
jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Façades : a visual compendium of modern architectural styles

Façades : a visual compendium of modern architectural styles / Oscar Riera Ojeda, Byron Hawes.
Munich : Prestel, 2019.
443 p. . il.
ISBN 9783791385174

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Detalles / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / Fachadas
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-692.2 FAC

This fascinating sourcebook presents the most remarkable, beautiful, and innovative building façades in contemporary architecture. A building's façade sets the aesthetic tone for its entire design while serving a variety of functions, from regulating light and protecting against the elements to providing insulation for temperature and sound. This absorbing book details hundreds of examples of interesting and progressive façades from around the world. Presented in colorful double-page spreads, each façade is photographed from different angles and includes engaging texts that describe their significance. Readers can learn how traditional mashrabiyas in Abu Dhabi are being engineered to respond to light and to regulate heat, how a hospital in Mexico City has been constructed with "smog-eating" tiles, and how a "bio-adaptive" façade in Germany uses algae to generate energy and provide shade. Informative and accessible, this compendium is a highly useful resource for architects, engineers, and designers.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Mark Foster Gage : projects and provocations

Mark Foster Gage : projects and provocations / Mark Foster Gage.
New York, NY : Rizzoli, 2018.
271 p. : il.
ISBN 9780847862092

/ ES / Libros / Arquitectura – Innovaciones / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / Mark Foster Gage
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72GAGE MAR

Gage, Yale theorist, architect, and pioneer of the digital avant-garde in architecture and design, presents here a phantasmagoria of ideas and built work in his first monograph.

Architect to Lady Gaga and Nicola Formichetti, Mark Foster Gage has spent 20 years leading the digital architectural avant-garde, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in architecture and design and exploding expectations. This volume features built and unbuilt work from around the globe, from a penthouse in downtown Manhattan to retail stores in Hong Kong. The work shown goes beyond traditional architecture to the realm of fashion and fine art, and includes Gage’s celebrated ‘Valentine’s Sculpture’ for Times Square, a 3-D-printed outfit for Lady Gaga, as well as designs for Google Glass, Solar Flowers, and robotic tulips.

Mark Foster Gage, whose work ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ has called “effortlessly chic” and who has been labeled a “boundary breaker,” is a visionary for today. Filled with surprises and creations of wonder, such as a tower for New York’s 57th Street with mouthlike balconies on giant wings or a retail space bedecked with a hundred-faceted mirror, Gage’s work at once challenges expectations of what architecture might be and, as well, frequently fills one with a sense of excitement. Gage’s work is further elucidated in the book by the critical musings of eminent architects and cultural touchstones Peter Eisenman and Robert A.M. Stern.

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | How to read architecture : an introduction to interpreting the built environment

How to read architecture : an introduction to interpreting the built environment / Paulette Singley.
New York [etc.] : Routledge, 2019.
VIII, 401 p. : il.
ISBN 9780415836203

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Estética / Arquitectura – Filosofía / Espacio (Arquitectura)
ehuBiblioteca BCG A-72.013 HOW

‘How to Read Architecture’ is based on the fundamental premise that reading and interpreting architecture is something we already do, and that close observation matters. This book enhances this skill so that given an unfamiliar building, you will have the tools to understand it and to be inspired by it. Author Paulette Singley encourages you to misread, closely read, conventionally read, and unconventionally read architecture to stimulate your creative process. 

This book explores three essential ways to help you understand architecture: reading a building from the outside-in, from the inside-out, and from the position of out-and-out, or formal, architecture. This book erodes boundaries between the frequently compartmentalized fields of interior design, landscape design, and building design with chapters exploring concepts of ‘terroir’, scenography, criticality, atmosphere, tectonics, inhabitation, type, form, and enclosure. Using examples and case studies that span a wide range of historical and global precedents, Singley addresses the complex interaction among the ways a building engages its context, addresses its performative exigencies, and operates as an autonomous aesthetic object.  

Including over 300 images, this book is an essential read for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of architecture with a global focus on the interpretation of buildings in their context.

