
viernes, 19 de abril de 2019

#libros #congresos #paisajismo #urbanismo | I International Research Seminar in Urban Processes and Natural Morphologies

I International Research Seminar in Urban Processes and Natural Morphologies : 7-8 September 2017, Donostia-San Sebastián / Madalen González-Bereziartua, Izaskun Aseguinolaza Braga (eds.).
Bilbao : UPV/EHU, 2017.
215 p.

/ EN / Libros / Congresos / Arquitectura – Teoría / Arquitectura del paisaje / Ordenación del territorio / Urbanismo

🔓 Ed. digital: E-ISBN 9788490827857
Cita APA-7: González-Bereziartua, Madalen, & Aseguinolaza Braga, Izaskun (eds.) (2017). I International Research Seminar in Urban Processes and Natural Morphologies. 7-8 September 2017, Donostia - San Sebastián. UPV/EHU.
Open Access RE-ADDI

[.en] We, the family, are non-experts on the field of urban planning and landscape. But we would like to remember that Maider’s work was based on new approaches, parameters and methodologies for understanding and rethink urban fringes. The central element of her approach was the Landscape Perspective tool. This tool is structured in a four dimensional model of landscape construction. The first dimension refers to the Idea that represents the understanding of land in connection with a purpose or intention of transformation. The second one, contains a Representation of landscape, which is derived from the direct association between a Landscape Perspective and its communication. The third one looks upon the Agencies that promote or act in Landscape. And finally, the tool studies the Elements or the effected transformation. The Landscape Perspective tool interprets landscape in two ways: first speculating with its character by formulating different approaches, and also/second by structuring an inquiry on its character through interpretive dimensions. This would be Maider’s main academic heritage.

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