
martes, 30 de noviembre de 2021

#books #townplanning | Unfinished metropolis

Unfinished metropolis.

Berlín : DOM, 2020.
2 vol.
ISBN 9783869222493

/ EN / Libros / Berlín (Alemania) / Ciudades – Renovación / Urbanismo – Alemania

Vol. 1: 100 years of urban planning for greater Berlin / editors, Harald Bodenschatz, Benedikt Goebel, Christina Gräwe. 415 p. : il.
📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869228495

Cita APA-7: Bodenschatz, Harald, Goebel, Benedikt, & Gräwe, Christina. (2020). Unfinished metropolis. Vol. 1, 100 years of urban planning for greater Berlin . DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-711.4(430) UNF/I

Vol. 2: International urban planning competition for Berlin-Brandenburg 2070 : perspectives from Europe / editors, Peter Lemburg, Marcus Nitschke, Wolfgang Schuster. 335 p. : il.
📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 978386922849

Cita APA-7: Lemburg, Peter, Nitschke, Marcus, & Schster, Wolfgang (2020). Unfinished metropolis: perspectives from Europe. Vol. 2, international urban planning competition for Berlin-Brandenburg 2070. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-711.4(430) UNF/II

[.en] The 'new urban municipality of Berlin', also called Greater Berlin, was created 100 years ago, on 1 October 1920, following a ground-breaking administrative reform. This was a century-defining milestone that transformed Berlin into a world city. The old city of Berlin was merged with 7 other cities, 59 rural communities, and 27 estate districts. As a result, the city's area increased from 66 to 878 square metres, its population from 1.9 to 3.9 million people, virtually overnight. But Greater Berlin did not remain a fixed entity. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, new planning and development projects continued to transform the greater urban area, which has grown, seemingly without end, far beyond the boundaries of Berlin.

The two volumes of Unfinished Metropolis are dedicated to the past and future of Greater Berlin. The first volume offers an insight into an array of different topics, such as Berlin's role as the capital of Germany, its relationship with Brandenburg, and the historical, economic, and social conditions that have driven the growth of the urban area over the centuries. The second volume delves deeper into the designs for the future. It comprehensively documents the International Urban Planning Competition for Berlin-Brandenburg 2070, held by the states' association of architects and engineers. It also explores how other European capital regions - London, Moscow, Paris, and Vienna - are seeking to ensure sustainable urban development in years to come.

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2021

#books #architecture | Formgiving

Formgiving / [drawings, renderings and illustrations BIG, Bjarke Ingels Group].
Koln : Taschen, 2020.
734 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / BIG Bjarke Ingels Group / Diseño arquitectónico

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783836577045
Cita APA-7: BIG Bjarke Ingels Group (2020). Formgiving. Taschen.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72BIG FOR

[.en] ‘Formgiving. An Architectural Future History’, the new book by BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group), and the latest installment in its TASCHEN trilogy, is a visionary attempt to look at the horizon of time, from the Big Bang into the most distant future. The volume addresses six evolutionary trajectories, and the development of artificial intelligence, sustainability, interplanetary migration, among others, in the context of architecture and design, in order to give form to the future world we want to inhabit—right now.

‘Formgiving’, the new book by BIG (Bjarke Ingels Group), is a visionary attempt to look at the horizon of time. The Danish word for "design" is "formgivning," which literally means to give form to that which has not yet taken shape. In other words, to give form to the future. Using our power to give form, rather than allowing the future to take shape, is more important now than ever, as humankind's impact on the planet continues to increase and pose ever greater challenges to all life forms. Architecture plays a special role by proposing spaces for our lives that are fragments of the future in the making.

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2021

#llibres #urbanisme | Urbanisme comparat : 10 models, 10 mirades

Urbanisme comparat : 10 models, 10 mirades / Sara Mas Ibáñez.
Barcelona : Agrupació d'Arquitectes Urbanistes de Catalunya, AAUC, 2019.
190 p. : il.

