
viernes, 31 de enero de 2020

#libros #arquitectura | Arquia Tesis 41 | Estrategias y efectos de escala

Estrategias y efectos de escala / Luis Suárez Mansilla.
Madrid : Fundación Arquia, 2019.
245 p. : il.
Serie: Arquia/tesis ; 41.
[Tesis Universidad de Navarra, Dpto. Proyectos. Fecha defensa: 2010].
ISBN 9788409055715

/ ES / Libros / Tesis / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Estados Unidos / Diseño arquitectónico / Marcel Lajos Breuer / Gordon Bunshaft
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.013 EST

La arquitectura permite al ser humano habitar un espacio acorde a su propia dimensión y, al mismo tiempo, dotarlo de una referencia a la dimensión del universo. Encarna la construcción ordenada del encuentro entre el hombre y el mundo, dando la medida de ambos de forma simultánea. La escala es el parámetro que regula y registra esta interacción inevitable, expresando su condición dimensional en presencia de un contexto y codificada por el filtro de la percepción. Su capacidad operativa permite orientar la lectura de la obra arquitectónica y construir efectos significantes.

‘Estrategias y efectos de escala’ aborda el estudio de la escala como concepto específicamente arquitectónico y certifica su valor instrumental dentro del proceso generador de la arquitectura. La progresiva recuperación de su cometido significante, impulsada por el debate sobre la nueva monumentalidad iniciado en Estados Unidos en 1943, supuso la reparación del vector contextual, dañado por la autosuficiencia funcionalista moderna, y la reactivación de la escala como instrumento regulador de tal relación. En este marco operativo temporal y geográfico, seis obras son estudiadas en detalle: Lever House (1950-1952), Albright-Knox Art Gallery (1958-1962) y Beinecke Rare Book Library (1960-1963) de Gordon Bunshaft; Begrisch Hall (1959-1961), Whitney Museum (1963-1966) y Becton Center (1966-1970) de Marcel Breuer. El recorrido analítico a través de las obras arquitectónicas seleccionadas permite identificar un amplio espectro de operaciones contextuales, estrategias y efectos escalares que conforman un catálogo operativo de la escala arquitectónica que trasciende lo contingente y reivindica su valor didáctico y disciplinar.

jueves, 30 de enero de 2020

#libros #arquitectura | Arquia Temas 32 | Equipamientos II : ocio, deporte, comercio, transporte y turismo : registro DOCOMOMO ibérico, 1925-1965

Equipamientos II : ocio, deporte, comercio, transporte y turismo : registro DOCOMOMO ibérico, 1925-1965 / [coordinación de la edición, Marta Rojals].
Barcelona : Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, 2011.
373 p. : il.
Serie: Arquia-Temas ; 32.
ISBN 9788493785772

/ ES / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX / Docomomo / Edificios públicos / Instalaciones deportivas / Mercados - Planos y construcción / Movimiento moderno (Arquitectura)
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.036(460) EQU

Esta publicación recoge las arquitecturas modernas del ocio, el deporte, el comercio, el transporte y el turismo realizadas en España y Portugal entre 1925 y 1965. Si en el primer volumen, publicado hace un año, se presentó el trabajo realizado por la Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico en torno a las infraestructuras cívicas, edificios fruto, en su mayoría, de políticas o programas funcionales determinados por el estado; este nuevo volumen se abordan los edificios promovidos por la sociedad civil, que encontró en las formas modernas la respuesta no sólo a sus necesidades sino también a sus aspiraciones. 

La Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico, entidad dedicada a la documentación y conservación de la arquitectura del Movimiento Moderno en España y Portugal, presenta en esta nueva publicación una intensa labor de investigación, trabajo de campo y documentación llevada a cabo por un amplio grupo de especialistas distribuidos por toda la geografía española y portuguesa. Una labor desarrollada desde 1994 que ha permitido documentar exhaustivamente cerca de 1200 edificios y conjuntos realizados en el periodo comprendido entre 1925 y 1965, dentro de los ámbitos de la industria, la vivienda y los equipamientos.

