
viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

#books #catalogues #architecture | Dan Graham : buildings and signs : 1978 models : models for pavilions-sculptures and domestic vernacular architecture

Dan Graham : buildings and signs : 1978 models : models for pavilions-sculptures and domestic vernacular architecture / [works, texts and photographs by Dan Graham ; editors, Fredi Fischli, Niels Olsen].
Gta, Zürich : 2015.
80 p. : principalment il.
Publicado con ocasión de la exposición "Dan Graham - with an intervention by Günther Vogt", 15 Abril- 21 Junio, 2015, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg.
ISBN 9783856763473

Graham, Dan, 1942- -- Exposiciones.
Modelos arquitectónicos -- Exposiciones.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72GRAHAM, D. DAN

For more than five decades, Dan Graham has been a force in the world of conceptual art, creating works that surprise, unsettle, and stretch the boundaries of what people expect when they set out to view art. Perhaps his greatest accomplishment is Pavilions, a series of walk-through glass installations that place architectural elements in space, thereby altering a viewer?s perception of his or her surroundings. The resulting estrangement is bracing, enabling viewers to rediscover and re-experience the very concept of spatial dimension itself. Buildings and Signs. 1978 Models celebrates Graham?s pavilions through numerous images accompanied by the artist?s commentaries exploring their place in his oeuvre and the various conceptual and artistic breakthroughs they represent.

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