
lunes, 31 de agosto de 2020

#books #guides #architecture | Bauhaus Tel Aviv : an architectural guide

Bauhaus Tel Aviv : an architectural guide / Nahoum Cohen.
London : Batsford, 2003.
276 p. : il

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Israel / Bauhaus / Tel Aviv 

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9780713487923
Cita APA-7: Cohen, Nahoum, Hirsch, Jachin (2003). Bauhaus Tel Aviv : an architectural guide. Batsford. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(569.4) BAU

[.es] Israeli architecture was and is still influenced by the International Style, and specifically by the Bauhaus school, with some local modifications. The Bauhaus approach to design began permeating into what was then Palestine under the British Mandate, and developed quickly and strongly in the emerging state of Israel. The International Style was introduced into the country by young architects, many of German extraction, some of whom had trained or taught at the Bauhaus, most of whom came with their families to escape Nazism. Others came from Russia and Poland, competing their studies in Europe, absorbing the then emerging ideas of the International Style. The will to build a new society, uninfluenced by older European traditions caught on readily, and the simple forms of the Bauhaus were applied. Tel Aviv contains up to 1000 buildings in the Bauhaus idiom, designed using simple geometry, usually inexpensive buildings on small, regular parcels of land. The technology was simple; using plastered and stuccoed block and concrete construction in a country lacking the elaboration of more traditional and expensive materials. This book describes a heritage that is only now being conserved and appreciated.

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide : Tel Aviv

Architectural guide : Tel Aviv / Sharon Golan Yaron ; research assistant and co-author, Yuval Even.
Berlin : DOM, 2019.
263 p. : il. 

Serie: Architectural guide.
/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Israel / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Israel / Tel Aviv

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869222523
Cita APA-7: Golan Yaron, Sharon & Even, Yuval (2019). Architectural guide : Tel Aviv. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(569.4) ARC

[.en] Home to more than 4,000 constructions built in a Bauhaus-influenced yet site-­specific modernist style, Tel Aviv’s White City is a world-renowned UNESCO World ­Heritage Site. In this guide, conservation archi­tect Sharon Golan Yaron highlights 100 such structures along four routes. Furthermore, the book illustrates the uniqueness of Tel Aviv’s contemporary conservation approach, which maintains historic values while promoting the growth of the city through allowing additions on top of ­historical buildings.

Tour 1: The Historic Heart. Bialik Square and its Surroundings
Tour 2: The Vibrant Boulevard. Rothschild Boulevard and its Surroundings
Tour 3: The Best Practice. Dizengoff Square and its Surroundings
Tour 4: The Urban Fringe. Beyond the World Cultural Heritage

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide : Australia

Architectural guide : Australia / Sarah Zahradnik.
Berlin : DOM, 2019.
448 p : il.
Serie: Architectural guide.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Australia 

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869225234
Cita APA-7: Zahradnik, Sarah (2019). Architectural guide : Australia. DOM. 
ehuBiblioteca BCG Referencia A-(036)72(94) ARC

[.en] The 'Architectural Guide Australia' presents over 200 projects in the vast island continent that is home to natural wonders, coastal settlements, and tropical climates up north. Each chapter, dedicated to one of the nation’s eight state capitals, presents buildings that represent the major moments in the country’s architectural history, from its colonial origins to the contemporary era. The book includes an introduction to Australia’s most influential architects as well as essays by Harry Seidler (1923 – 2006), John Gollings, and David Bridgman.

Seidler’s essay argues for the incorporation of sunlight and shadow, phenomena so distinctly characteristic of the country’s climate, into architecture both from an aesthetic and practical standpoint. Gollings offers a historical sweep of Australian architecture before identifying the three major architectural strands of contemporary Australia. Bridgman explores the challenges of designing in the hot-humid tropics in particular, outlining the climatic considerations that must be accounted for when building in those regions.

Each chapter also includes an interview with a prominent architectural practice active in the respective city. The architects offer their views on the characteristics of Australian architecture and comment on their own practice within this context. With its comprehensive maps, aerial photographs, and images, this book is the ideal companion for those exploring Australia.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2020

#libri #guide #architettura | Guida all'architettura : Roma : opere e progetti dopo il 1945

Guida all'architettura : Roma : opere e progetti dopo il 1945 / Marina Kavalirek.
Berlin : DOM, 2019.
247 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural guide.

