
martes, 12 de marzo de 2019

#books #catalogs #architecture | Import Zurich : cooperative housing, new ways of inhabiting

Import Zurich : cooperative housing, new ways of inhabiting : [Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, 22 y 23 octubre de 2015] / [editors, Nicola Regusci, Xavier Bustos ; contributions, André Bideau ... et al.].
Barcelona : DPR-Barcelona, 2015.
109 p. : principalmente il.
ISBN 9788494241475

/ EN / Libros / Catálogos / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Suiza / Inmuebles para vivienda / Zurich
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.2 IMP

[.en] Cities Connection Project seeks to establish connections at the level of Architectural themes between the city ofBarcelona and other European cities or regions with a significant architectural tradition.A series of architecture exhibitions are the focus of this project that also offers other events such as conferences, academic discussion and professional meetings. Every exchange is articulated around a fresh theme, which is related to the specific characteristics of the invited city or region.The Import Zurich title focuses mainly on Zurich's cooperative housing projects. For about fifteen years now a renaissance of urban living is bringing about a renewal of activity among the housing cooperatives. They have adopted ecological standards, they have developed socially compatible forms of denser building, and theirlarge-scale projects have a significant impact on the qualitative development of the city's neighbourhoods. This is coupled with a new generation of architects who, thanks in part to architecture competitions, have had the opportunity to develop, test out and affirm their own field of research within a very strict and deterministic legal framework.

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