y la piscina que el mismo Távora encargó al arquitecto portugués al principio de su carrera y le permitió abrir su propio estudio. Viajan tras esto a Leça de Palmeira, donde visitan las piscinas proyectadas por Siza en 1961 en la costa de Matosinhos, y la vecina casa de té de Boa Nova, primera obra de Siza realizada tras haber ganado un concurso, siendo él todavía estudiante. La intensiva visita culmina al día siguiente, en la Iglesia de Santa María que construyó para la comunidad de Marco de Canaveses, tras asistir a la misa dominical celebrada para conmemorar el vigésimo aniversario de su construcción.

miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2019

#libros #dibujo | Anatomía artística. 3, El esqueleto

Anatomía artística. 3, El esqueleto / Michel Lauricella.
Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, 2018.
96 p. : principalmente il.
ISBN 9788425231483

/ ES / Libros / Dibujo - Técnica / Figura humana en el arte
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-743 ANA

[.es] Conocer el esqueleto humano no solo ayuda a comprender la mecánica del cuerpo, sino que permite trabajar los dibujos hasta la perfección en función de la osamenta bajo la piel. Después del primer volumen dedicado al ‘écorché’ y un segundo volumen centrado en la esquematización, Michel Lauricella ofrece en Anatomía artística 3 todas las claves para dibujar el esqueleto humano.
  • Más de 500 dibujos de los huesos y las estructuras óseas de cabeza y cuello, torso, miembros superiores y miembros inferiores.
  • Descripción visual de salientes, aristas, crestas, surcos, torsiones y de los movimientos de rotación y flexión-extensión.
  • Desarrollo de la capacidad de observación y selección a través de una mirada precisa y muy dirigida sobre el cuerpo humano.

martes, 26 de febrero de 2019

#libros #dibujo | Rough : dibujar en 2 trazos y 3 movimientos

Rough : dibujar en 2 trazos y 3 movimientos / Pierre Pochet ; versión castellana de Cristina Zelich.
Barcelona : Gustavo Gili, [2018].
109 p. : principalmente il.
ISBN 9788425231513

/ ES / Libros / Dibujo – Técnica
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-741.02 ROU

[.es] ¿Sabrías trazar un cuadrado, un triángulo o un rectángulo? Si es así, ¡entonces sabes dibujar! Este libro te ofrece un método de iniciación al dibujo que parte de una constatación muy simple: el cuerpo humano y todo lo que nos rodea puede descomponerse en formas geométricas elementales. A partir de esta premisa, Pierre Pochet propone una sencilla técnica que te permitirá dibujar lo que quieras rápidamente y de memoria. Aprenderás a dibujar eficazmente rostros, bustos, el cuerpo humano, animales, automóviles, edificios, paisajes, interiores. Más de 500 dibujos te ayudarán a visualizar todas las claves para reducir a formas geométricas cualquier imagen compleja. Un libro útil para todas aquellas personas que carecen de formación artística pero que quieren desarrollar su carrera en algún sector creativo: la publicidad, el diseño, la comunicación... ¡Y también para cualquiera que simplemente desee aprender a dibujar!

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | The world of Aldo Rossi

The world of Aldo Rossi / Antonio Monestiroli.
Siracusa : LetteraVentidue, 2018.
62 p.
Serie: Figure.
ISBN 9788862422987

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Filoosfía / Aldo Rossi
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72ROSSI WOR

[.en] Aldo Rossi is one of the acknowledged masters of architecture of the second half of the 20th century; the interest in his work has remained constant since the 1960s, as is demonstrated by the events organized recently for the 20th anniversary of his death. The three essays gathered together in this small volume present a different view of the Italian architect and make a highly valuable contribution to the copious amounts of literature already available on his work.