/ IT / Libros / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Italia / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Italia / Roma 

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869227023
Cita APA-7: Kavalirek, Marina (2019). Guida all'architettura : Roma : opere e progetti dopo il 1945. DOM. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(450) GUI

[.it] Per oltre 2000 anni Roma ha esercitato un‘influenza decisiva sulla storia dell‘arte e la cultura europea. Per secoli la città è stata considerata la “caput mundi”, la capitale del mondo, e proprio qui sono state gettate le basi stilistiche dell‘architettura occidentale. Oggi, più didodici milioni di persone provenienti da tutto il mondo si riversano ogni anno nella Città Eterna per ammirare gli imponenti resti dell‘Impero Romano e la magnifica arte earchitettura delle epoche del Rinascimento e del Barocco. Questa guida all‘architettura propone agli appassionati di abbandonare i consueti percorsi turistici ed esplorare i gioielli architettonici nascosti di Roma, concentrandosi sugli edifici notevoli e sui manufatti moderni oggimeno noti costruiti nella seconda metà del XX secolo. Le 140 opere qui presentate spaziano dagli edifici a uso culturale, scolastico e sportivo ai fabbricati residenziali, fi no agli edifici sacri e a quelli a uso misto nonché alle infrastrutture di trasporto, rivelando una grande diversità stilistica.

Otra edición:
Architectural guide : Rome : buildings and projects after 1945 / Marina Kavalirek.
Berlin : DOM, 2019.
247 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural guide.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Italia / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Italia / Rom

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869226606
Cita APA-7: Kavalirek, Marina (2019). Architectural guide : Rome : buildings and projects after 1945. DOM. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(450) ARC

[.en] Rome has shaped European art and culture for over 2,000 years. For centuries the city was considered the caput mundi– ‘capital of the world’– and it is where the foundations of Western architecture were built. Today, more than 12 million people from across the globe flock to the Eternal City each year to admire the impressive relics of the Roman Empire and the opulent art and architecture from the Italian Renaissance and Baroque periods. This guide encourages readers to venture off the beaten track and to explore Rome’s hidden gems: lesser-known yet still extraordinary buildings that date back to the second half of the twentieth century. From constructions for culture, education, sport, and mixed uses, to religious structures and residential and infrastructural projects – the 140 buildings presented here reveal a surprisingly wide variety of styles. The comprehensive volume finishes with an overview of current construction projects and recent realisations and then a selection of themed tours to follow when roaming through the Italian capital.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2020

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide : Sofia

Architectural guide : Sofia / edited by Georgi Stanishev ; authors, Todor Boulev ... [et al.].
Berlin : DOM, 2019.
319 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural guide.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Bulgaria / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Bulgaria / Sofía 

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869226576
Cita APA-7: Stanishev, Goergi, & Boulev, Todor (2019). Architectural guide : Sofia. DOM. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(497.2) ARC

[.en] Sofia is one of the oldest cities in Europe, and it ­remains a relatively undiscovered melting pot of Eastern and Western cultures. Its urban ­fabric comprises a vast range of archi­tec­tures, with structures by the ancient ­Thracians, the ­Romans, the ­Byzantines, as well as works from the ­Bulgarian medieval era, the ­Ottoman Empire, and the modern day, including the peculiar period of communist historicism and modernism. This book presents the city and its capacity to produce a ­singular architectural experience by tracing its ­geography and dissecting its historical layers. ‘Archi­tectural Guide ­Sofia’ ­catalogues not only monuments and sites overlooked by standard tourist guides, but also the city’s most recent buildings, highlighting innovative works by contemporary architects. It profiles 200 selected structures from different eras, explores the genesis of the local architectures, and analyses the architectural details born out of clashes of various stylistic influences. Maps, illustrations, and an ­extensive bibliography help readers and ­travellers experience the extraordinary diversity of Sofia’s built environment.

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2020

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide : Chile

Architectural guide : Chile / Véronique Hours, Fabien Mauduit ; special collaboration with Francisca Muñoz Méndez.
Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2016.
415 p. : il. 