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Mathias Goeritz : modernist art and architecture in Cold War Mexico

Mathias Goeritz : modernist art and architecture in Cold War Mexico / Jennifer Josten.
New Haven : Yale University Press, [2018].
XI, 339 p. : il.
ISBN 9780300228601

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – México / Mathias Goeritz / Modernismo (Arte)
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72GOERITZ MAT
The first major work in English on Mathias Goeritz (1915-1990), this book illuminates the artist’s pivotal role within the landscape of twentieth-century modernism. Goeritz became recognized as an abstract sculptor after arriving in Mexico from Germany by way of Spain in 1949. His call to integrate abstract forms into civic and religious architecture, outlined in his “Emotional Architecture” manifesto, had a transformative impact on midcentury Mexican art and design.
While best known for the experimental museum El Eco and his collaborations with the architect Luis Barragán, including the brightly colored towers of Satellite City, Goeritz also shaped the Bauhaus-inspired curriculum at Guadalajara’s School of Architecture and the iconic Cultural Program of Mexico City’s 1968 Olympic Games. Josten addresses the Cold War implications of these and other initiatives that pitted Goeritz, an advocate of internationalist abstraction, against Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros, ardent defenders of the realist style that prevailed in official Mexican art during the postrevolutionary period. Exploring Goeritz’s dialogues with leading figures among the Parisian and New York avant-gardes, such as Yves Klein and Philip Johnson, Josten shows how Goeritz’s approach to modernism, which was highly attuned to politics and place, formed part of a global enterprise.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Reglazing modernism: intervention strategies for 20th-century icon

Reglazing modernism: intervention strategies for 20th-century icons / by Angel Ayón, Uta Pottgiesser, Nathaniel Richards.
Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, 2019.
256 p. : il.
ISBN 9783035618457

/ ES / Libros / Arquitectura – Conservación y restauración / Arquitectura – Siglo XX / Modernismo (Arte)
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.025.4 REG

The worldwide use of building envelopes in steel and glass is one of the characteristic features of modern architecture. Many of these pre- and post-war buildings are now suffering severe defects in the building fabric, which necessitate measures to preserve the buildings. In this endeavor, aspects of architectural design, building physics, and the preservation of historic buildings play a key role. The book documents 20 iconic buildings.

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Gordon Bunshaft and SOM : building corporate modernism

Gordon Bunshaft and SOM : building corporate modernism / Nicholas Adams.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2019.
VII, 288 p. : il.
ISBN 9780300227475

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Estados Unidos / Gordon Bunshaft / Nueva York / Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72BUNSHAFT GOR

Gordon Bunshaft’s (1909–1990) landmark 1952 design for Lever House reshaped the Manhattan skyline and elevated the reputation of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM), the firm where he would spend more than 40 years as a partner. Although this enigmatic architect left behind few records, his legacy endures in the corporate headquarters, museums, and libraries that were built in his distinctive modernist style. Bunshaft’s career was marked by shifts in material. Glass and steel structures of the 1950s, such as New York’s Chase Manhattan Bank, gave way to revolutionary designs in concrete, such as the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University and the doughnut-shaped Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, DC. Bunshaft’s collaborations with artists, including Isamu Noguchi, Jean Dubuffet, and Henry Moore, were of paramount importance throughout his career.

Nicholas Adams explores the contested line between Bunshaft’s ambition for acclaim as a singular artistic genius and the collaborative structure of SOM’s architectural partnership. Bunshaft received the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1988 and remains the only SOM partner to have achieved this distinction. Adams counters Bunshaft’s maxim that “the building speaks for itself” with necessary critical context about this modernist moment at a time when the future of Bunshaft’s iconic works is very much in question.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

#llibres #arquitectura | Josep Puig i Cadafalch i la recerca de la modernitat

Josep Puig i Cadafalch i la recerca de la modernitat / Víctor Gómez.
Barcelona : Universitat de Barcelona Edicions, [2019].
757 p. : il.
Serie: Biblioteca universitaria.
ISBN 9788491682332

/ CAT / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Cataluña / Barcelona / Josep Puig i Cadafalch / Modernismo (Arte) – Cataluña
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72PUIG JOS

Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867-1956), home d’esperit inquiet, va brillar en múltiples facetes. Va ser arquitecte, historiador de l’art, professor de l’Escola d’Arquitectura de Barcelona, i es va comprometre amb la realitat social del seu temps fins a arribar a la primera línia de la política. Amb un viu interès per les construccions medievals catalanes —expressió dels orígens de la història de Catalunya que va adaptar al gust de la seva època—, Puig i Cadafalch va posar les bases de la modernització de l’arquitectura, transitant pels diferents moviments europeus i nord-americans de renovació artística. Aquest llibre mostra l’evolució de la pràctica totalitat d’una obra reconeguda arreu del món i constitueix la recopilació més notable dels projectes d’aquest prolífic arquitecte, il·lustrada amb un miler de fotografies que permeten contemplar edificis i detalls tan insòlits com dignes d’admiració.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

#llibres #arquitectura | Manuel Sayrach : 1886-1937 : arquitectura i modernisme a Barcelona

Manuel Sayrach : 1886-1937 : arquitectura i modernisme a Barcelona.
[Barcelona] ; Ajuntament de Barcelona, [2018].
236 p. : il.
Incluye (p. 213-232) la reproducción del manuscrito “L'arquitectura nova”, escrito por Sayrach en 1909.
ISBN 9788491561644

/ CAT / Libro / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Cataluña / Barcelona / Manuel Sayrach / Modernismo (Arte) – Cataluña
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72SAYRACH MAN

Manuel Sayrach (Barcelona, 1886 - Sant Feliu de Llobregat, 1937) va ser l’arquitecte de dues cases emblemàtiques a l’encreuament de la Diagonal amb el carrer d’Enric Granados, però també va escriure obres de teatre i textos polítics. Artista polièdric i poc conegut, aquest llibre ofereix un repàs integral a la producció de Manuel Sayrach. Inclou per primera vegada la reproducció del manuscrit «L’arquitectura nova», en què l’artista plasma el seu ideari basat en la força de la natura.

Reivindicació de l'arquitecte modernista Manuel Sayrach
Gustau Nerín | El Nacional, 2019-01-04


El modernisme està de moda i avui en dia molta gent exalça les construccions de Gaudí, de Jujol i de Domènech i Montaner, però és més inusual que es mencioni l'obra de Manuel Sayrach i Carreras (1886-1937), un seguidor de Gaudí, molt menys prolífic que el seu mestre, però que va deixar algunes obres de gran espectacularitat, sobretot les cases Montserrat i Sayrach, a la cantonada de la Diagonal amb Enric Granados. Un racó molt poc conegut de Barcelona però d'un gran encant. Ara, l'Ajuntament de Barcelona reivindica la seva figura amb el llibre ‘Manuel Sayrach, 1886-1937. Arquitectura i modernisme a Barcelona’. L'obra incorpora textos de Josep M. Montaner, Francesc Fontbona, Núria Gil Farré i de dos fills de l'arquitecte: Manuel i Jaume-Patriç. I es completa amb un ampli ventall de fotos de Consol Bancells de les obres de Sayrach i amb reproduccions de nombrosos documents procedents de l'arxiu familiar dels Sayrach.

Imatge: El Nacional / Casa Sayrach
Dos obres completes
La Casa Sayrach i la Casa Montserrat, des del vestíbul, mostren la seva esplendor, amb tots els elements característics del modernisme: trencadís, estucats, esgrafiats, espectaculars vitralls, originals mobles en fusta o en metall, uns ascensors fora de sèrie, delicat treball de forja a baranes i reixes... Les sinuoses formes arquitectòniques remeten a la natura: estalactites, tentacles, fulles... Fins i tot els números dels pisos estan acuradament treballats. El llibre ens permet veure també alguns elements decoratius que es conserven a alguns dels habitatges: cadires, paviments hidràulics, vitralls, radiadors...

