
miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

#books #architecture | Residential Masterpieces 20 | Frank O. Gehry : Gehry Residence Santa Monica, California, U.S.A., 1977-78, 1991-94

Frank O. Gehry : Gehry Residence Santa Monica, California, U.S.A., 1977-78, 1991-94 / text by Yoshio Futagawa ; photographed by Yukio Futagawa.
ADA Edita, Tokyo : 2015.
83 p. : principalmente il., col.
Colección: Residential Masterpieces ; 20.
Texto en inglés y japonés.
ISBN 9784871406451

Arquitectura doméstica -- Estados Unidos.
Casas individuales -- Estados Unidos.
Gehry, Frank O., 1929- .
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72(082) *RES/20

Frank O. Gehry is an irrefutable architecture giant of our time, with a successful career spanning over decades between late 20th and 21th centuries. As a home for such a globally-acclaimed architect, this residence is surprinsingly small in size and is particularly impressive in that the architect still enjoys to this day, with a long-time affection, the comfort of living in this house. The fact that this ever-challenging, ever-progressing architect continues to live in and take care of the same house for over 30 years and values the original spirit that was initially embodied, shows the magnitude of achievement he feels with the house. Furthermore, the fact that this residence involves the extension and remodeling of an existing ordinary house makes it all the more unique and revolutionary.

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