/ CAT / Libros / Urbanismo

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9788496842748
Cita APA-7: Mas Ibáñez, Sara (2019). Urbanisme comparat : 10 models, 10 mirades. Agrupació d'Arquitectes Urbanistes de Catalunya, AAUC.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-711.4 URB

[.cat] L'experiència de les sessions d'Urbanisme Comparat organitzades pel Col.legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya,a través de l'Agrupació d'Arquitectes Urbanistes, dona origen a la present publicació, que apropa diferents realitatsa tots aquells qui tenen interès per l'urbanisme. Amb format distès, obert i a través de converses variades, volem compartir aquest episodi de l’Urbanisme Comparat i aportar mirades diferents sobre l'exercici de la disciplina. Mirades per evolucionar i millorar.

Urbanismo comparado. 10 modelos, 10 miradas.
Paisaje Transversal, 2020-08-30


Si proporcionar políticas y marcos de producción y transformación del espacio es una práctica globalmente común en el campo del urbanismo, con la extensión y la reforma urbana como dinámicas características de la transformación del territorio y la ciudad contemporánea… ¿Cuáles son los hechos similares y cuales las diferencias entre las diversas realidades? ¿Qué se puede extraer del análisis comparado de las diferentes lógicas proyectuales y la verdad contextual en que estas se materializan?

Estas son algunas de las preguntas que se plantean en el libro ‘Urbanisme comparat. 10 models, 10 mirades’ (Urbanismo comparado. 10 modelos, 10 miradas). Mediante el estudio comparado de 10 casos de planeamiento urbanístico repartidos por todo el mundo, los cuales se presentan sintéticamente, se ponen en común elementos y cuestiones para un debate que nos debería permitir una imprescindible mejora en el instrumental proyectual y de la toma de decisiones en la acción territorial y urbanística.

Cncretamente, el libro recoge y resume la experiencia de las sesiones de Urbanismo Comparado, organizadas por el Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña, a través de la Agrupación de Arquitectos Urbanistas (2012 a 2019), dan origen a la presente publicación, que acerca diferentes realidades a todos aquellos que tengan interés por el urbanismo.

Genealogía de la comparación
Las sesiones se iniciaron coincidiendo con un momento de crisis de la profesión. Existía entonces, como existe ahora, una controversia que atañía a las bases teóricas de la propia disciplina. Por no hablar de dificultades que el planeamiento urbanístico planteaba en su aplicación práctica vinculada al sistema administrativo y jurídico. En este marco, convencidos de que la planificación urbanística sigue siendo un instrumento de servicio al progreso social, imprescindible para el gobierno y transformación democrática de los asentamientos y del territorio, la organización de estas sesiones permitió, en la búsqueda por una renovación de la práctica urbanística actual, acercar y compartir la realidad y experiencias del urbanismo en otros países. Aproximaciones a técnicas codificadas, medios de intervención y prácticas del urbanismo de todo el mundo. Tradiciones y experiencias acreditadas que pueden ser muy útiles en la reflexión y generación de renovados instrumentos legislativos, económicos, de gestión y de gobernanza repartido en 23 sesiones, donde se debatió y comparó sobre el urbanismo de 19 países repartidos en 4 continentes).

El libro nace de la propuesta de la AAUC de editar un documento donde recoger los contenidos de las Sesiones de Urbanismo Comparado. Con este objetivo, el libro ofrece de forma deliberada, no una transcripción directa de todas las conferencias, de contenido y estructura muy dispar, sino una selección intencionada -con ampliación y re-elaboración del contenido de las sesiones- que busca una aproximación a la actividad urbanística intencionada y comparable.

Partiendo de un análisis simplificado del modelo catalán, que a pesar de no ser presentado a las sesiones pareció imprescindible para cualquier ejercicio formal de comparación, el texto se centra en una selección representativa de países que se consideraron significativos por su trayectoria diferenciada -nueve de los doce países presentados hasta la convocatoria de redacción de este texto-.