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

#libros #arquitectura #historia | Arquitectura, diseño y sociedad en la temprana Edad Moderna

Arquitectura, diseño y sociedad en la temprana Edad Moderna = Architecture, design and society in the early modern period / Guido Cimadomo (ed.).
Madrid : Ediciones Asimétricas, 2019.
256 p. : il.
Ed. bilingüe español – inglés.
Serie: I+U Investigación y Universidad.
ISBN 9788494952272

/ ES / EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Historia / Arquitectura del Renacimiento
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.03 ARQ

No se puede entender el significado de las obras maestras de la arquitectura construidas a lo largo de la historia sin comprender previamente lo que en cada época se entendía por “ser arquitecto” y cómo se desarrollaba su actividad. La utilización de la copia de dibujos, la importancia de los tratados para la transmisión de conocimientos, el significado de la planta centralizada o la importancia de las matemáticas y de la geometría en el quehacer diario de los arquitectos de la temprana Edad Moderna son algunos de los conceptos en los que se profundiza en este volumen, para acercarnos al contexto histórico y social de este periodo tan importante para el devenir de la arquitectura. 

Guido Cimadomo (ed.). Arquitecto (Italia, 1998), Doctor Europeus en Arquitectura (España, 2014). Profesor Asociado en el Departamento de Arte y Arquitectura de la Universidad de Málaga desde el año 2010. Expert Member del comité científico CIPA perteneciente a ICOMOS para la documentación del patrimonio arquitectónico y del Forum UNESCO «Universidad y Patrimonio». Comparte la actividad docente e investigadora con la práctica profesional en el ámbito de las infraestructuras deportivas y culturales y en la rehabilitación y difusión del patrimonio cultural. Ha publicado recientemente 'Cesare Brandi. El lenguaje clásico de la arquitectura' (Ediciones Asimétricas, 2016).

martes, 28 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Affordable housing : cost-effective models for the future

Affordable housing : cost-effective models for the future / Sandra Hofmeister (ed.) ; authors: Benedikt Hartl ...[et al.].
München : Detail, 2018.
192 p.: il.
ISBN 9783955534486

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura doméstica – Europa / Vivienda social
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.2 AFF

Affordable housing is currently in short supply in many European cities. Persuasive models and outlooks for the future are needed if demand is to be met. Yet how can costs be reduced without restricting the quality of housing? This book documents current outstanding housing developments from all over Europe, which are distinguished by their quality but also by the fact that they were realised with reduced construction costs. Design solutions, deliberate material selection, specific building processes and explicit planning requirements all contributed to this result. The projects are documented in depth with photos, texts, floor plans and detailed drawings. The introduction includes three essays that examine the topic from different perspectives.

lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Making dystopia : the strange rise and survival of architectural barbarism

Making dystopia : the strange rise and survival of architectural barbarism / James Stevens Curl ; with a "prolegomenon" by Timothy Brittain-Catlin.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2018.
XXXVIII, 551 p. : il.
ISBN 9780198820864

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Historia / Arquitectura – Siglo XX
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.036 MAK

In 'Making Dystopia', distinguished architectural historian James Stevens Curl tells the story of the advent of architectural Modernism in the aftermath of the First World War, its protagonists, and its astonishing, almost global acceptance after 1945. He argues forcefully that the triumph of architectural Modernism in the second half of the twentieth century led to massive destruction, the creation of alien urban landscapes, and a huge waste of resources.

Moreover, the coming of Modernism was not an inevitable, seamless evolution, as many have insisted, but a massive, unparalled disruption that demanded a clean slate and the elimination of all ornament, decoration, and choice.

Tracing the effects of the Modernist revolution in architecture to the present, Stevens Curl argues that, with each passing year, so-called 'iconic' architecture by supposed 'star' architects has become more and more bizarre, unsettling, and expensive, ignoring established contexts and proving to be stratospherically remote from the aspirations and needs of humanity. In the elite world of contemporary architecture, form increasingly follows finance, and in a society in which the 'haves' have more and more, and the 'have-nots' are ever more marginalized, he warns that contemporary architecture continues to stack up huge potential problems for the future, as housing costs spiral out of control, resources are squandered on architectural bling, and society fractures.