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Manufacturing architecture : an architect's guide to custom processes, materials, and applications

Manufacturing architecture : an architect's guide to custom processes, materials, and applications / Dana K. Gulling.
London : Laurence King, 2018.
352 p : il.
ISBN 9781786271334

/ EN / Libros / Construcción - Materiales
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-691 MAN

[.en] ‘Manufacturing Architecture’ is the first reference guide to customizing repetitive manufacturing for architects. Computer-aided design has greatly expanded the opportunities for architects to create innovative buildings with custom components. While most architects were exposed to CAD when they were students, few of them have in-depth knowledge or experience with using it to customize repetitive manufacturing processes. This book provides designers of all levels with all the information they need to make the most of the exciting opportunities offered by custom manufacturing. Clear diagrams and narratives explain the 20 most useful manufacturing processes for typical building components. Case studies from around the globe show how these processes can be customized in order to create variation, lower costs, decrease production waste, and use a wider selection of materials. With over 1,000 images, including photographs and hundreds of specially created diagrams, Manufacturing Architecture is as inspiring as it is useful.

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2019

#libros #arquitectura | Espacio y tiempo en composición arquitectónica

Espacio y tiempo en composición arquitectónica / M. Rosa Cervera Sardá.
Madrid : Munilla-Lería, 2018.
269 p. : il.
ISBN 9788494239267

/ ES / Libros / Arquitectura – Composición, proporciones, etc. / Arquitectura – Filosofía / Espacio (Arquitcetura)
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.013 ESP

[.es] El presente libro nos ofrece una investigación sobre la evolución histórica de los conceptos de Espacio y Tiempo en Compòsición arquitectonica junto a la propia naturaleza de dichos conceptos que obliga a un estudio transversal de Arquitectura, Filosofia y Ciencia. El libro se estructura en tres partes, la primera se centra en consideraciones previas sobre el Espacio y el tiempo, tanto desde la naturaleza fifica de los mismos como desde un entendimiento filosófico. Destacamos aqui la sintesis comparada entre pensamiento occidental y oriental en relación al Espacio-Tiempo y su influencia en la Arquitectura. La segunda revisa la evolución histórica de la Composición arquitectónica, desde el Renacimiento hasta finales de siglo xx, bajo una mirada a la luz de los adelantos cientificos que llevaron a profundas transformaciones del pensamiento. La tercera indaga en los nuevos paradigmas arquitectonicos del Siglo XXI. Los acmbios sociales, la perspectiva medioambiental y energética, la revolución digital y la influencia de ciencias como la genética o el desarrollo de la nano tecnología.

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | The formal basis of modern architecture

The formal basis of modern architecture / Peter Eisenman.
Zurich, Switzerland : Lars Müller, 2018 / New edition.
381 p. ; il.
Originalmente publicado como tesis por el autor, en Trinity College, University of Cambridge, 1963.
ISBN 9783037785737

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Filosofía / Diseño arquitectónico
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.01 FOR

[.en] In The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture the internationally acclaimed US-American architect Peter Eisenman – world famous for his Holocaust Memorial in Berlin (2005) – confronts historicism with theory and the analysis of form, whose distinguishing features he regards as the foundation of architectural composition. The architect illustrates his observations with numerous, extremely precise hand drawings. Eisenmann wrote The Formal Basis of Modern Architecture, his dissertation, in 1963 at the University of Cambridge. The dissertation was first published as a facsimile edition by Lars Müller Publishers in 2006. The original content of the publication is now available again – the book is reprinted in a smaller format. “I knew what I wanted to write,” Eisenmann says of the dissertation. “An analytic work that related what I had learned to see, from Palladio to Terragni, from Raphael to Guido Reni, into some theoretical construct that would bear on modern architecture, but from the point of view of a certain autonomy of form.” Hence the title of his research.

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Key modern architects : 50 short histories of modern architecture

Key modern architects : 50 short histories of modern architecture / Andrew Higgott.
London : Bloomsbury, 2018.
297 p. : il.
ISBN 9781474265034

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XIX / Arquitectura – Siglo XX
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.036 KEY

[.en] ‘Key Modern Architects’ provides an accessible and thought-provoking introduction to the work of the most significant architects of the modern era. Fifty short chapters introduce fifty key architects, from Le Corbusier to Aldo Van Eyck to Zaha Hadid, exploring their most influential buildings and developing a critique of each architect's work within a broader cultural and historical context. The selection represents the most influential architects working from 1890 to the present, those most likely to be taught on survey courses in modern architectural history, along with some lesser-known names with an equal claim to influence. Emphasis is placed on a critical and interpretative approach, allowing the student to position each architect in a cultural and intellectual context quickly and easily. Artistic, technical, social, and intellectual developments are brought to the fore - built and unbuilt projects, writings and influences. This approach brings to light the ideology behind architectural work, offering insights into each architect's working practice.