De forma sistematizada, conscientes de las estrechas relaciones del modelo urbanístico con el conjunto de valores que definen cada país y de la dificultad de transferencia entre ellos, a través de sus páginas nos acercaremos para entender las bases y lógicas que singularizan las estructuras y procesos de producción y transformación de los espacios, las técnicas y los instrumentos del urbanismo, realzando aquellos aspectos que destacan en cada territorio.

El libro
El libro se estructura en tres bloques: Unos primeros capítulos introductorios, donde se aproxima al urbanismo y a los elementos que condicionan, configuran y caracterizan su praxis en cada territorio. El cuerpo central del libro, donde se presentan de forma singularizada y comparable los diez países y regiones seleccionados: Cataluña, Francia, Alemania, Países Bajos, Japón, Finlandia, Inglaterra, Flandes, Singapur y Argentina. Y finalmente un breve capítulo de reflexiones surgidas de las experiencias compartidas. También para cerrar y en forma de anexos se incluyen el listado y breve presentación de todas las Sesiones y ponentes, agrupado por países y un últimos espacio donde se comparte una bibliografía básica y fuentes de datos consultadas.

El formato de los capítulos, de extensión reducida, quiere facilitar la posible lectura continuada o alterna en función de los intereses del lector.

Este no pretende ser un manual académico para conocer en profundidad cada uno de los modelos, fuera del alcance de este proyecto, sino un texto de fácil comprensión que ayude a entender la experiencia de las Sesiones de Urbanismo Comparado y acerque otras realidades a todos aquellos que tienen interés por el urbanismo.

sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2021

#books #architecture | The dream of space produces forms : Paredes Pedrosa arquitectos

The dream of space produces forms : Paredes Pedrosa arquitectos / [editors, Paredes Pedrosa arquitectos].
[Madrid] : Ministerio de Fomento, D.L. 2019.
111 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – España / Exposiciones – Construcciones / Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos

📘 Ed. impresa
Cita APA-7: Paredes Pedrosa Arquitectos (eds.). (2019). The dream of space produces forms : Paredes Pedrosa arquitectos. Ministerio de Fomento.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-725.91 DRE

[.en] “The dream of space produces forms” is a study on space as the place that most surprises and excites us in architecture. Space understood as an invention of three-dimensional shapes that particularly show their ability to provide above justified needs, the possibility of revising the way they are used. By abstracting these spaces from their environment and context, we seek through this study to explore the relationship between the section and the volume of the space, and in doing so, recognize the design mechanisms, whether rational or intuitive, that we have used in establishing the spatial layout. We are aware that this thought on the actual project experience must be part of the architect´s work, and that it ultimately represents the search for the givens and constants that are present in the architecture of any time or place.

[.es] El libro "The dream of space produces forms" recoge la exposición de Paredes/Pedrosa para la Biennale di Venezia – 16 Mostra Internazionale di Architettura FREESPACE. Los arquitectos respondieron al tema de FREESPACE centrándose en la sección, la herramienta arquitectónica que explora la forma espacial, la altura y la profundidad del volumen a crear, que en sus palabras es "estar ocupado por la luz, por el tiempo o por el sonido, herramientas de diseño clave en nuestra práctica diaria". En la introducción del libro, historiador y crítico de arquitectura Richard Ingersoll destaca la capacidad de los autores para adaptarse a cada contexto al que se enfrentan: “Paredes/Pedrosa han desarrollado un método para escuchar el sitio, al tiempo que prestan detallada atención al programa, la historia o las tecnologías apropiadas. En la exposición presentaban seis obras que demuestran esta capacidad de conectar con el lugar: la Biblioteca de Córdoba, la Villa romana de La Olmeda, el Museo Arqueológico de Almería, el nuevo Auditorio de Lugo, la Biblioteca Pública de Ceuta. Seis módulos de 3,75 m donde se representan en secciones sucesivas de tableros de madera los espacios interiores de los seis edificios a escala 1:30; y en cada módulo flota una maqueta a escala 1:200; piezas que adquieren la categoría de esculturas en la nave del Arsenal.

