
miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016

#books #townplanning | City Sink : carbon cycle infrastructure for our built environment

City Sink : carbon cycle infrastructure for our built environments / Denise Hoffman Brandt.
Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers, Shenzhen : 2012.
143 p. : il.
ISBN 9789881512581

Gas carbónico -- Aspecto del medio ambiente.
Urbanismo -- Aspecto del medio ambiente.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-711.4:504 CIT

City Sink is a design research proposal for a meta-park of dispersed landscape infrastructure to boost carbon stocks in biomass and through formation of long-term sequestration reservoirs for soil organic carbon in New York City and Long Island. City Sink research merges urban land-use lifecycles and the carbon cycle to describe a systemic response to the elevated atmospheric carbon levels provoking climate change. The project is a model for reimagining urban landscapes as urban ecological infrastructure.

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