This courageous, passionate, deeply researched, and profoundly argued book should be read by everyone concerned with what is around us. Its combative critique of the entire Modernist architectural project and its apologists will be highly controversial to many. But it contains salutary warnings that we ignore at our peril. And it asks awkward questions to which answers are long overdue.

domingo, 26 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Building in timber : room modules

Building in timber : room modules / Wolfgang Huss, Matthias Kaufmann, Konrad Merz.
Munich : Detail, 2019.
112 p. : il.
Serie: Detail Practice.
ISBN 9783955534943

/ EN / Libros / Casas de madera / Construcción de madera / Construcciones prefabricadas
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-69.057 BUI

Ongoing urbanisation requires rapid, low-emission construction methods. Architects, investors and politicians are on the hunt for housing solutions that are fast and cost-effective, yet sustainable and flexible. Timber room modules meet all of these requirements: flexibility, variability, low construction and operating costs, short construction times thanks to high rates of prefabrication, a pleasant living environment, easy dismantling via detachable connections, excellent recyclability as well as a general acceptance by end users. This practical volume offers an overview, from the planning process to assembly, while contemporary examples show that building with room modules facilitates heretofore unimagined, multi-layered and differentiated architectures.
  • From the planning process to assembly
  • Differentiated architectures for a wide variety of typologies
  • Fast construction methods with low emissions

sábado, 25 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Historic cities : issues in urban conservation

Historic cities : issues in urban conservation / edited by Jeff Cody and Francesco Siravo.
Los Angeles : The Getty Conservation Institute, 2019.
XXI, 610 p. : il.
Serie: Readings in Conservation.
ISBN 9781606065938

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Construcción y restauración / Ciudades – Renovación / Ordenación del territorio / Urbanismo
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-711.4 HIS

This book, the eighth in the Getty Conservation Institute's Readings in Conservation series, fills a significant gap in the published literature on urban conservation. This topic is distinct from both heritage conservation and urban planning, and despite the recent growth of urbanism worldwide, no single volume has presented a comprehensive selection of these important writings until now. This anthology, profusely illustrated throughout, is organised into eight parts, covering such subjects as geographic diversity, reactions to the transformation of traditional cities, reading the historic city, the search for contextual continuities, the search for values and the challenges of sustainability. With more than sixty-five texts, ranging from early polemics by Victor Hugo and John Ruskin to a generous selection of recent scholarship, this book thoroughly addresses regions around the globe. Each reading is introduced by short prefatory remarks explaining the rationale for its selection and the principal matters covered. The book will serve as an easy reference for administrators, professionals, teachers and students faced with the day-to-day challenges confronting the historic city under siege by rampant development.

viernes, 24 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Montage and the metropolis : architecture, modernity, and the representation of space

Montage and the metropolis : architecture, modernity, and the representation of space / Martino Stierli.
New Haven : Yale University Press, [2018].
ix, 305 p. : il.
ISBN 9780300221312

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura y sociedad / Espacio (Arquitectura)
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.011.2 MON

Montage has been hailed as one of the key structural principles of modernity, yet its importance to the history of modern thought about cities and their architecture has never been adequately explored. In this groundbreaking new work, Martino Stierli charts the history of montage in late 19th-century urban and architectural contexts, its application by the early 20th-century avant-gardes, and its eventual appropriation in the postmodern period. With chapters focusing on photomontage, the film theories of Sergei Eisenstein, Mies van der Rohe’s spatial experiments, and Rem Koolhaas’s use of literary montage in his seminal manifesto ‘Delirious New York’ (1978), Stierli demonstrates the centrality of montage in modern explorations of space, and in conceiving and representing the contemporary city. Beautifully illustrated, this interdisciplinary book looks at architecture, photography, film, literature, and visual culture, featuring works by artists and architects including Mies, Koolhaas, Paul Citroen, George Grosz, Hannah Höch, El Lissitzky, and Le Corbusier.

jueves, 23 de enero de 2020

#libros #arquitectura | New townhouse plans

New townhouse plans / [editor, concept, and project director Anna Minguet].
Sant Adrià de Besòs (Barcelona) : Instituto Monsa de Ediciones, 2018.
141 p. : il. 

Ed. bilingüe español - inglés.
ISBN 9788416500987

/ ES / EN / Libros / Arquitectura doméstica – Dibujos y planos / Casas individuales / Viviendas – Dibujos y planos
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.3 NEW

[.es] ‘New Townhouse Plans’ contiene más de 250 planos de plantas, secciones, bocetos y alzados, así como detalles constructivos de un total de 38 originales proyectos de viviendas entre medianeras, construcciones perfectas para los solares del centro urbano de cualquier ciudad.