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2021

#libri #guide #architettura | Milano : l'architettura dal 1945 a oggi

Milano : l'architettura dal 1945 a oggi / a cura di Florencia Andreola, Marco Biraghi, Gabriella Lo Ricco.

Milano : Editore Ulrico Hoepli, 2018.
317 p. : il.

/ IT / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Italia / Arquitectura – Siglo XXi – Italia / Milán (Italia)

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9788820386498
Cita APA-7: Andreola, Florencia, Biraghi, Marco, & Lo Ricco, Gabriella (eds.) (2018). Milano : l'architettura dal 1945 a oggi. Editore Ulrico Hoepli.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(450) MIL

[.it] Milano, dal secondo dopoguerra in avanti, ha elaborato una propria specifica interpretazione dell’architettura moderna: una via milanese alla modernità architettonica. In originali edifici del centro come la Torre Velasca e il Grattacielo Pirelli, al pari che in quartieri-modello periferici come il QT8 o il Complesso ‘Monte Amiata’ al Quartiere Gallaratese, Milano si è venuta così costituendo come un vero e proprio museo a cielo aperto dell’architettura moderna. I nomi dei maggiori protagonisti di queste stagioni sono Gio Ponti, Piero Bottoni, Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Lodovico Belgiojoso, Ignazio Gardella, Luigi Moretti, Luigi Caccia Dominioni, Vico Magistretti; e ancora, Vittorio Gregotti, Carlo Aymonino, Aldo Rossi, Guido Canella, Gino Valle, Gabetti & Isola. Architetti che, nel volgere di alcuni decenni, hanno dotato Milano dei suoi edifici-simbolo, oltreché delle strutture adeguate a una città dalle aspirazioni europee. Alle opere di questi autori si sono affiancate, nell’ultimo scorcio del secolo e all’inizio del nuovo millennio, in un periodo caratterizzato da una ripresa dell’attività edilizia, quelle di architetti di fama mondiale come Ieoh Ming Pei, Zaha Hadid, Daniel Libeskind, Peter Eisenman, Herzog & de Meuron e OMA/Rem Koolhaas, e di un gruppo di architetti italiani comprendente, tra gli altri, Renzo Piano, Cino Zucchi e Stefano Boeri. In interventi pregevoli e articolati come la Fondazione Prada, o in edifici a loro modo iconici come la Fondazione Feltrinelli e il Bosco Verticale, il capoluogo lombardo ha conosciuto una rinascita della propria identità architettonica. Nel suo complesso, un contributo significativo che ha finito per assegnare a Milano un ruolo importante nel panorama architettonico internazionale. Il volume inquadra criticamente i diversi aspetti dello sviluppo dell’architettura milanese, e in 178 schede illustrate con fotografie realizzate per l’occasione presenta i suoi edifici più significativi realizzati nel corso degli ultimi settant’anni.

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa

Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa / edited by Philipp Meuser and Adil Dalbai.

Berlin : DOM, 2021.
7 vol.
ISBN 9783869224008
Serie: Architectural guide.
/ EN / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – África negra

Vol. 1, Introduction to the history and theory of Sub-Saharan architecture. 415 p. : il.
📕 Ed.impresa: ISBN 9783869220819

Cita APA-7: Meuser, Philipp, & Dalbai, Adil (eds.) (2021). Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 1, introduction to the history and theory of sub-saharan architecture. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(66/67) ARC/I

Vol. 2, Western Africa : from the Atlantic Ocean to the Sahel.435 p. : il. 
📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869220826
Cita APA-7: Meuser, Philipp, & Dalbai, Adil (eds.) (2021). Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 2, Western Africa : from the Atlantic Ocean to the Sahel. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(66/67) ARC/II

Vol. 3, Western Africa : along the Atlantic Ocean coast. 631 p. : il.
📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869220833
Cita APA-7: Meuser, Philipp, & Dalbai, Adil (eds.) (2021). Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 3, Western Africa : along the Atlantic Ocean coast. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(66/67) ARC/III

Vol. 4, Eastern Africa : from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa. 403 p. : il.
📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869220840
Cita APA-7: Meuser, Philipp, & Dalbai, Adil (eds.) (2021). Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 4, Eastern Africa : from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa. DOM
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(66/67) ARC/IV