Molt més que un arquitecte
Sayrach (1886-1937) era fill d'un cirurgià i des de molt jove va ser col·laborador de La Publicitat i La Veu de Catalunya. Abans de començar estudis d'arquitectura i ciències ja havia publicat alguns llibres (a més a més d'obres literàries va publicar una constitució per a la República dels Estats Ibèrics que va presentar a Francesc Macià). La seva primera obra arquitectònica va ser la restauració de la seva torre familiar, a Sant Feliu, que dissortadament ja ha desaparegut. El 1915 va fer el projecte de la Casa Sayrach, però com que encara no tenia títol va haver de signar-lo un dels seus professors. El 1924 construiria, amb menys pressupost, la veïna Casa Montserrat. Treballava clarament influït pel modernisme en uns moments on el noucentisme s'estava imposant, i per això potser va ser poc valorat. No va fer moltes obres més, perquè durant molt de temps es va dedicar a dirigir l'empresa familiar d'assegurances. A més a més, algunes de les seves construccions van ser destruïdes durant la guerra i d'altres projectes, com el monument a Pi i Margall, mai no van arribar a aixecar-se. Tot i que mai no va ser dirigent de cap partit sempre va ser partidari del catalanisme i del republicanisme.

L'estil "catalàunich"
Tot i no ser molt prolífic, el 1909 va escriure un opuscle en què expressava la seva forma de veure el món de l'arquitectura: L'arquitectura nova. Estil catalàunich. Es tractava d'una reivindicació de la natura com a font d'inspiració de l'arquitectura. També va fer uns 2.000 dibuixos, de petites dimensions, que va agrupar a l'àlbum Croquis d'arquitectura, on compilava elements arquitectònics i ornamentals. Sayrach va treballar poc com a arquitecte, però va tenir la sort de no haver-se de condicionar a ningú (de fet, a les dues cases de la Diagonal, ell mateix va controlar tots i cadascun dels elements arquitectònics i ornamentals). En arquitectura va fer realment allò que va voler i va deixar volar la seva imaginació com pocs. De fet, ell presentava la Casa Sayrach com a mostra de l'arquitectura purament catalana, sense estrangerismes. Afirmava que volia reflectir l'ànima del país, i per això hi va incloure detalls que reproduïen la muntanya de Montserrat i també un bon nombre d'elements marítims: des de l'esquelet d'una balena fins a xarxes de pescar.

Retornar Sayrach al lloc que mereix
Aquest llibre té la clara voluntat de reivindicar la figura de Sayrach i la seva arquitectura i sens dubte ho aconsegueix. Ja que la Casa Sayrach i la Casa Montserrat són edificis privats, on hi ha oficines i vivendes, aquest llibre, amb les magnífiques fotografies de Consol Bancells, és una forma d'apropar-se a les interioritats d'un edifici que no és a l'abast de tothom. I, a més a més, el text ens aporta elements per entendre les claus simbòliques de l'obra de Sayrach, que té nombrosos referents religiosos, històrics o estètics que aquest llibre ens ajuda a descobrir. Una obra idònia per recuperar un personatge, i per revaloritzar un patrimoni no prou destacat.

Un autor para la Casa de la Nata

El edificio fue levantado por Manuel Sayrach, arquitecto tan notable como desconocido cuya producción suma solo dos construcciones en la ciudad
Natàlia Farré | El Periódico, 2018-12-19

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Atlas of mid-century modern houses

Atlas of mid-century modern houses / Dominic Bradbury.
London [etc.] : Phaidon, 2019.
439 p. : il.
ISBN 9780714876740

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX / Arquitectura doméstica / Casas individuales / Chalets
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.3 ATL

A groundbreaking global survey of the finest mid-20th-century homes - one of the most popular styles of our time. A fascinating collection of more than 400 of the world's most glamorous homes from more than 290 architects, the ‘Atlas of Mid-Century Modern Houses’ showcases work by such icons as Marcel Breuer, Richard Neutra, Alvar Aalto, and Oscar Niemeyer alongside extraordinary but virtually unknown houses in Australia, Africa, and Asia. A thoroughly researched, comprehensive appraisal, this book is a must-have for all design aficionados, Mid-Century Modern collectors, and readers looking for inspiration for their own homes.

