
domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017

#monograficos #arquitectura | a+t 48 | Generators, linkers, mixers & storytellers

Generators, linkers, mixers & storytellers / [editors, Aurora Fernández Per, Javier Mozas].
A + T, Vitoria-Gasteiz : 2017.
127 p. : principalmente il.
Colección: Complex Buildings.
Textos en español e inglés.
En: A + T : revista independiente de arquitectura + tecnología = independient magazine of architecture + tecnology, n. 48 (2017).
ISBN 9788469732618

Arquitectura -- Siglo XXI.
Diseño arquitectónico.
Sbc Aprendizaje A-72(082) *AMA/48

The generators become complex buildings which, devoid of any contingency, evolve faster and are able to anticipate potential changes, to reconfigure themselves in order to adapt. The machine-building Sport and Cultural Centre by Bruther in Saint-Blaise district (París) has many ramifications to untangle. This complexity is the result of mixed programs and is an inherent condition of its architecture. It is a collection of juxtaposed and heterogeneous elements which present a certain cohesion between them, a whole whose form has not been predefined. Its morphology, subtly shaped, gives the project a sculptural character and proposes a break with the utilitarian architecture that characterizes the district.

The linker-interiors are not a continuous whole but rather a complex whole produced from a continuous presence, from liberated interiors with positive relationships. The Sala Becket in Barcelona (2011-2016) is "a story about the continuity of a building which we first found in ruins and wanted to connect with its beginnings, a 1920s workers’ cooperative, the Cooperativa Paz y Justicia (Peace and Justice Cooperative) connecting this with the years of abandon prior to its subsequent conversion to the new Sala Beckett. All these episodes in the building’s history have been brought together such that the final building houses the cooperative, the derelict period and the new theatre programme." Flores & Prats.

Mixers are complex buildings loaded with stimulating uses which, when inserted into a rundown urban fabric, mix up the entire organism and exert an influence which goes far beyond their physical scope and which manages to exponentially revitalize the whole built environment. In the Linkeroever (left bank) residential area there is a clear dividing line between the garden suburb and the high-rise estate. For the Linker Oever Intergenerational Project (IGLO), on a plot within the highrise section, the Technum urban designers teamed up with three architectural firms (De Smet Vermeulen architecten, architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu and Tom Thys architecten) to produce a simple master plan.

Storytellers are those buildings which speak from the eye and the mind of the architect. The richer, the more settled their references, the more playful and imaginative their connections with reality, culture or history, and the more unexpected facets to be discovered by spectators as they try to decipher the buildings’ codes. The Elbphilharmonie building is located less than 2 kilometres from Spielbudenplatz (urban plan by NL / BeL) and the construction of this new music palace is having its inevitable effects on the St. Pauli area. The entirely intentional, anachronism merely reflects the broad scope of the debate within contemporary architecture. Volumes, forms, types, processes which required interpreting and composing within a historical understanding, are adapted to the context, the diversity of users, the introduction of new ways of living, the freedom of choice, the coexistence of opposites, the financial balance, the implementation of new technology...

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