Vol. 5, Eastern Africa : from the Great Lakes to the Indian Ocean. 571 p. : il.
📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869220857
Cita APA-7: Meuser, Philipp, & Dalbai, Adil (eds.) (2021). Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 5, Eastern Africa : from the Great Lakes to the Indian Ocean. DOM
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(66/67) ARC/V

Vol. 6, Central Africa : from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. 455 p. : il.
📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869220864
Cita APA-7: Meuser, Philipp, & Dalbai, Adil (eds.) (2021). Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 6, Central Africa : from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(66/67) ARC/VI

Vol. 7, Southern Africa : between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. 495 p. : il.
📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869220871
Cita APA-7: Meuser, Philipp, & Dalbai, Adil (eds.) (2021). Architectural guide : Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol. 7, Southern Africa : between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(66/67) ARC/VII

[.en] Despite the growing interest in Africa, the continent’s built environment is still largely unfamiliar in many parts of the world. The seven volumes of the Sub-Saharan Africa Architectural Guide form the first comprehensive overview of architecture south of the Sahara that does justice to the region’s wealth of buildings. In 49 chapters, each focusing on one country, richly illustrated texts by more than 350 authors from Africa and across the globe come together to produce a superlative work. On the basis of 850 selected buildings and over 200 thematic articles, the continent’s building culture is elucidated and contextualised. The diverse contributions paint a multifaceted picture of Africa’s architecture in the twenty-first century, a discipline shaped by traditional and colonial roots as well as today’s global interconnections and challenges. An introductory volume on the history and theory of African architecture provides essential background knowledge.

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide Yangon

Architectural guide Yangon / Ben Bansal, Elliott Fox, Manuel Oka.

Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2015.
399 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural guide.

/ EN / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Birmania / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Birmania / Rangún (Birmania)

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869223759
Cita APA-7: Bansal, Ben, Fox, Elliott, & Oka, Manuel (2015). Architectural guide Yangon. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(591) ARC

[.en] ‘Architectural Guide Yangon’ presents around one hundred memorable buildings from Myanmar’s historical capital. Following decades of international isolation, the city’s vast heritage remains largely, surprisingly and spectacularly intact. Rangoon – as it was known under the British – was a melting pot of British India. Vivid traces of this legacy are everywhere, especially in the city’s Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and Muslim houses of worship that often stand side by side, down town, in Yangon’s tightly-gridded streets. Since the country’s independence from the British in 1948, successive authoritarian regimes have also stamped the cityscape with their legacies. Today Yangon is a bustling and busy city in flux, at the frontier of Myanmar’s rapid opening to the wider world. Yangon’s urban fabric deserves a systematic guide that nourishes every visitor and resident’s shared fascination for the city and its history, offering countless anecdotes and notes on architectural detail.

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #architecture | Monterrey : Architectural guide = Guía de arquitectura

Monterrey : Architectural guide = Guía de arquitectura / Celia Esther Arredondo Zambrano, Casten Krohn.

Berlin : DOM, 2018.
207 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural Guide.
Ed. bilingüe español – inglés

/ ES / EN / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura - Siglo XX - México / Arquitectura - Siglo XXI - México

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869226200
Cita APA-7: Arredondo Zambrano, Celia Esther, & Krohn, Casten (2018). Monterrey : architectural guide = guía de arquitectura (Ser. Architectural guide). DOOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(72) MON

[.es] Monterrey es conocida como «la ciudad de las montañas» en referencia a su privilegiada ubicación en las faldas de la Sierra Madre. La ciudad fue fundada en 1596 y permaneció dormida hasta finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, cuando experimentó un gran desarrollo industrial que la convirtió en una próspera urbe. Hoy en día, Monterrey es una importante metrópolis cultural, educativa y de negocios. Este libro desea mostrar la contribución de la arquitectura a la transformación de esta ciudad, comenzando por sus orígenes coloniales —aún presentes en el Barrio Antiguo— y las fundiciones y cervecerías protagonistas de la transforma­ción industrial. Se muestra también el reflejo de la modernidad en las obras de algunos célebres arquitectos mexicanos —Mario Pani, Enrique de la Mora y Luis Barragán, entre otros— y finalmente el rápido crecimiento de los actuales desarrollos residenciales, corporativos y comerciales, con diseños de varios arquitectos de talla internacional como Nicholas Grimshaw, Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid y Alejandro Aravena.

