
jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

#books #architecture | Architecture : a woman’s profession

Architecture : a woman's profession / Tanja Kullack, (ed.).
Jovis, Berlin : 2011
190 p. : principalmente il. ; 24 cm.
ISBN 9783868590869
Biblioteca Sbc Aprendizaje A-72.038 ARC
OPAC Millennium

Within architecture women are increasingly coming to the fore within the profession. To what extent will this shift in relations affect the profession as well as its teaching and therefore its structures,objectives and dialogic content? What is architecture when gender-specific strategies are overcome in the name of complex differentiation? What potential does the approaching paradigm shift hold? Well-known international female architects report their academic and professional experiences and their visions for the future. Pioneers of the scene, lecturers, and young upand-coming women have their say. They all hold controversial positions on relevant topics of debate; they demand that matters be rethought. Photo essays and designs illustrate their individual points of view. This is a reference book, a “tool” for the everyday application of young architects; inspiring, optimistic, and sometimes subversive.

In the western world, the number of women studying architecture now roughly equals that of men. As women increasingly come to the fore as practicing professionals, the question of how this shift will affect the profession and the teaching of the discipline is of greater and greater interest. In this volume, well-known female architects from the United States and Europe discuss their academic and professional experiences, as well as their visions for the future. Inspiring, optimistic, controversial and at times subversive, Architecture: A Woman's Profession unites pioneers in the field with up-and-comers: Barbara Bestor, Caroline Bos, Alison Brooks, Elke Delugan-Meissl, Jeanne Gang, Lisa Iwamoto, Sheila Kennedy, Regine Leibinger, Farshid Moussavi, Fuensanta Nieto, Monica Ponce de Leon, Mary-Ann Ray, Dagmar Richter, Denise Scott-Brown, Nasrine Seraji, Ingalill Wahlroos-Ritter and Jennifer Wolch. Photo essays and designs illustrate the contributors' discussions.

Jovis Verlag | Architecture : a woman’s profession

Architecture: A Woman's Profession
SustainableCitiesCollective, 2011-08-26
Architecture: A Woman's Profession
UrbanTick, 2011-08-25

Y también...
Construir con orden femenino
Las casas de Matilde Ucelay, la primera mujer que se licenció en arquitectura, en 1936, son ante todo cómodas. Defendió un diseño sencillo, práctico, ordenado y detallista. Sin grandilocuencias
Patricia Gosálvez | El País, 2011-12-17

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