Serie: Architectural guide.
/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Chile / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI - Chile

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869223940
Cita APA-7: Hours, Veronique, Mauduit, Fabien & Muñoz Méndez, Francisca. (2016). Architectural guide: Chile. DOM. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(83) ARC

[.en] Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia, Atacama Desert and the Pacific Coast: even today the apperception of Chile remains remote and indistinct. There is no doubt that its geographical location – confined between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountain range – has had a role to play in the relative nescience, although it was the former political situation that led to the country’s isolation for almost twenty years. In fact, it is only in these last fifteen years that Chilean architecture has appeared on the international stage, mostly owing to Mathias Klotz, Alejandro Aravena, Smiljan Radic and Pezo von Ellrichsausen, amongst others. Chile can take pride in having built some genuine Modern masterpieces whilst having preserved a close relationship with its culture. During the twentieth century Europe provided Chile with sources of inspiration. Le Corbusier had a great influence on Chilean architects despite never having visited the country; his followers, such as Emilio Duhart, Roberto Dávila and the BVCH office, realised buildings which are today internalised deep in the Chilean psyche. The Bauhaus movement served as another influence for architects such as Sergio Larraín. Overall, this book aims to be a practical reference source of the best architectural works of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in Chile.

martes, 25 de agosto de 2020

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide : New York : a critic's guide to 100 iconic buildings in New York from 1999 to 2020

Architectural guide : New York : a critic's guide to 100 iconic buildings in New York from 1999 to 2020 / Vladimir Belogolovsky.
Berlin : DOM, 2019.
255 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural guide.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Estados Unidos / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Estados Unidos / Nueva Yor

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869224312 
Cita APA-7: Belogolovsky, Vladimir (2019). Architectural guide : New York : a critic's guide to 100 iconic buildings in New York from 1999 to 2020. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(73) ARC

[.en] This architectural guide brings together 100 of the most original structures built in New York City since 1999. Vladimir Belogolovsky pairs them with such nicknames as Guillotine, Peacock, Shark’s Fin, Turtle Shell, and Woodpecker. The New York-based author’s selection covers buildings realized by the world’s most renowned architects, in a period when their creations were celebrated as art, and personal styles were encouraged by the ­media, critics, and clients. The featured time span begins with the rise of the starchitect in the late 1990s, and ends in the present day. But the mission of the book is not only to document; it is also to celebrate New York’s transformative ­energy. Many of the buildings were designed either by ­foreign architects or those who settled in the city and now call it home. Through witty, incisive commentary, catchy nick­names, quotes from the author’s interviews with the architects, and detailed maps, this singular guide allows readers to see many of New York’s con­temporary icons in a new way.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Sydney

World film locations : Sydney / edited by Neil Mitchell.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2015.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Sydney

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781783203628
Cita APA-7: Mitchell, Neil (2015). World film locations: Sydney. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] The capital of New South Wales and the most populous city in Australia, Sydney has been represented onscreen since the earliest days of cinema. An eclectic combination of tough inner-city suburbs, beachside communities and green outlying exurbs, Sydney offers many intriguing possibilities to filmmakers. The tensions and differences found among its many multicultural inhabitants, poorer and wealthier suburbs and central business district and beaches are reflected, exaggerated, and critiqued in memorable movies such as ‘The Last Wave’, ‘Puberty Blues’, ‘Strictly Ballroom’ and ‘Little Fish’, among many others. Sydney is a city where sun, sports and surf rub shoulders with crime, racial tensions and class divides.

The contributors to this collection take readers on a virtual tour of Sydney, from Kings Cross, the city’s red light district and frequent film location, to the famous beaches, to explore how representations in movies have both played into and influenced how we think of these spaces and those that frequent them. Essays also consider the experimental film group UBU Films, who shot shorts and features in and around Sydney’s inner city suburbs during the 1960s and early 1970s, and the Sydney Opera House, one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks, and its role in movies both Australian and international.

Packed with full-colour photographs, this is the first book of its kind to deal specifically with Sydney and film. It will find a grateful audience among film lovers, casual viewers, tourists and film historians.

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Shanghai

World film locations : Shanghai / edited by John Berra and Wei Ju.
Bristol : Intellect, 2014.
128 p.: il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Shanghai 

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781783201990
Cita APA-7: Berra, John & Ju, Wei (2014). World film locations: Shanghai. Intellect. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] ‘World Film Locations: Shanghai’ celebrates Shanghai’s rich cinematic history, covering films from the 1930s to 2013. With essays that reflect the city’s relationship to film and scene reviews of iconic titles, this book shows the cosmopolitan glamour through locations steeped in cinematic exoticism while also probing the reality behind the image.