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

#books #art | Decommunized : Ukrainian Soviet mosaics

Decommunized : Ukrainian Soviet mosaics / Yevgen Nikiforov ; authors-editors, Olga Balashova, Lizaveta German ; translation, Iaroslava Strikha.
Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2017.
255 p. : il.
ISBN 9783869225838

/ EN / Libros / Arte – Siglo XX – URSS / Pintura y decoración murales – Ucrania /
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-738 DEC

The book presents the first comprehensive study of Soviet monumental mosaics, outstanding artefacts of the cultural heritage of the era. Photographer Yevgen Nikiforov spent three years traveling all around Ukraine (including the presently occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Donetsk, and Lugansk oblasts) in search of the most interesting art pieces from the 1950s - 1980s within the context of Soviet Modernism. He covered 35,000 km of Ukrainian roads and visited 109 cities and villages to discover more than 1,000 surviving mosaics. The book includes around 200 unique photo graphs of monumental panels: officially sanctioned gigantic images of workers, farmers, astronauts, and athletes of coloured smalto or ceramics illustrate Soviet life as it was meant to be represented, drawing parallels to the overarching themes inherent within a more widely known Soviet architectural project, namely the Moscow metro. Some of the pieces featured here were demolished shortly after the photographs were taken: they fell afoul of the so-called decommunization laws that ban communist symbols and slogans. Though the content of Soviet art was meticulously controlled by state propaganda, Ukrainian artists managed to develop a visual language that transcends the Socialist Realist canon. Today these works serve as a historical testimony, and show a new important page in the 20th-century art history.

martes, 21 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Piano : Renzo Piano Building Workshop : complete works 1966-today

Piano : Renzo Piano Building Workshop : complete works 1966-today / Philip Jodidio.
Köln : Taschen, 2019.
688 p. : il.
ISBN 9783836571821

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / Renzo Piano
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(0.021)B PIA

Updated with over 200 new pages, this XXL-sized monograph is jam-packed with photographs, sketches, and plans that span Renzo Piano’s entire career to date. It includes ongoing works like the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in LA and the Emergency Children’s Surgery Center in Entebbe, Uganda, as well as newly finished projects like the Château La Coste Art Gallery and the Paris Courthouse.

Renzo Piano rose to international prominence with his co-design of the Pompidou Center in Paris, described by ‘The New York Times’ as a building that “turned the architecture world upside down.” Since then, he has continued to craft such iconic cultural spaces as the Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago and, most recently, the Whitney Museum of American Art, an asymmetric nine-story structure in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District with both indoor and outdoor galleries. In London, the Piano touch has also transformed the skyline with the Shard, the tallest building in the European Union.

At the age of 81, the Italian maestro retains all of his enthusiasm and kindness—and his recent roster is more impressive than ever. As he confided to the author, “I think at a certain age, one can discover that there is what the French call the ‘fil rouge,’ a kind of red thread that relates one building to another over time. In my case, I believe it is about lightness and the art of building.” From freshly built museums in Athens and Santander; ongoing works in Los Angeles, Moscow, Beirut, and Istanbul; to such humanitarian projects as the Emergency Children’s Surgery Center in Entebbe, Uganda, and the Children’s Hospice in Bologna, Italy, Piano’s career is a thrilling journey through the beauty and very essence of architecture.

lunes, 20 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Convergence : the redesign of design

Convergence : the redesign of design / Randy Deutsch.
Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
233 p. : il.
Serie: AD Smart ; 05.
ISBN 9781119256212

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Informática / Arquitectura – Innovaciones / Arquitectura – Práctica
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72:681.3 CON

Those working in architecture and engineering feel pressure to work faster, at lower cost, while maintaining a high level of innovation and quality. At the same time, emergent tools and processes make this possible. Convergence is about the firms, teams and people who thrive in this environment as a result of their ability to creatively combine and innovate. It seeks to answer several timely questions: What are the tools and work processes that are converging? How are individuals and organizations converging their tools and work processes? What challenges and benefits are they seeing? What is the ultimate endgame of this convergence? What skillsets and mindsets would someone need to develop to work effectively in this changing environment? What are the implications of convergence on the role of the designer, and on design? On how we design, build, fabricate, and construct? On how we work? The book explains how convergence relates to, but ultimately differs from integration, consolidation, multi-tasking, automation, and other forms of optimization. The practice-based research builds upon the author's research in BIM and in the collaborative leveraging of data in design and fabrication. As an investigation and meditation on the impact of technology on the education and making of design professionals Convergence explains what is happening in the world of design, and discusses the implications for the future of education, training and practice.