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Hudson modern : residential landscapes

Hudson modern : residential landscapes / David B Sokol.
New York : The Monacelli Press, 2018.
261 p. : il.
ISBN 9781580934848

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura doméstica – Estados Unidos / Casas individuales
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.3 HUD

[.en] As the birthplace of American landscape painting, the Hudson River Valley has long been a refuge from the city and a laboratory for new aesthetic expression. Today, thanks to its ascendant reputation as a weekend utopia, architects are extending that tradition into the built environment. Designing residences that revere local climate, landscape, and history in a distinctly modernist language, these talents are sowing a new Hudson River school of architectural thought. Hudson Modern surveys this emerging domestic architecture, featuring nearly twenty houses that integrate with site and region through composition, scale, and materials, and which strike a balance between innovation and rootedness. A reconstructed midcentury house accented in cedar, walnut, and bluestone by Joel Sanders and landscaped by the late Diana Balmori blurs the edge of habitation and nature. KieranTimberlake revises the classic vision of a glass box by cladding a home on a rocky site in Pound Ridge in a tapestry of steel, aluminum, copper, and glass. In Rhinebeck, Steven Holl experiments with a radical form that has both ecological and social dimensions. Author David Sokol presents these and numerous other examples of design-forward residences that are responsive to terrain, building vernacular, and cultural legacy. Together, the new Hudson Valley houses point a way forward for rural living in the twenty-first century.

martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

#libros #arquitectura | Bella Vista : soluciones regionales a desafíos globales : un proyecto de arquitectura boliviano-alemán

Bella Vista : soluciones regionales a desafíos globales : un proyecto de arquitectura boliviano-alemán / Ralf Pasel ... [et al.].
München : Detail, 2018.
189 p. : il.
Ed. bilingüe español – alemán.
Serie: Edition Detail.
ISBN 9783955534127

/ DE / ES / Libros / Arquitectura y sociedad / Arquitectura popular – Bolivia / Construcciones escolares – Bolivia
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72:316 BEL

[.en] Designed, planned and built by TU Berlin students in collaboration with local artisans and vocational students, the Agricultural School in Bella Vista, Bolivia makes an important contribution to combating poverty: Young people from remote regions of Bolivia learn and benefit from innovative methods of organic farming while developing a sustainable and professional perspective in a rural setting. "Bella Vista" documents all aspects of the planning and construction process of this outstanding design-build project - from fundraising and initial design to two stages of construction and an exhibition featuring the completed project. This detailed presentation with numerous cross references is supplemented with drawings and photos.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Accessibility and wayfinding

Accessibility and wayfinding / edited by Philipp Meuser ; with contributions by Daniela Pogade and Jennifer Tobolla.
Berlin : DOM, 2019 / 3rd ed., rev. and exp.
415 p. : il.
Serie: Construction and Design Manual.
ISBN 9783869226750

/ EN / Libros / Accesibilidad para personas con discapacidad / Construcción / Mobiliario urbano
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72-056.26 ACC

[.en] Accessible architecture is about much more than wide doorways and low-placed light switches. Accessibility means independent and self-determined living and mobility for people of all ages and in any situation in life. Achieving this requires a clear awareness of the related concepts and principles, which need to be adopted into the planning process at an early stage. This manual presents both accessibility design for public buildings and orientation systems for culture, transport, and education, as well as examples from the world of work and health. Informative essays provide an insight into the theory of signage, while selected projects are described from the perspective of Design for All.

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Hospitals : a design manual

Hospitals : a design manual / Cor Wagenaar [et al.] ; contributions by Giuseppe Lacanna, Peter Luscuere.
Basel : Birkhäuser, 2018.
271 p. il. + 1 lámina
ISBN 9783038214731

/ EN / Libros / Hospitales – Planos y construcción
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-725.5 HOS

[.en] Hospitals as a building type have undergone a substantial evolution in the past years. Changes in healthcare, the impact of evidence-based medicine and aspects of healthcare economics (such as the clustering of diagnostic procedures in specialized clinics) pose new and different challenges for the designer. Private healthcare facilities herald the paradigm change from the large functional building complex to a design-conscious health institution with luxury hotel features. Health centers more devoted to prevention rather than cure have been another important trend. This publication explains the principles and requirements for the planning of hospitals and other health facilities. An international case study section documents 40 best-practice projects in six categories: general hospitals, children's hospitals, specialized clinics, outpatient clinics and health centers as well as rehabilitation clinics.

sábado, 16 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Renzo Piano Building Workshop : architecture and construction details

Renzo Piano Building Workshop : Architektur und Baudetails = architecture and construction details / Herausgeber, Sandra Hofmeister.
München : Detail , 2018.
168 p. : il. 