Celebrating Shanghai’s rich cinematic history, the films covered here represent a lengthy time period, from the first Golden Age of Chinese Cinema in the 1930s to the city’s status as an international production hub in 2013. Given the enduring status of Shanghai as the 'Paris of the East’, ‘World Film Locations: Shanghai’ emphasizes the city’s cosmopolitan glamour through locations that are steeped in cinematic exoticism, while also probing the reality behind the image by investigating its backstreets and residential zones. To facilitate this study of Shanghai’s dual identity through reference to film locations, the book includes films from both the commercial and independent sectors, with a balance between images captured by local filmmakers and the visions of Western directors who have also utilized the city for their projects. With numerous essays that reflect Shanghai’s relationship to film and scene reviews of such iconic titles as ‘Street Angel’, ‘Temptress Moon’, ‘Kung Fu Hustle’, and ‘Skyfall’, ‘World Film Locations: Shanghai’ is essential reading for all scholars of China’s urban culture.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Vancouver

World film locations : Vancouver / edited by Rachel Walls.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2013.
112 p. : il.

Serie: World Film Locations.
/ EN / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Vancouver 

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 978184150721
 Cita APA-7: Walls, Rachel (2013). World film locations: Vancouver. Intellect Books.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] ‘World Film Locations: Vancouver’ offers insight into how the city functions as the fourth largest film and television production center in North America. This book provides new perspectives on the relationship between the movies and the metropolis, using analyses of different film scenes and spotlight essays to highlight Canadian filmmaking. 

‘World Film Locations: Vancouver’ highlights the work of such Canadian filmmakers who have received less attention than they merit, whilst bringing insight into how so-called ‘runaway’ productions from Hollywood use Vancouver to stand in for other locations, from Seattle, USA to Lagos, Nigeria. Analyses of 38 different film scenes reveal the cinematic city in its myriad forms, while spotlight essays provide insight into the creativity and contradictions of Vancouver’s film industry throughout the ages. The essays examine the following topics: the masking of Vancouver’s indigenous stories in filmic representations of the city; Australian screenwriter James Clavell’s Vancouver-set debut The Sweet and the Bitter; Sylvia Spring’s Madeleine Is..., the first female-directed feature in Canada; Jonathan Kaplan’s The Accused, for which Jodie Foster won an Oscar; and, the use of Vancouver locations in a number of US television crime series. ‘World Film Locations: Vancouver’ offers new perspectives on the west coast city and in doing so sheds further light upon the relationship between the movies and the metropolis.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Toronto

World film locations : Toronto / edited by Tom Ue.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2014.
128 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Toronto

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781783201952  
Cita APA-7: Ue, Tom. (2014). World film locations: Toronto. Intellect Books. 
Biblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] Toronto is a changing city that has been a source of reflection and inspiration to writers and artists whose work focuses on the conditions and prospects of human life. A city on the move, it demands policies and regulation, and it offers the pleasures and perils of the massive and the anonymous. As a site of study, the city is inherently multidisciplinary, with natural ties to history, geography, sociology, architecture, art history, literature and many other fields. 

‘World Film Locations: Toronto’ explores and reveals the relationship between the city and cinema using a predominately visual approach. The juxtaposition of the images used in combination with insightful essays helps to demonstrate the role that the city has played in a number of hit films, including ‘Cinderella Man’, ‘American Psycho’ and ‘X-Men’ and encourages the reader to frame an understanding of Toronto and the world around us. The contributors trace Toronto’s emergence as an international city and demonstrate the narrative interests that it has continued to inspire among filmmakers, both Canadian and international. 

With support from experts in Canadian studies, the book’s selection of films successfully shows the many facets of Toronto and also provides insider’s access to a number of sites that are often left out of scholarship on Toronto in films, such as the Toronto International Film Festival. The 2014 release of this attractive volume will be a particularly welcome addition to the international celebrations of the city’s 180th anniversary.