[.en] Monterrey is known as ‘the city of the mountains’, in refer­ence to its privileged location at the foothills of the Sierra Madre. The city, founded in 1596, remained dormant until the turn of the 20th century, when it went through a period of rapid industrial growth that transformed it into a prosperous city. Today, Monterrey is an important metropolis brimming with culture, education, and business. This book explores how architecture contributed to the transformation of this city. It presents Monterrey’s colonial origins – ever present in the Barrio Antiguo – and the breweries and foundries that played a central role in the city’s industrial­isation. The book also explores how the spirit of modernity is reflected in the works of several famous ­Mexican architects – such as Mario Pani, Enrique de la Mora, and Luis Barragán – and finally arrives at the rapid growth of residential, corporate, and commercial developments currently taking place, with designs by internationally renowned architects such as ­Nicholas Grimshaw, Tadao Ando, Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, and Alejandro Aravena.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #architecture | Japan : architectural guide

Japan : architectural guide / Botond Bognar.

Berlin : DOM, 2021 / 2nd ed.
608 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural Guide.

/ ES / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Japón / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Japón

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869226965
Cita APA-7: Bognar, Botond (2021). Japan : architectural guide (2nd ed., Ser. Architectural guide). DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(520) JAP

[.en] Contemporary Japanese architecture has, for over half a century, achieved worldwide recognition not only for its highly innovative and often futuristic qualities, but also for its sensitive response to Japan’s cultural and physical context, which has become especially challenging given the country’s increasingly urbanised environment. Today, Japan’s contemporary architecture is admired perhaps as much as its traditional counterpart, with which it often maintains a meaningful dialogue.

Botond Bognar’s ‘Architectural Guide Japan’ introduces close to 700 of the most prominent examples of this fertile architecture, in addition to outlining its development from the mid-nineteenth century to the present in a concise historical essay. All texts are accompanied by about 930 colour photos, all taken by the author, and over 90 drawings. Detailed information about each entry is enhanced by geodata in the form of QR codes.

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide Milan : buildings and projects since 1919

Architectural guide Milan : buildings and projects since 1919 / Carlo Berizzi.

Berlin : DOM, cop. 2019 / 2nd ed.
315 p. il.
Serie: Architectural Guide.

/ EN/ Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Italia / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Italia / Milán (Italia)

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869223964
Cita APA-7: Berizzi, Carlo (2019). Architectural guide Milan : buildings and projects since 1919 (2nd ed.). DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(450) ARC

[.en] From the 1920s onwards, Milan has become a laboratory of architecture due to architects such as Giuseppe Terragni, Gio Ponti and Giuseppe Pagano. Magazines such as Domus and Casabella were founded in the 1920s which infl uenced international debate throughout the 20th century. A new trend arose following the reconstruction of the city due to damages incurred during World War II: the city is now able to combine modernity with its existing context through the works of BBPR, Luigi Caccia Dominioni, Ignazio Gardella and Franco Albini. These architects introduced the renowned design which is nowadays identifi ed with Milan. In the last decade, an outstanding urban development took place owing to areas which feature the work of internationally renowned architects, including David Chipperfi eld, Zaha Hadid and Daniel Libeskind, as well as Italian architects such as Cino Zucchi and Stefano Boeri. Owing to its ambitious projects, Milan has transformed from an industrial city to a global capital of culture, fashion and leisure. This guide proposes thematic itineraries for discovering one of the most architecturally exciting European cities.

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #architecture | London. Architectural Guide : Twentieth-Century Housing Projects

London. Architectural Guide : Twentieth-Century Housing Projects / Tjerk Ruimschotel.