Ed. bilingüe alemán - inglés.
Serie: Edition Detail.
ISBN 9783955534219

/ DE / EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / Piano & Rogers Architects / Renzo Piano
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72RENZO REN

[.en] Works by Renzo Piano are distinguished by a unique interplay of functional, technical and aesthetic aspects. An architect with no recognisable trademark style, Renzo Piano has designed some of the most famous buildings in the world: the Pompidou Centre, the headquarters of the New York Times, the Shard Tower in London, the Whitney Museum in New York and the recently completed Palace of Justice in Paris. Renown as a master of construction technology, the Pritzker Prize winner uses the widest variety of materials and construction methods possible to create buildings whose designs are heavily inspired by location and function. This monograph now presents 13 of his works, all previously published by Detail. Extensive project documentation is accompanied by numerous photos, plans and construction details.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Le Corbusier : the buildings

Le Corbusier : the buildings / photographs by Richard Pare ; text by Jean-Louis Cohen.
London : Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2018.
479 p. : il.
ISBN 9780500343449

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX / Le Corbusier
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72LE CORBUSIER LEC

[.en] Widely acknowledged as the most influential architect of the 20th century, Le Corbusier and his works have been extensively researched. As thoroughly documented as his works are, however, they have never been exhaustively photographically surveyed until now. Photographer Richard Pare has crossed the globe for years to document the extant works of Le Corbusier – from his first villas in Switzerland to his mid-career works, as one of the first global architects, in locations as far-flung as Argentina and Russia, and his late works, including his sole North American project, at Harvard University, and an extensive civic plan for Chandigarh, India.

‘Le Corbusier: The Buildings’ provides numerous views of these projects to bring a fuller understanding of the architect’s groundbreaking concepts made manifest. Pare’s photographs bring these spaces into vivid relief, including buildings that have long been inaccessible to the public, detailing Le Corbusier’s command of space, sometimes surprising use of materials and colour, and the almost ineffable qualities that only result from a commanding synthesis of all aspects of design. With an authoritative text by scholar and curator Jean-Louis Cohen, ‘Le Corbusier: The Buildings’ is a groundbreaking opportunity to appreciate the master’s work anew.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Prompt : socially engaging objects and environments

Prompt : socially engaging objects and environments / Tamie Glass.
Basel : Birkhäuser, 2018.
223 p : il.
ISBN 9783035611939

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura interior / Espacio (Arquitectura) / Muebles – Diseño
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.05 PRO

[.en] Fueled by an increasingly interconnected world, the desire for engaging experiences plays a more critical role in the built environment than ever before, particularly at the scale of the interior. Constructed spaces—in their entirety or through the employment of a single product or piece of furniture—can promote social interactions, encourage changes in behavior, shape perceptions of use, or challenge accepted cultural norms. As a thought starter for designers, ‘Prompt’ by Tamie Glass delves into the significance and importance of the built environments in which individuals occupy for approximately 90% of their time. How does a space’s design help shape people’s behaviors and emotions? How does a space connect to individuals and in turn connect individuals to each other? Throughout her book, Glass offers a curated selection of high- and low-tech examples that express timely and timeless concepts. Ranging from a light switch to art installations and fully realized buildings, the projects illuminate psychosocial principles and specific strategies for harnessing the power of design to impact the human experience.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2019

#books #arcjitecture | Building a sustainable home : practical green design choices for your health, wealth, and soul

Building a sustainable home : practical green design choices for your health, wealth, and soul / Melissa Rappaport Schifman.
New York, NY : Skyhorse, 2018.
VIII, 216 p.: il.
ISBN 9781510733442