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Los Angeles

World film locations : Los Angeles / edited by Gabriel Solomons.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2011.
136 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Los Angeles

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781841504858
Cita APA-7: Solomons, Gabriel (2011). World film locations: Los Angeles. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] The heart of Hollywood’s star-studded film industry for more than a century, Los Angeles and its abundant and ever-changing locales – from the Santa Monica Pier to the infamous and now-defunct Ambassador Hotel – have set the scene for a wide variety of cinematic treasures, from ‘Chinatown’ to ‘Forrest Gump’, ‘Falling Down’ to the coming-of-age classic ‘Boyz n The Hood’. This volume marks an engaging citywide tour of the many films shot on location in this birthplace of cinema and the screen spectacle.

‘World Film Locations: Los Angeles’ pairs fifty incisive synopses of carefully chosen film scenes – both famous and lesser-known – with an accompanying array of evocative full-colour film stills, demonstrating how motion pictures have contributed to the multifarious role of the city in our collective consciousness, as well as how key cinematic moments reveal aspects of its life and culture that are otherwise largely hidden from view. Insightful essays throughout turn the spotlight on the important directors, thematic elements and historical periods that provide insight into Los Angeles and its vibrant cinematic culture. Rounding out this information are city maps with information on how to locate key features, as well as photographs showing featured locations as they appear now.

A guided tour of the City of Angels conducted by the likes of Robert Altman, Nicholas Ray, Michael Mann and Roman Polanski, ‘World Film Locations: Los Angeles’ is a concise and user-friendly guide to how Los Angeles has captured the imaginations of both filmmakers and those of us sitting transfixed in theatres worldwide.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : San Francisco

World film locations : San Francisco / edited by Scott Jordan Harris.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2013.
128 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / San Francisco

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781783200283
Cita APA-7: Harris, Scott Jordan (2013). World film locations: San Francisco. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] An extraordinarily beautiful city that has been celebrated, criticised and studied in many films, San Francisco is both fragile and robust, at once a site of devastation caused by 1906 earthquake but also a symbol of indomitability in its effort to rebuild afterwards. Its beauty, both natural and manmade, has provided filmmakers with an iconic backdrop since the 1890s, and this guidebook offers an exciting tour through the film scenes and film locations that have made San Francisco irresistible to audiences and auteurs alike. 

Gathering more than forty short pieces on specific scenes from San Franciscan films, this book includes essays on topics that dominate the history of filmmaking in the city, from depictions of the Golden Gate Bridge, to the movies of Alfred Hitchcock, to the car chases that seem to be mandatory features of any thriller shot there. Some of America’s most famous movies – from Steven Spielberg’s ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ to Hitchcock’s ‘Vertigo’ to Don Siegel’s Dirty Harry – are celebrated alongside smaller movies and documentaries, such as ‘The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill’, to paint a complete picture of San Francisco in film. A range of expert contributors, including several members of the San Francisco Film Critics Circle, discuss a range of films from many genres and decades, from nineteenth-century silents to twentieth-century blockbusters.

Audiences across the world, as well as many of the world’s greatest film directors – including Buster Keaton, Orson Welles, George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, David Fincher and Steven Soderbergh – have been seduced by San Francisco. This book is the ideal escape to the city by the bay for arm chair travellers and cinephiles alike.

martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Chicago

World film locations : Chicago / edited by Scott Jordan Harris.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2013.
128 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Chicago / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine 

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781841507187
Cita APA-7: Harris, Scott Jordan (2013). World film locations. Chicago. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] While some call it the Second City, Chicago is no stranger to the silver screen. Director Christopher Nolan transformed Chicago into the darkly foreboding Gotham City for The Dark Knight . Ferris Bueller rode a parade float down Dearborn and made stops during his epic day off at a host of landmarks, from Buckingham Fountain to Wrigley Field. Everyone’s favourite foul-mouthed blues act ended their film’s climactic chase by taking the Bluesmobile through the plate-glass windows of the Richard J. Daley Center. With ‘World Film Locations: Chicago’, critic Scott Jordan Harris takes readers on a cinematic tour of the city, featuring modern blockbusters and beloved classics. Along the way, scenes from almost fifty films made or set in the city are discussed, accompanied by full-colour stills and interspersed with essays examining the city’s unique character onscreen. Among the contributors are Gordon Quinn, cofounder of Chicago’s Kartemquim Films; Elizabeth Weitzman, film critic for the New York Daily News; the BBC’s Samira Ahmed; and Steve James, director of the coming-of-age classic Hoop Dreams. For readers hoping to locate landmarks from favourite films, the book also includes detailed maps that point out key scenes. A fun and fact-packed read, World Film Locations: Chicago will be welcomed by film fans and anyone planning a trip to the Windy City.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Boston

World film locations : Boston / edited by Marcelline Block.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2014.
128 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Boston / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine /

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781783201983
Cita APA-7: Block, Marcelline (2014). World film locations: Boston. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] Boston has a rich tradition of cinematic representation. This book considers the full spectrum of Boston's abundant aesthetic potential, looking in depth into forty-six films that were filmed on location in the city. Presented at the intersection of critical analysis and visual critique, the films are accompanied by articles and film scene reviews.

