
martes, 12 de julio de 2011

book | Grande scala : architecture politic form

Grande scala : architecture politic form / edited by Antonio De Rossi
List, Barcelona [etc.] : 2009.
335 p. : il.
ISBN 9788895623290

Urbanismo -- Teoría.
Ordenación del territorio.
Biblioteca Sbc Aprendizaje A-711.4.01 ARC
OPAC Millennium

Is it possible, today, to focus again on the FORM of city and territory? What does it means, and more, what does it imply, to reconsider the MORPHOLOGICAL DIMENSION in designing the contemporary built environment? Facing the far-reaching transformations of territory in the last years – which break the incremental mechanism of the sprawl, because of different modes, sizes, scalar ratios being involved – and facing, at the same time, the crisis of an essentially rule-based urban planning, it seems necessary to think over the issue of the ARCHITECTURE of the GRANDE SCALA [great scale], at the intersection between settlement structures, infrastructural grids and the morphology of territorial substrata. Photo Atlas by Alessandro Cane; Original designed-cartographic Atlas by the authors.

Antonio De Rossi (Turin 1965), architect, is an ordinary professor of Architectural and Urban Planning and coordinator of the Architecture and Construction Planning PhD at the Polytechnic University of Turin, where he deals with the transformations of the city and the territory, and with contemporary alpine landscape projects. He is also vice-director of the Urban Center Metropolitano in Turin, supporting structure that elaborates scenarios for great urban transformations (from the Variante 200 to Mirafiori) of the area.

As architect, he has recently designed the “Cascina Roccafranca” in Turin (European programme Urban 2, 2007) and the “Città della Conciliazione” in Grugliasco (2010). His writings and projects have appeared in Italian and international publications. Amongst his published books, both as author and as co-author: “Linee nel paesaggio” (Utet 1999), “Architettura alpine moderna in Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta” (Allemandi 2005), “Paesaggi in verticale” (Marsilio 2006), “Torino 1980-2011. La trasformazione e le sue immagini” (Allemandi 2006), “Alpi da scoprire” (catalogue of the exhibition 2008).

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