domingo, 19 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Successful restaurant design

Successful restaurant design / Regina S Baraban, Joseph F Durocher.
Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 / 3rd ed.
XII, 304 [16] p. de lám. : il.
ISBN 9780470250754

/ EN / Libros / Restaurantes – Diseño y construcciónn
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-725.71 SUC

An integrated approach to restaurant design, incorporating front- and back-of-the-house operations. Restaurant design plays a critical role in attracting and retaining customers. At the same time, design must facilitate food preparation and service. Successful ‘Restaurant Design’ shows how to incorporate your understanding of the restaurant's front- and back-of-the-house operations into a design that meets the needs of the restaurant's owners, staff, and clientele. Moreover, it shows how an understanding of the restaurant's concept, market, and menu enables you to create a design that not only facilitates a seamless operation but also enhances the dining experience.

This ‘Third Edition' has been thoroughly revised and updated with coverage of all the latest technological advances in restaurant operations. Specifically, the ‘Third Edition’ offers:
  • All new case solutions of restaurant design were completed within five years prior to this edition's publication. The examples illustrate a variety of architectural, decorative, and operational solutions for many restaurant types and styles of service.
  • All in-depth interviews with restaurant design experts are new to this edition. To gain insights into how various members of the design team think, the authors interviewed a mix of designers, architects, restaurateurs, and kitchen designers.
  • New information on sustainable restaurant design throughout the book for both front and back of the house.
  • New insights throughout the book about how new technologies and new generations of diners are impacting both front- and back-of-the-house design.
The book closes with the authors' forecast of how restaurants will change and evolve over the next decade, with tips on how designers and architects can best accommodate those changes in their designs.

sábado, 18 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Architects' houses

Architects' houses / Michael Webb.
London : Thames & Hudson, 2018.
303 p. : il.
ISBN 9780500343401

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectos / Arquitectura doméstica / Casas individuales
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.3 ARC

Thirty of the world's most talented architects, including Norman Foster, Thom Mayne, Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, talk about the houses they designed for themselves over the past decade in Architects' Houses. What inspired them, what were the constraints, how did their concepts take shape? Michael Webb explores the creative process and traces the influence of architects' houses over the past two hundred years, from Jefferson's Monticello to the creations of Charles and Ray Eames, Toyo Ito, and Frank Gehry. Texts, sketches, and plans illustrate houses that differ widely, in size, material, character, and location. Spacious or frugal, ambitious or modest, refined or rough edged, daring or reductive, these adventurous dwellings make a statement. This generously illustrated book brims with ideas and inspiration as these architects' houses show different answers to the question: how can a house enrich lives and its natural surroundings?

viernes, 17 de enero de 2020

#books #townplanning | Sustainable urban planning : vibrant neighbourhoods, smart cities, resilience

Sustainable urban planning : vibrant neighbourhoods, smart cities, resilience / Helmut Bott, Gregor C Grassl, Stephan Anders.
Munich : Edition Detail, 2019.
ISBN 9783955534622

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Aspecto del medio ambiente / Desarrollo sostenible / Urbanismo – Aspecto del medio ambiente
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-711.4:504 SUS

Life in the city is popular and creating liveable urban space is undoubtedly a priority for planners. Yet what makes a city worth living in? How do we define sustainable neighbourhoods that will function properly and continue to attract people in the future? What does "Smart City" or "resilience" really mean? The completely revised, new edition of this publication provides the answers. It addresses the fundamental challenges of urban planning today and offers planners essential knowledge, implementation strategies and ways toward holistic concept development. Examples of international neighbourhood developments clearly show how aspects of sustainable urban planning can be implemented in practice.

jueves, 16 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Robotic building : architecture in the age of automation

Robotic building : architecture in the age of automation / edited by Mollie Claypool ... [et al.].
Munich: Detail Business Information GmbH, 2019.
128 p. : il.
ISBN 978395553424

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Informática / Diseño asistido por ordenador
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72:681.3 ROB