Founded by the Puritans in 1630 and the site of many of the American Revolution’s major precursors and events (including the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party and Paul Revere’s midnight ride, among others), Boston has played – and continues to play – an influential role in the shaping of the historic, intellectual, cultural and political landscapes of the United States. And Boston has a significantly rich tradition of cinematic representation. While Harvard is central to many of the films set in the Greater Boston area, ‘World Film Locations: Boston’ considers the full spectrum of Boston’s abundant aesthetic potential, reviewing films located within as well as far beyond Harvard’s hallowed halls and ivy-covered gates. Many iconic American classics, blockbusters, romantic comedies and legal thrillers, as well as films examining Boston’s criminal under-side, particularly in juxtaposition to the city’s elitist high society, were filmed on location in the city’s streets and back lots. ‘World Film Locations: Boston’ looks in depth into a highly select group of forty-six films such as ‘Love Story’, ‘Good Will Hunting’, ‘The Friends of Eddy Coyle’, and ‘The Social Network’, among many others, presented at the intersection of critical analysis and stunning visual critique (with material from the films themselves as well as photographs of the contemporary city locations). Featuring articles and film scene reviews written by a variety of leading contemporary film writers, critics and scholars, this book is a multimedia resource that will find a welcome audience in movie lovers in Beantown and beyond.

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : New York

World film locations : New York / edited by Scott Jordan Harris.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2011.
126 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Nueva York 

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781841504827
Cita APA-7: Harris, Scott Jordan (2011). World film locations: New York. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] Presenting a varied and thought-provoking collage of the city onscreen – from the silent era to the present – ‘World Film Locations: New York’ provides a fascinating and historic look back at the rich diversity of locations that have provided the backdrop for some of the most memorable films. 

Be they period films, cult classics or elaborate directorial love letters, New York City has played – and continues to play – a central role in the imaginations of filmmakers and moviegoers worldwide. The stomping grounds of King Kong, it is also the place where young Jakie Rabinowitz of ‘The Jazz Singer’ realizes his Broadway dream. Later, it is the backdrop against which taxi driver Travis Bickle exacts a grisly revenge. 

The inaugural volume in an exciting new series from Intellect, ‘World Film Locations: New York’ pairs incisive profiles of quintessential New York filmmakers –among them Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, Sidney Lumet and Spike Lee– with essays on key features of the city’s landscape that have appeared on the big screen, from the docks to Coney Island, Times Square to the Statue of Liberty. More than forty-five location-specific scenes from films made and set in New York are separately considered and illustrated with screen shots and photographs of the locations as they appear now. For film fans keen to follow the cinematic trail either physically or in the imagination, this pocket-sized guide also includes city maps with information on how to locate key features.

sábado, 15 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Venice

World film locations : Venice / edited by Michael Pigott.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2013.
127 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Venecia

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781841507200
Cita APA-7: Pigott, Michael (2013). World film locations: Venice. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] Extensively illustrated with maps, film stills and present-day location photos, ‘World Film Locations: Venice’ provides both a colourful guide to, and an incisive examination of, the floating city on film. This book explores the rich history of films that have used Venice as evocative backdrop and integral character. Few cities are as densely packed with picturesque cinematic locations. Extensively illustrated with maps, film stills and present-day location photos, this book provides both a colourful guide to, and an incisive examination of, Venice on film. It contains insightful film entries describing carefully chosen scenes from each film, as well as six thematic essays, written by an impressive international selection of film critics, academics and Venice experts. The grand and familiar tourist spots take on new significances, and the book highlights less well-known spots beyond the tourist trail, including gondola repair yards and legendary, but well-hidden, restaurants. From one of the earliest mobile shots in film history – a voyage up the Grand Canal shot in 1896 – to classic depictions of the city like Summertime , Death in Venice , and Don’t Look Now , as well as recent big budget productions such as The Tourist , this book spans the history of filmmaking in Venice.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Prague