Berlin: DOM publishers, 2021.
279 p. il.
Serie: Architectural Guide

/ EN / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Inglaterra / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Inglaterra / Londres

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869225258
Cita APA-7: Ruimschotel, Tjerk (2021). London. Architectural guide : twentieth-century housing projects. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(410) LON

[.en] A city famous for its rapid growth and high cost of living, London is not a place one immediately associates with pioneering housing projects. Yet the British capital has a long history of social housing and plenty of innovative residential buildings: from Henry Darbishire’s estates for the Peabody housing association to sustainable communities such as BedZED and contemporary council homes like the RIBA award-winning Dujardin Mews.

Divided by period rather than architectural style, this guide focuses on the developments in this field, beginning at the close of the nineteenth century and finishing at the present day. Twentieth-century buildings thus make up the bulk of the guide: garden suburbs, quintessentially English mock Tudor estates, and brutalist icons such as the Barbican and Robin Hood Gardens are all feature in these pages. As do lesser-known works, situated both in the heart of the metropolis and its outer suburbs.

Details of the location and nearest train station accompany the building descriptions for easy navigation, and maps give an overview for planning excursions. In addition, a comprehensive reading list provides inspiration for further investigation. Architectural Guide: London offers an alternative way to view the city’s remarkable buildings – many of which are hidden in plain sight.

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #architecture | Architectural guide Norway : buildings and projects from 2000 to 2020

Architectural guide Norway : buildings and projects from 2000 to 2020 / Anna Martovitskaya.

Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2020.
211 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural Guide.

/ EN / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Noruega

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869220086
Cita APA-7: Martovickaja, Anna (2020). Architectural guide Norway : buildings and projects from 2000 to 2020. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(481) ARC

[.en] The ‘Architectural Guide Norway’ showcases 150 architectural objects realized in Norway in the period from 2000 to 2020. The geography of the buildings covers both the largest and most visited cities of the country – Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger – and objects of the so-called Norwegian Scenic Routes, one of the most important infrastructure project to promote the breathtaking nature and its architecture.

Anna Martovitskaya’s selection of projects demonstrates a wide range of artistic techniques, typologies and scales, but these are not only united by the country of origin, but also by their diversity. A much more important factor of unity is the approach of Norwegian architects to the challenges they face. No matter whether it is an everyday task (e. g. a pedestrian bridge, a viewing platform or a pavilion), a large office complex or a large urban development project, the focus is always on people and their relationship to nature.

While today many voices loudly promote the need to conserve resources, Norway consistently implements the principle of environmental protection, not only through the use of innovative technologies, but also by making the buildings themselves and the developed areas the epitome of human rationality and environmental friendliness.

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #art | Art for Architecture Ukraine : Soviet modernist mosaics 1960 to 1990

Art for Architecture Ukraine : Soviet modernist mosaics 1960 to 1990 / Yevgen Nikiforov (photographs) ; Polina Baitsym (text).

Berlin : DOM Publishers, 2020.
314 p.

/ EN / Libros / Guías / Decoración y ornamentación arquitectónicas / Modernismo (Arte) / Mosaico / Arte – Guías

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869226019
Cita APA-7: Baitsym, Polina (2020). Art for architecture ukraine : soviet modernist mosaics 1960 to 1990. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)738(477) ART

[.en] In the times when the Ukrainian art sphere was regulated by the Soviet institutions, local monumental and decorative arts existed at the frontier of the Party’s propaganda and the artistic thirst to experiments. Nowadays, Ukrainian mosaics are wrested out of the architectural context of the country in both literal and metaphorical ways. The artworks are liquidated from the buildings they were specifically created for and indiscriminately despised as ideological pieces of no value. Furthermore, in legal terms mosaics are not defined as objects of art that makes them unguarded in the face of the decommunization process.