martes, 21 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Housing : Vandkunsten Architects

Housing : Vandkunsten Architects / Anne-Mette Manelius (ed.).
Stockholm : Arvinius+Orfeus Publishing AB, 2018.
94 p. : il.
ISBN 9789187543708

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Dinamarca / Arquitectura doméstica / Inmuebles para vivienda / Vandkunsten Architects
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.2 HOU

With a portfolio of hundreds of housing projects, Vandkunsten Architects is renowned for designing quality spaces for affordable living. This volume is part of a series about projects by the Danish firm that are representative of its work throughout the years. Ten ongoing or recent projects are selected that feature social, minimal, exclusive, and quite ordinary settings in which people live, ranging from container residences and social housing to luxury living in Oslo Fjord. Modest budgets call for efficient construction techniques, yet the office pursues maximum architectural freedom in its designs, whether using prefab timber-frame box modules, solid wood, or concrete elements.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Data-driven design and construction : 25 strategies for capturing, analyzing and applying building data

Data-driven design and construction : 25 strategies for capturing, analyzing and applying building data / Randy Deutsch.
Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2015.
ISBN 9781118898703

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Infomática / Arquitectura – Práctica / Construcción – Informática
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72:681.3 DAT

In this comprehensive book, Professor Randy Deutsch has unlocked and laid bare the twenty-first century codice nascosto of architecture. It is data. Big data. Data as driver. This book offers us the chance to become informed and knowledgeable pursuers of data and the opportunities it offers to making architecture a wonderful, useful, and smart art form."--The Foreword by James Timberlake, FAIA Written for architects, engineers, contractors, owners, and educators, and based on today's technology and practices, Data-Driven Design and Construction: 25 Strategies for Capturing, Applying and Analyzing Building Data addresses how innovative individuals and firms are using data to remain competitive while advancing their practices. seeks to address and rectify a gap in our learning, by explaining to architects, engineers, contractors and owners--and students of these fields--how to acquire and use data to make more informed decisions. documents how data-driven design is the new frontier of the convergence between BIM and architectural computational analyses and associated tools. is a book of adaptable strategies you and your organization can apply today to make the most of the data you have at your fingertips. Data-Driven Design and Construction was written to help design practitioners and their project teams make better use of BIM, and leverage data throughout the building lifecycle.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

#books #interiordesign | Interior design course : principles, practices and techniques for the aspiring designer

Interior design course : principles, practices and techniques for the aspiring designer / Tomris Tangaz.
London : Thames & Hudson, 2018 / Ed. revised.
144 p. : il.
ISBN 9780500294475

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura interior / Decoración interior
ehuBiblioteca BCG A-747 INT

Here is the ultimate book for the aspiring interior designer, now revised and substantially updated to reflect the latest developments in digital design, best research and mapping practices, and the continued importance of hand drawing. Covering every possible aspect of interior design, this intensive course explains basic principles through tutorials, projects and case studies. Each project is a guide through the different challenges of the design process, teaching you how to develop and model ideas, construct technical drawings and illustrate design proposals with three-dimensional drawings. Whether you are decorating your home or taking up interior design professionally, you will find this book an invaluable and inspirational reference. 

Whether you are keen to develop your interest in interior design and build your skills, or to pursue a career and begin a portfolio, then this book is for you. Specifically designed to cover all aspects of interior design, this intensive course introduces the practice of basic design principles through set projects. Inspiration and imagination are the first key steps to starting your study. Whatever your background, this course will encourage your individual creativity and help you to explore and further your own design ideas.

sábado, 18 de abril de 2020

#livres #architecture | 57 Métal, Métal 57 : l'histoire d'une mutation

57 Métal, Métal 57 : l'histoire d'une mutation / Francis Rambert.
Orléans : HYX, 2018.
249 p. : il.
ISBN 9782373820058

/ FR / Libros / Arquitectura – Conservación y restauración / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Francia / Construcciones industriales / Monumentos históricos – Rehabilitación
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-725.4 CIN