World film locations : Prague / edited by Marcelline Block.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2013.
128 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

/ EN / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Praga 

📘 ISBN 9781783200276
Cita APA-7: Block, Marcelline (2013). World film locations: Prague. Intellect Books.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] Prague, the 'Hollywood of the East', has played an important role in the history of cinema and ‘World Film Locations: Prague’ traverses the city’s topography to examine an internationally diverse range of movies made in the Czech capital: landmark early films such as Ecstasy, controversial due to the female nudity that catapulted Hedy Lamarr into stardom in the United States; Steven Soderbergh’s biopic ‘Kafka’, starring Jeremy Irons; adaptations of Kafka’s literary works such as ‘The Trial’, with a screenplay by Harold Pinter and starring Anthony Hopkins; and action blockbusters like ‘Mission Impossible’, ‘The Bourne Identity’ and ‘Casino Royale’. Exploring legendary Prague landmarks as they appear onscreen—including the Charles Bridge, Old Town, Malà Strana, Liechtenstein Palace, Wenceslas Square and Prague Castle – the book also discusses the intersection of the capital city and its cinematic representations; Prague and the Czech New Wave; the iconic Barrandov Studios; and the impact of political events such as the Prague Spring, the Soviet Invasion of 1968 and the Velvet Revolution on the city’s film industry. An invaluable resource for scholars, students and aficionados of film and cinematic psychogeography, this collection will be heralded by students of East European literary, cultural and sociopolitical history.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Berlin

World film locations : Berlin / edited by Susan Ingram.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2012.
128 p. : il.
Serie: World Film Locations.

EN / Libros / Berlin / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en la cin

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781841506319
Cita APA-7: Ingram, Susan (2012). World film locations: Berlin. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.en] One of the most dynamic capital cities of the twenty-first century, Berlin also has one of the most tumultuous modern histories. A city that came of age, in many senses, with the cinema, it has been captured on film during periods of exuberance, devastation, division and reconstruction. ‘World Film Locations: Berlin’ offers a broad overview of these varied cinematic representations.

Covering an array of films that ranges from early classics to contemporary star vehicles, this volume features detailed analyses of 46 key scenes from productions shot on location across the city as well as spotlight essays in which contributors with expertise in German studies, urban history and film studies focus on issues central to understanding Berlin film, such as rubble, construction sites and music, and controversial film personalities from Berlin, such as Marlene Dietrich and Leni Riefenstahl. With the help of full-colour illustrations that include film stills and contemporary location shots, ‘World Film Locations: Berlin’ cinematically maps the city’s long twentieth century, taking readers behind the scenes and shedding new light on the connections between many favourite and possibly soon-to-be-favourite films.

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2020

#books #filmmaking | World film locations : Helsinki

World film locations : Helsinki / edited by Pietari Kääpä and Silja Laine.
Bristol : Intellect Books, 2013.
111 p. : il.

/ En / Libros / Cine / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine / Helsinki 

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781841507224
Cita APA-7: Kääpä, Pietari & Laine, Silja (2013). World film locations: Helsinki. Intellect Books. 
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 WOR

[.es] ‘World Film Locations: Helsinki’ explores the relationship between the city, cinema, and Finnish cultural history. Cinematic representations of Helsinki range from depictions of a northern periphery to a space of cosmopolitanism, from a touristic destination to a substitute for Moscow and St. Petersburg during the Cold War.

Part of Intellect’s World Film Locations series, ‘World Film Locations: Helsinki’ explores the relationship between the city, cinema and Finnish cultural history. Cinematic representations of Helsinki range from depictions of a northern periphery to a space of cosmopolitanism, from a touristic destination to a substitute for Moscow and St. Petersburg during the Cold War. The city also looks different depending on one’s perspective, and World Film Locations: Helsinki illustrates this complexity by providing a visual collection of cinematic views of Helsinki. This cinematic city is a collective work where individual pieces construct a whole, and one which we, as viewers, then shape according to our perspectives. The contributors emphasize the role of the city in identity and cultural politics throughout Finnish film history and its central role as the locus for negotiating Finland’s globalization.