
viernes, 7 de junio de 2019

#books #urbanism | Real urbanism : decisive interventions

Real urbanism : decisive interventions / [editor] Ton Schaap.
Amsterdam : Architectura & Natura, 2019.
431 p. : il.
ISBN 9789461400628

/ EN / Libros / Urbanismo
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-711.4 REA

[.en] ‘Real Urbanism’ is a book for and by lovers of cities. Eleven authors (urban designers) wrote the stories of places in the world that may be considered to be examples of successful urban planning. The book aptly describes cities around the globe and summerizes them with one single characterizing word, hinting at the particular tone of the text. Before each chapter, a photographic essay introduces the city. Topics such as Metamorphosis, Space, Frozen, Rationality, Health, Metropolis, Power, Espace Piranesién, Public Space, Suppleness, Optimism will lead you into the cities, a subtitle helping you ease into the topic. For your convenience, the text itself is accompagnied by archival materials.

This large volume book contains work in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, New York, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Venice, Barcelona, London, New York, Edinburgh and Saint Petersburg. The The editor Ton Schaap is a long time urbanist for the city of Amsterdam involved with its IJburg, Museum square and Eastern Harbor District among many other projects and publications. The photographer Theo Baart has accomodated the publication with his pictures. Four young urban designers made the drawings to each chapter. And the graphic design by Irma Boom will lead to a unique presentation in book form. Ultimately, this book is an excellent publication and should pique any urbanist's interests.

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