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Aspecto del medio ambiente / Arquitectura doméstica / Arquitectura sostenible / Arquitectura y economías de energía
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72:504 BUI

[.en] The green building movement has produced hundreds of "how-to" books and websites that are filled with tips about green building and what homeowners should do to go green. While helpful and informative, when it comes to making actual purchasing and installation decisions, these books do not make it any easier for a homeowner to prioritize against a budget. The Sustainable Home serves this need, as it is written by a sustainability advisor and financial advisor who has personally directed the building and LEED certification of her own home. Here, she shares her knowledge and experience for others to use in their journey toward a greener way of living. Whether the reader is building a new home or doing a minor remodel, a homeowner needs a framework by which to guide their decisions. These decisions are based on values, and the author posits that there are really only three reasons to go green: For Our Health: By building more sustainably, we reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins. For Our Wealth: By building a more durable home and being more efficient with resources like water and electricity, we reduce our monthly utility bills and ongoing maintenance expenses. For Our Soul: Collectively doing the right thing for our planet does make a difference--and that is soul-nourishing. Learn the logistics of choosing windows, insulation, appliances, and lighting. Find out about FSC certified wood and about using reclaimed materials. Here is everything you need to make your home sustainable.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Bauen für Kinder = Building for children

Bauen für Kinder = Building for children / redaktion, Christian Schittich ... [et al].
München : Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, 2016.
199 p. : il.
Ed. bilingüe alemán – inglés.
Serie: Best of Detail.
ISBN 9783955533106

/ DE / EN / Libros / Construcciones escolares / Zonas de recreo
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-727.1 BAU

[.en] In all debates on school system reform, teaching methods, care facilities for young children or individual funding opportunities, educational objectives are almost always at the fore. The more often issues of all-day schooling and inclusion are dealt with, the more important spatial concepts and aspects of aesthetics become. Results of international performance tests and findings from the field of developmental psychology have revealed the considerable influence that quality architecture exerts - from professional handling of design, colours, light and more to one's ability to learn, including self-determined learning and working. Therefore, the time has come for architects to deal with these issues and to familiarise themselves with the appropriate design principles. In addition to brief theoretical asides, the latest volume from the "best of Detail" series provides a wide range of completed projects - from creche to high school and community centres for children to youth centres - that demonstrate fascinating solutions for diverse construction projects for children and adolescents.

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Kindergartens : educational spaces

Kindergartens : educational spaces / Michelle Galindo.
[Berlin] : Braun, 2011.
269 p. : il.
ISBN 9783037680490

/ EN / Libros / Construcciones escolares / Guarderías
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-727.1 KIN

[.en] Today's kindergartens are characterized by ample space for play and movement, opportunities for creative work as well as colorful room and façade design. In collaboration with educators and architects, interior and open spaces are being developed that according to need, encourage and inspire children to romp, play, or live out a fantasy. The focus of contemporary kindergarten architecture is based on the needs of the children, for whom the rooms, furniture and gardens are designed. This title presents projects from around the world that have imaginatively and impressively mastered this architectural challenge. The featured kindergartens, day care and pre-school facilities show how the design of interiors and grounds appropriate for children fosters their joy in creative play and learning.

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Architecture, design, data : practice competency in the era of computation

Architecture, design, data : practice competency in the era of computation / Phillip G Bernstein.
Basel : Birkhauser, 2018.
199 p. il.
ISBN 9783035611885

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Informática / Arquitectura - Innovaciones
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72:681.3 ARC

[.en] A systemic transformation is underway in architectural design, engineering and construction. The discipline and profession of architecture is being reshaped in a moment where information, insight, and predictions generated during the design process no longer move into construction via drawings. Other, more profound digital techniques yield fundamentally different workflows, responsibilities, and business models for architects.

“Technologies emerge, and surprise us until they are absorbed into the fabric of day-to-day work life,” says Phillip Bernstein in the conclusion of his book ‘Architecture - Design - Data: Practice Competency in the Era of Computation’. “Several decades ago, with the emergence of the World Wide Web, I spent time setting up a crude project collaboration website, complete with file sharing, web-based announcements and email, to serve as the communication infrastructure of a large project in Miami. Today such capabilities would be taken for granted, they are basic ‘table stakes’ for any building project using even the crudest digital infrastructure. What was important about that effort (which, for the record, was largely unsuccessful) was that it was an attempt by the architects to orchestrate the process and artifacts to increase the likelihood of the design’s success.”

