
sábado, 16 de marzo de 2019

#books #architecture | Elsa Prochazka architectureality : space & design strategies

Elsa Prochazka architectureality : raum & designstragegien = space & design strategies / [editado por] Elsa Prochazka.
Basel: Birkhäuser, 2018.
426 p : il. 

Ed. bilingüe alemán - inglés.
ISBN 9783035616439

/ DE / EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Austria / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Austria / Arquitectura y mujeres / Decoración interior / Elsa Prochazka
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72PROCHAZKA ELS

[.en] In 4 decades, Elsa Prochazka completed a range of projects of varying sizes: from furniture design through Architecture to urban design projects. If there was a Vienna school of superior contemporary interior design, Elsa Prochazka would be a prototypical representative: Her "interiors seem to invite tactile participation, demanding the involvement of the body as an agent of the mind" (Otto Kapfinger). This quote could stand equally for her buildings. Prochazka developed and disseminates her conceptional approach within the framework of her professorships and her international lecturing activities. The book closes the gap in the documentation of significant female Viennese architects.

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