De Claude Vasconi à Dominique Perrault, cet ouvrage raconte à travers de nombreux témoignages et deux essais, l'histoire du 57 Métal, bâtiment emblématique du patrimoine industriel réalisé par l'architecte Claude Vasconi (1940-2009) pour le groupe automobile Renault, à Boulogne-Billancourt. Le 57 Métal (1981-1984), promis à la démolition après une première reconversion signée Jakob+MacFarlane (2001-2004), va se transformer en Métal 57, futur siège de BNP Paribas Real Estate, sur le site de Boulogne-Billancourt, avec l'architecte Dominique Perrault.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Poolologie des Wohnens = Poolology of housing

Poolologie des Wohnens = Poolology of housing / pool Architekten ; Vorwort = foreword: Martin Steinmann ; [Texte = tests, Raphael Frei, Matthias Heinz, Simone Jeska].
Zürich : Park Books, 2019. 
440 p. : il.
ISBN 9783038600886

/ DE / EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Dibujos y planos / Arquitectura doméstica / pool Architekten
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.1 POO

Residential development is a central focus of renowned Swiss office pool Architekten. This book presents an extensive selection of plans and images of pool's housing projects alongside thematic essays as well as visual and typological studies that pool conducted together with students of the TU Berlin.

jueves, 16 de abril de 2020

#libros #arquitectura | Francisco Pardo : imperfecciones = imperfections

Francisco Pardo : imperfecciones = imperfections / textos = texts, Hernán Díaz Alonso, Luca Molinari, Alejandro Hernández.
[Ciudad de México] : Arquine, 2019.
240 p. : il.
ISBN 9786079489472

/ EN / EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – México / Francisco Pardo
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72PARDO FRA

Since 2015, Mexican architect Francisco Pardo has run his own practice in fast-growing and fast-changing Mexico City. His projects have reflected how Mexico is transforming the idea of the Latin American city: part ancient, part colonial, part futuristic. His Havre 69 project, created with his partner from architecture firm at103, Julio Amezcua, repurposes a 100-year-old residence for upper-middle-class families into offices, 12 separate residences, a bakery and a restaurant. On the one hand, Pardo exposes large sections of brick and maintains the original tile, while on the other, he builds modernist concrete and glass boxes that frame the original façade. Likewise, the architect's Milan44 project takes an autoparts store in a warehouse in the Roma neighborhood of Mexico City and creates a vertical urban market that brings the storefront street level onto each level of the structure. The architecture of Francisco Pardo reflects a fresh direction in the vast project of building Latin America into the future.

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Modern construction case studies : emerging innovation in building techniques

Modern construction case studies : emerging innovation in building techniques / Andrew Watts.
Basel : Birkhäuser, [2019] / 2nd ed.
223 p. . il.
ISBN 9783035617726

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Detalles / Arquitectura – Innovaciones / Fachadas / Muros
huBiblioteka BCG A-692.2 MOD

‘Modern Construction Case Studies’ focuses on the interface between the design of facades, structures and environments of 12 building projects, all developed by Newtecnic. The Author compares facade technologies, particularly in the way they interface with structure and MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing services) in complex projects, to provide insights into the design process for building envelopes. Each envelope technology is described with an emphasis on one of three aspects: geometry, construction and performance. The analysis links the 12 case studies by comparing their structural and environmental performance. The aim is achieved by analyzing typical bays which are representative of each project and which illustrate the implications of using different building envelope technologies.

martes, 14 de abril de 2020

#liburuak #historia | Euskal Herriko gazteluak. Bizkaia

Euskal Herriko gazteluak. Bizkaia / Antton Arrieta Valverde.
[S.l.] : Antton Arrieta Valverde, 2019.
276 p. : il.
ISBN 9788409137954

/ EUS / Libros / Castillos – Bizkaia / País Vasco – Historia – 0500-1500 (Edad Media)
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.81 EUS