‘Architecture - Design – Data: Practice Competency in the Era of Computation’ by Phillip Bernstein offers a comprehensive framework, detailed analysis, and critical assessment of the challenges and opportunities inherent in the technological changes in both society and the field of architecture. Bernstein sets out to provide direction for a new era in architectural creation that can be understood and managed by a profession that must become better equipped to direct its future. Additionally, please update the about the author section to: Phillip Bernstein is an associate dean and senior lecturer at Yale University in the School of Architecture. Formerly Vice President at Autodesk, a company that “makes software for people who make things.” There, he was responsible for the Waltham AEC Headquarters project, which received more than 14 awards from various architecture institutions, such as the American Institute of Architects.

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Broadway : a history of New York City in thirteen miles

Broadway : a history of New York City in thirteen miles / Fran Leadon.
New York [etc.] : W.W. Norton & Company, 2018.
XVI, 512 p. : il.
ISBN 9780393240108

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Estados Unidos / Nueva York
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72(73) BRO

[.en] An eye-opening history of Manhattan told through its most celebrated street. In the early seventeenth century, in a backwater Dutch colony, there was a wide, muddy cow path that the settlers called the Brede Wegh. As the street grew longer, houses and taverns began to spring up alongside it. What was once New Amsterdam became New York, and farmlands gradually gave way to department stores, theaters, hotels, and, finally, the perpetual traffic of the twentieth century’s Great White Way. From Bowling Green all the way up to Marble Hill, Broadway takes us on a mile-by-mile journey up America’s most vibrant and complex thoroughfare, through the history at the heart of Manhattan.

Today, Broadway almost feels inevitable, but over the past four hundred years there have been thousands who have tried to draw and erase its path. Following their footsteps, we learn why one side of the street was once considered more fashionable than the other; witness the construction of Trinity Church, the Flatiron Building, and the Ansonia Hotel; the burning of P. T. Barnum’s American Museum; and discover that Columbia University was built on the site of an insane asylum. Along the way we meet Alexander Hamilton, Emma Goldman, Edgar Allan Poe, John James Audubon, "Bill the Butcher" Poole, and the assorted real-estate speculators, impresarios, and politicians who helped turn Broadway into New York’s commercial and cultural spine.

Broadway traces the physical and social transformation of an avenue that has been both the "Path of Progress" and a "street of broken dreams," home to both parades and riots, startling wealth and appalling destitution. Glamorous, complex, and sometimes troubling, the evolution of an oft-flooded dead end to a canyon of steel and glass is the story of American progress.

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2019

#books #arquitectura | Stairs

Stairs / Christian Peter.
München : Detail, 2018.
120 p. : il.
ISBN 9783955533977

/ EN / Libros / Escaleras
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-692.6 STA

[.en] Stairs are the most important vertical circulation element. They shape the space and give the entire design a unique character. However, the requirements when planning stairs are high and vary enormously depending on the multitude of building tasks and materials. Practice Stairs orders all stair types by design and construction typologies. In addition, a planning guide explains the various stair parts, building elements, construction types as well as materials. Finally, an example part with especially appealing realised projects invites you to draw inspiration for your own practice.

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019

#libros #arquitectura | Color, espacio y estilo : detalles para diseñadores de interiores

Color, espacio y estilo : detalles para diseñadores de interiores / Chris Grimley, Mimi Love.
Barcelona : G. Gili, 2018 / Nueva ed. actualizada.
287 p. : il.
ISBN 9788425231452

/ ES / Libros / Arquitectura – Composición, proporciones, etc. / Arquitectura interior / Color en la arquitectura
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-747 COL

[.es] ‘Color, espacio y estilo’ se ha convertido en un manual de referencia indispensable para diseñadores de interiores, estudiantes y cualquier persona vinculada a proyectos de interiorismo. En el mundo del diseño interior la información o bien se difunde a través de ediciones muy ilustradas y decorativas que sirven de inspiración pero carecen de información práctica, o mediante manuales técnicos que, por el contrario, ofrecen gran cantidad de datos técnicos pero dejan a un lado los aspectos estéticos del proyecto. 