How does the use of robots affect architecture? The use of robots in architecture is already commonplace: Robots automate processes that were previously done manually; complex shapes are created with the help of 3D printing; and autonomous swarm robots construct complex buildings. The potential of using robotics in architecture, structural design, and structural engineering is far from being fully exploited. A number of important questions need to be answered: How does the use of robots influence the resulting structures; how does it affect the way in which architects who work with robots think and plan? "Robotic Building" answers these questions and more, drawing on a variety of practical examples. A final chapter explores the idea of architect as robot, the fully-automated home and similar concepts in which the robot merges with its environment and becomes part of our experience.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Vincent van Duysen : works 2009-2018

Vincent van Duysen : works 2009-2018 / visual essay by Hélène Binet ; foreword by Julianne Moore ; introduction by Nicola di Battista ; photographic contribution by François Halard ; essay by Marc Dubois.
London : Thames & Hudson, 2018.
320 p. : il.
ISBN 9780500021644

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Bélgica / Vincent van Duysen
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72VAN DUYSEN VIN

A new collection of Vincent Van Duysen's work, featuring his most recent projects. Since the release of his first monograph, Vincent Van Duysen has consolidated his reputation for buildings of exceptional spatial mastery and highly refined detailing, and built a growing international following. This beautiful companion volume presents thirty of the Belgian architect’s most recent works produced over the past decade, much of which has been exquisitely captured by renowned photographers Hélène Binet and François Halard. The buildings featured from this latest period include an array of elegant residences in Europe, New York, Paris and The Hamptons, as well as larger-scale commercial and public projects. Product and furniture designs, microcosms of the architect’s rigorous attention to detail, are also featured, including yacht interiors and objets décoratifs.

With a foreword by close friend and Academy Award-winning actor Julianne Moore, the broader context of Van Duysen’s contribution to contemporary architecture is provided by architect Nicola di Battista and architecture critic Marc Dubois. An illustrated chronology provides a complete overview of the architect’s recent projects. Van Duysen has established a reputation as one of the world’s most refined and artful architects. This major new publication will further cement his uncompromising commitment to creating timeless places and spaces.

martes, 14 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | The sound of architecture : Eckhard Gerber

The sound of architecture : Eckhard Gerber / Dieter Nellen, Jürgen Tietz, eds.
Berlin : Jovis, 2019.
255 p. : il.
ISBN 9783868595000

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Alemania / Eckhard Gerber
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72GERBER SOU

The Sound of Architecture - in accordance with this key notion, for more than five decades the architect Eckhard Gerber and his firm have been producing award-winning projects, which have attracted widespread international attention in the fields of architecture, urban design, interior design, and landscape design. On the occasion of his eightieth birthday, this book traces Gerber's life and architectural career. In personal contributions, long-standing friends, comrades, and colleagues recount their own experiences and involvement in the work of the architect. In the context of Eckhard Gerber's work and person, the publication also includes new contributions from renowned publicists and other personalities which discuss the culture of building and competitions, architecture and urban design in their historical context, the social responsibility of architecture, and the functional and subjective significance of building and landscape.

lunes, 13 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Inter actions : housing design in uncertain environments

Inter actions : housing design in uncertain environments / Nadia Charalambous, Giorgos Kyriazis.
Berlin : Jovis, 2018.
143 p. : il.
ISBN 9783868595239

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura doméstica / Viviendas – Construcción
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.1 INT

‘Inter Actions’ explores the transformations and uncertainties that shape contemporary living, revealing concerns about how those uncertainties impact both the design of living environments and the architectural education of the future designers of those spaces. The book aims to foster an inquiry into potential responses in the form of policy, design, social innovation, and community initiatives, reflecting on the housing studio as an educational space. While there is a gap between the traditional housing studio and the complex, dynamic world in which architects practice, this book seeks to trace attempts by particular housing studios to develop and embrace a culture of ‘Interactions’ between the individual student and the team, between different disciplines, between academia, the profession, and the community, and between global driving forces and local contexts.

domingo, 12 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Housing for all : building catalogue

Housing for all : building catalogue / edited by Paul Andreas, Karen Jung and Peter Cachola Schmal.
Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2019.
429 p., [10] p. de lám. : il.
ISBN 9783869227238

/ EN / Libros / Catálogos / Arquitectura – Concursos / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Europa / Arquitectura doméstica / Vivienda social
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.092 HOU