Gutxi batzuk ikusgarriak dira; beste batzuk harri-meta bilakatu dira, eta beste asko zeharo desagertu, are "gaztelu" leku-izenik utzi gabe ere, baina Euskal Herrian Erdi Aroan bazeuden gazteluak. Lehen kronikari kristau (castellum) edo musulmanen (hisn) idatzietatik dakigunez, Erdi Aro osoan hemen izan dira, lurraldeak babesten edo beren herritarrak mendean hartzen -beraz, gure historian txertatzen-, eta artilleria garatu arte erabili dira. Ondoren, eraikin militarrak su armen aurka egokitu behar izan ziren, eta gaztelu-eredua desagertu zen. Tamalez, gutxi batzuek izan zuten mofua zutik jarraitzeko Erdi Arotik aurrera. Liburu hau Euskal Herriko gazteluen errolda orokorraren bigarren emaitza da, Arabakoaren ondoren, Bizkaiari dagokiona. Bestalde, baliabideak biltzeko lanetan ari garelarik, etorriko dira Gipuzkoakoa, Iparraldekoa eta Nafarroa Garaikoa ere. Liburu honetan, eta bildumako guztietan, hiru atal bereizi ditugu: lehenak frogatutako gazteluak jasotzen ditu (Bizkaian 20); bigarrenak, gaztelu gehiago aurkitzeko aukerak (aipuak, leku-izenak, leinuen gotorlekuak, lan arkeologikoen txostenak...), azkenik, izenen jatorria edo aipua argituta, gaztelu izateko aukerarik gabe geratu direnak ere badaude, eta horiek osatzen dute lanaren hirugarren atala. Gaztelu modura onartzeko ahalegin edo asmo horretan, arkitekturaren ikuspuntua hobetsi dugu, eta Euskaltzaindiaren hitzetara hurbildu gara eraikina zehaztearren, baina Erdi Arora mugaturik: "Harresiz, murru gotorrez, dorrez eta kidekoez babestu eta sendotutako eraikina edo eraikin-multzoa".

lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture | Concrete structures in Grisons : Identity - Materiality – Structures

Betonbauten in Graubünden : Identität, Materialität, Konstruktion = Concrete structures in Grisons : Identity - Materiality – Structures / [Herausgeber Daniel Reisch ; Autoren Andrea Deplazes, Daniel Reisch, Armando Ruinelli].
München : Detail, 2019.
153 p. : il. 

Ed. bilingüe alemán - inglés.
ISBN 9783955534882

/ DE / EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Suiza / Construcción de hormigón armado
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-624.012.45 BET

The Swiss canton of Grisons impresses with an overwhelming landscape and outstanding new architecture. The material concrete has a long tradition there in the deliberate confrontation with history, material, scale, and construction. It goes without saying that impressive buildings of innovative material aesthetics blend into the rugged rock formations of the surroundings. While the versatility of wood is evoked elsewhere today, the quality of concrete is revived here.The book provides a deep insight into the history, materiality and construction of this fascinating material in the Grisons tradition and makes you want to travel there to be inspired by the quality of the 20 project examples presented.
  • Local identity through architecture
  • Concrete as an identity-establishing material in the tradition of Grisons

domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

#monograficos #arquitectura | El Croquis 201 | Caruso ST John : 2013-2019 : la cualidad física del espacio

Caruso ST John : 2013-2019 : la cualidad física del espacio = the physical quality of space / [editores y directores Fernando Márquez Cecilia y Richard Levene].
Madrid : El Croquis, 2019.
302 p. : principalmente il.

Ed. bilingüe español - inglés.
Serie: El Croquis ; 201.
ISBN 978841200343
/ ES / EN / Monográficos / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / Caruso St John Architects
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-72(082) *CRO/201

This monographic issue of the magazine features recent work by Caruso St John, the London-based architectural firm established in 1990 by Adam Caruso and Peter St John. Focusing on projects completed between 2013 and 2019, the overview also includes a critical and personal analysis by the partners and an interview by British architect and designer Liza Fior. It features no less than 25 projects of all scales and covering a range of types, from Newport Street Gallery, the Latvian Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, to the Canterbury Cathedral organ loft, a private house in the mountains, and the Peterloo Massacre Memorial.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

#monograficos #arquitectura | AV monografías 220 | Vector Architects : cosmopolitan vernacular

Vector Architects : cosmopolitan vernacular / director = editor, Luis Fernández-Galiano.
Madrid : Arquitectura Viva, 2019.
111 p. : il. 