‘Color, espacio y estilo’ sintetiza estos dos enfoques y proporciona la información y las ideas esenciales para la redacción de proyectos de interiores de todas las escalas y su posterior ejecución. Abarca desde la gestión de los proyectos y las técnicas de dibujo hasta la organización de los espacios, las características del color, los materiales y las texturas, las propiedades de la iluminación natural y artificial, los diferentes sistemas constructivos y los principios generales de sostenibilidad. Cada una de las partes del libro se cierra con entrevistas a diferentes diseñadores de interiores de renombre que ilustran la aplicación creativa de estos temas en la práctica profesional.

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Experiencing architecture in the nineteenth century: buildings and society in the modern age

Experiencing architecture in the nineteenth century: buildings and society in the modern age / edited by Edward Gillin and H. Horatio Joyce.
London [etc.] : Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2018.
Este volumen recoge en gran parte las comunicaciones presentadas en la conferencia "Architecture and Experience in the Nineteenth Century", que tuvo lugar en St John's College, Oxford, en la primavera de 2016.
ISBN 9781350045941

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XIX / Arquitectura y sociedad
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.035 EXP

[.en] Bringing together fourteen original essays, this collection opens up new perspectives on the architectural history of the nineteenth century by examining the buildings of the period through the lens of 'experience'. With a focus on the experience of the ordinary building user – rather than simply on the intentions of the designer – the book shows that new and important insights can be brought to our understanding of Victorian architecture. 

The chapters present a range of ideas and new research – some examining individual building case studies (from grand hotels and clubhouses in New York to the parliament buildings of Westminster), and others exploring conceptual questions about the nature of architectural experience, whether sensory or otherwise. Yet they share the premise that the idea of the 'experience of architecture' took on a new and particular significance with the rise of industrial modernity, and they examine what contemporary people – both architects and non-architects – understood by this idea. 

The insights in this volume extend beyond the study of Victorian architecture. Together they suggest how 'experience' might be used as a framework to produce a more convincingly historical account of the artefacts of architectural history.

martes, 5 de febrero de 2019

#books #architecture | Words & works 1948-2018 : scenes from a life in architecture

Words & works 1948-2018 : scenes from a life in architecture / Henry N Cobb.
New York : The Monacelli Press, 2018.
547 p. : il.
ISBN 9781580935142

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Estados Unidos / Henry Nichols Cobb / Pei Cobb Freed & Partners
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72COBB WOR

[.en] The first book dedicated to the career of the preeminent American architect, Henry N. Cobb. As a builder, teacher, and mentor, Henry N. Cobb has been one of the most eloquent voices in architecture for well over half a century. A founding partner of Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, where he has worked actively and continuously since its inception in 1955, his practice encompasses a wide variety of building types, with projects across the world that resound in the public imagination. Cobb's sensitivity to place and use generate surprising and unparalleled forms in educational and civic buildings--such as the Portland Museum of Art in Maine, the Anderson School of Management at UCLA, the John Joseph Moakley U.S. Courthouse in Boston, and Palazzo Lombardia in Milan--or in corporate and commercial projects, such as the John Hancock Tower in Boston, Fountain Place Tower in Dallas, Tour EDF at La Défense in Paris, and Four Seasons Hotel and Residences at One Dalton, now under construction in Boston.

‘Henry N. Cobb: Words & Works 1948-2018’ is his first book, uniquely combining poetic analyses of his distinguished works with essays and lectures that cover topics about architecture's past, present, and future. His voice is complemented by interviews and discussions with Michael Graves, Robert A.M. Stern, Hal Foster, Charles Gwathmey, Paolo Conrad Bercah, Cynthia Davidson, Peter Eisenman, Mark Pasnik, and John Hejduk. Handsomely designed by OverUnder, this book is packaged in a portable size evocative of the Library of America series.

A longtime educator--and chair of the Harvard Graduate School of Design from 1980 to 1985--Cobb takes up his extensive subject matter in a thoughtful and engaging manner. To anyone interested in the development of American architecture in its transition from modernism to postmodernism and into the era of high-tech starchitecture, there are a number of treasures here to discover. ‘Henry N. Cobb’ is a landmark survey--in words and works--of one of the great architects of our time.