Initially incepted as a guide, this book is an equally beneficial companion for the journey through space (in the context of the geographical area of modern Ukraine) and hitchhiking through time (in terms of Ukrainian cultural history). It incorporates the selection of Ukrainian mosaics which undermines the simplified perspective on the Soviet art heritage in Ukraine. The volume is generously supplemented with unique photographs of the documentary photographer Yevgen Nikiforov who continues the research, initially presented in the book Decommunized: Ukrainian Soviet Mosaics (2017). Together with the art historian Polina Baitsym who reveals striking linkages of the mosaics’ plots with broader historical context, he will guide you through the testimonies of the genuine creativity of Ukrainian monumental artists which managed to flourish on the most infertile soil.

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021

#books #guides #architecture | Munich + Bavaria : the architecture guide

Munich + Bavaria : the architecture guide / Chris van Uffelen, Markus Golser, Nicolette Baumeister ; edited by Markus Sebastian Braun.

[Salenstein] : Braun, 2015.
231 p. : il. 
Serie: The Architecture Guide.
/ EN / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Alemania / Arquitectura – Guías / Baviera (Alemania) / Munich (Alemania)

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783037681671
Cita APA-7: Uffelen, Chris van, Golser, Markus, & Baumeister, Nicolette (2015). Munich+Bavaria : the architecture guide. Braun.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(430) MUN

[.en] The metropolis in southern Germany is one of the Federal Republics most prominent hotbeds of architecture. The stellar ascent of Munich to the capital of Bavaria began in 1158 when it was granted the status of market town. Its architectural landmarks range from the Cathedral of Our Dear Lady and the Residence to the Allianz-Arena and the BMW World, the most famous examples of recent architecture. The experts Nicolette Baumeister and Chris van Uffelen take readers on a journey of discovery across all architectural eras. In addition to the most important 300 buildings in Munich itself, the book also presents around 90 architectural masterpieces in Bavaria, one of Germanys most popular tourist destinations. The chronologically structured chapters and the colored illustrations vividly present the characteristic features of each era. In addition to individual buildings, important ensembles and the key architects of Munich are featured.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021

#libros #arquitectura | La vivienda rural en Euskadi, presente y futuro. Parte 1, Estudios

La vivienda rural en Euskadi, presente y futuro. Parte 1, Estudios / Ibón Tellería Julián, Daniel Luengas-Carreño ; estudiantes colaboradores, Amaia Zubelzu Irazusta ... [et al.].

[Bilbao] :UPV-EHU, [2021],
59 p. dupl. : il.
Incluye además con port. y pag. propia, texto contrapuesto en euskara con el tít.: "Landa etxebizitza Euskadin, oraina eta etorkizuna. 1. atala, azterketak". 
Ed. bilingüe español - euskara.
/ ES / EUS / Libros / Arquitectura doméstica – País Vasco / Arquitectura popular – País Vasco / Casas rurales – País Vasco / Construcciones rurales – País Vasco

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9788413193540
Cita APA-7: Tellería Julián, Ibón, & Luengas Carreño, Daniel (2021). La vivienda rural en Euskadi, presente y futuro. Parte 1, Estudios. UPV/EHU.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.12 VIV
[.eus] Behe Erdi Aroko lehenengo dorretxe eta baserrietatik XIX. mende amaierako bizitegi ereduetaraino, landa etxebizitza tipologiak aldatuz joan dira historian zehar, garai historiko bakoitzaren beharretara egokituta. Lan honek aztergai ditu bizitegi tipologia horiek, oraindik gure lurraldean dirautenak, gizartea jasangarritasun ekonomiko, energetiko eta funtzionalaren eredu berrietara egokituko diren bizitegi ereduak eskatzen ari den une batean.

[.es] Desde las primeras casas-torre y caseríos bajomedievales, hasta los modelos residenciales de finales del siglo XIX, las tipologías de vivienda rural han ido evolucionando a lo largo de la historia, adaptándose a las necesidades de cada periodo histórico. Este trabajo se centra en el análisis de estas tipologías residenciales, que todavía siguen vigentes en este territorio, en un momento en el que la sociedad demanda modelos domésticos que se ajusten a los nuevos patrones de sostenibilidad económica, energética y funcional.