Ed. bilingüe español - inglés.
Serie: AV Monografías ; 220.
ISBN 9788409168996

/ ES / EN / Monográficos / Arquietctura – Siglo XXI – China / Vector Architects
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-72(082) *AVM/220

Vector Architects, founded by Gong Dong (Beijing, 1972) has become one of the key architectural offices in China. Their work is distinguished by its careful attention to context, a deep respect for landscape and the natural environment, the contemporary reinterpretation of Chinese building traditions, and the conscientious use of natural light as a project tool. With these ingredients the studio envisions and designs intimate and emotional spaces, as those that can be found in the sixteen projects, all of them in China, featured in this monograph. The list includes works like the Alila Yangshuo Hotel, the Seashore Library and Chapel, the Captain’s House, and the Changjiang Art Museum.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2020

#monograficos #arquitectura | AV monografías 218-219 | Kengo Kuma : 2014-2019

Kengo Kuma : 2014-2019 / director, Luis Fernández-Galiano.
Madrid : Arquitectura Viva, 2019.
215 p. : principalmente il. 

Ed. bilingüe español- inglés.
Serie: AV monografías ; 218-219. 

ISBN 9788409146383
/ ES / EN / Monográficos / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Japón / Kengo Kuma
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-72(082) *AVM/218-219

It is not easy to name an architect who can invent as much, and as poetically and rigorously, as Kengo Kuma. This issue of AV Monographs takes stock of his firm’s extensive output of the past five years through 32 works and 8 projects, presenting them in five groups. From the New National Stadium of Japan which is nearing completion for the Olympic Games to the competition the studio won recently to extend the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, via works like the Victoria & Albert Museum in Scotland, the Cultural Village in the Portland Japanese Garden, the refurbishment of a traditional courtyard-house in Beijing or the Camper Store in Barcelona. This taxonomy gives a good idea of the scope of his ambition.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2020

#books #architecture #art | The Giedion world : Siegfried Giedion and Carola Giedion-Welcker in dialogue

The Giedion world : Siegfried Giedion and Carola Giedion-Welcker in dialogue / [edited by] Almut Grunewald.
Zurich : Scheidegger & Spiess, 2019.
419 p. : il.
ISBN 9783858818195

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Historia / Arquitectura – Siglo XX / Arte – Siglo XX / Carola Giedion-Welcker / Sigfried Giedion
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-7GIEDION GIE

Sigfried Giedion (1888-1968) and Carola Giedion-Welcker (1893-1979) were among the most distinguished and influential scholars of art and architectural history during the 20th century's earlier dacades. Of particular impact was their role in connecting leading protagonists of modernism in architecture, art, and literature, such as Alvar Aalto, Hans Arp, Constantin Brancusi, Marcel Breuer, Max Ernst, Walter Gropius, Barbara Hepworth, Le Corbusier, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Piet Mondrian, or Sophie Taeuber-Arp. The discourses they initiated, for example on the New Vision in photography or a 'Synthesis of Arts', have lost nothing of their relevance and provide new starting points through to the present day. The estate of Sigfried and Carola Giedion-Welcker is today kept in Zurich at ETH Zurich's Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, the Swiss Institute for Art Research, the University of Zurich's Institute of Romance Studies, and the James Joyce Foundation. It comprises some 16,000 letters, 10,000 photographic prints and negatives, a wealth of other papers, and a vast library. This new book offers a re-evaluation of Sigfried and Carola Giedion-Welcker's work, impact, and lasting significance. The editor and contributors were the first to draw fully on the estate, which has been opened entirely to researchers only recently. Featuring a vast number of previously unpublished documents and other images alongside excerpts from the extensive correspondence the two maintained with their artist friends and colleagues in academia, it provides a unique and manifold insight into the 'Giedion universe'.