Affordable housing is an enduring political challenge. Cities have endeavored to set international standards for this important field of architecture since the 1920s. Planners must work within a socially motivated tradition to find exemplary solutions both at the political and architectural level. This building catalogue documents over 130 residential buildings dedicated to affordable housing. It presents floor plans, large photos, key data, and clear diagrams, providing a comprehensive overview of the solutions being tested today. The publication is rounded off with ten affordable housing concepts that were designed as part of the Housing for All competition, organized by the Frankfurt Department of Planning and Housing, the Deutsches Architekturmuseum, and ABG Frankfurt Holding. Renowned architecture practices based in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and France were invited to submit design concepts for building sites in the Hilgenfeld area of Frankfurt. These concepts will reignite the contemporary discourse on affordable housing - in Frankfurt and beyond.

sábado, 11 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Sports facilities : leisure and movement in urban space

Sports facilities : leisure and movement in urban space / Sandra Hofmeister (ed.).
Munich : Detail Business Information GmbH, 2019.
208 p. . il.
ISBN 9783955534967

/ EN / Libros / Instalaciones deportivas – Diseño y construcciónn
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-725.85 SPO

The book presents current sports buildings, which stand out for the quality of their construction, their integration into the urban context, and their objectives. Sport today means lifestyle and fun and is associated with joining an association and social inclusion as well as with individualization and health awareness. The spectrum of examples from all over Europe ranges from school gyms to urban open spaces that can be used by anyone at any time. The visibility and presence of spatial forms for activities such as skateboarding, jogging or fitness today are radically different from the gyms of the past, providing rich and aesthetic contributions to their surroundings.

viernes, 10 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | A feeling of history

A feeling of history / Peter Zumthor, Mari Lending ; with a series of photographs by Hélène Binet.
Zurich : Scheidegger & Spiess, 2018.
79 p. : il.
ISBN 9783858818058

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Filosofía / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Suiza / Peter Zumthor
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72ZUMTHOR FEE

While completing the Almannajuvet Zinc Mine Museum in southern Norway in 2016, celebrated Swiss architect Peter Zumthor asked Norwegian scholar Mari Lending to engage in a dialogue about the project. Departing from the ways in which Zumthor's pavilions frame the barely visible traces of the industrial exploitation of zinc in the 1890s, the conversation took unexpected turns. In meandering, impressionistic style and drawing on Zumthor's favourite writers, such as Johann Peter Hebel, Stendhal, Vladimir Nabokov, and T.S. Eliot, their exchanges explore how history, time and temporalities reverberate across the famous architect's oeuvre. Looking back, Zumthor ponders on how a feeling of history has informed his continuous attempts of emotional reconstruction by means of building, from architectural interventions in dramatic landscapes to his design for the redevelopment of Los Angeles' LACMA on a grand urban scale. This small, beautifully designed new book records the conversation between Zumthor and Lending, illustrated with photographs by the renowned Swiss architectural photographer Helene Binet.

jueves, 9 de enero de 2020

#books #architecture | Superusers : design technology specialists and the future of practice

Superusers : design technology specialists and the future of practice / Randy Deutsch.
Abingdon, Oxon [etc.] : Routledge, 2019.
XX, 200 p. : il.
ISBN 9780815352600

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Práctica / Diseño arquitectóncio
ehuBiblioteca BCG A-72:681.3 SUP

Design technology is changing both architectural practice and the role of the architect and related design professionals. With new technologies and work processes appearing every week, how can practitioners be expected to stay on top and thrive? In a word, Superusers.

‘Superusers: Design Technology Specialists and the Future of Practice’ will help you identify who they are, the value they provide, and how you can attract and retain them, and become one; what career opportunities they have, what obstacles they face, and how to lead them. Written by Randy Deutsch, a well-known expert in the field, this is the first-ever guide to help current and future design professionals to succeed in the accelerating new world of work and technology.

Providing proven, practical advice, the book features:
  • Unique, actionable insights from design technology leaders in practice worldwide
  • The impacts of emerging technology trends such as generative design, automation, AI, and machine learning on practice
  • Profiles of those who provide 20% of the effort but achieve 80% of the results, and how they do it
  • What will help firms get from where they are today to where they need to be, to survive and thrive in the new world of design and construction.

Revealing the dramatic impact of technology on current and future practice, ‘Superusers’ shows what it means to be an architect in the 21st century. Essential reading for students and professionals, the book helps you plan for and navigate a fast-moving, uncertain future with confidence.