
sábado, 4 de julio de 2020

#books #art #homosexuality | Art & queer culture

Art & queer culture / Catherine Lord & Richard Meyer.
London : Phaidon, 2019 / 2nd ed. rev. and updated.
303 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arte - Historia / Homosexualidad y arte

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9780714878348
Cita APA-7: Lord, C., & Meyer, R. (2019). Art & queer culture (2nd ed., rev. and updated). Phaidon.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-7.041 ART

[.en] A fully updated new edition of this critically acclaimed and comprehensive overview of Queer art and artists, a much-anticipated revision of an important book Includes two clear and authoritative survey essays, together with over 250 works accompanied by insightful and revelatory extended captions Traces the rich visual legacy of art’s relationship to Queer culture, from the emergence of homosexuality as an identity in the late nineteenth century to the pioneering 'genderqueers' of the early twenty-first Features widely admired artists such as Francis Bacon, Catherine Opie, and Felix Gonzalez-Torres, as well as lesser known but important figures including Vaginal Davis, Celeste Dupuy Spencer, and Lola Flash.

An unprecedented survey of over 250 works over 130 years of queer art history. ‘Art and Queer Culture’ features work by famous artists such as Andy Warhol and Robert Mapplethorpe alongside that of AIDS activists, lesbian separatists, and pre-Stonewall photographers and scrapbook-keepers who did not regard themselves as artists at all. In a compact, reader-friendly format, this volume traces a spectacular history of queer life and creativity in the modern age. It traces the rich visual legacy of art's relationship to Queer culture, from the emergence of homosexuality as an identity in the late nineteenth century to the pioneering 'genderqueers' of the early twenty first. It features admired artists such as Francis Bacon, Catherine Opie, and Felix Gonzalez-Torres, as well as lesser known but important figures including Vaginal Davis, Celeste Dupuy Spencer, and Lola Flash. It also includes two authoritative essays and insightful and revelatory extended captions. Beautifully illustrated and clearly written, this new edition has been updated to include the art and visual culture that has emerged since the publication of its acclaimed first edition in 2013. A group of new contributors - themselves gay, lesbian, queer and trans - join the primary authors in emphasizing the global sweep of queer contemporary art and the newfound visibility of gender non-conforming artists.

[.es] Actualizado y revisado, ‘Art & Queer Culture’ es un estudio exhaustivo y definitivo de las obras de arte que han construido, impugnado o respondido de alguna otra manera a formas alternativas de sexualidad. En lugar de centrarse exclusivamente en artistas que se identifican como gais o lesbianas, ‘Art & Queer Culture’ traza las cambiantes posibilidades y limitaciones de la identidad sexual que han proporcionado a los artistas visuales un rico recurso creativo durante los últimos 130 años, y lo hace con una voz accesible, autoritaria y con una riqueza de imágenes raramente vistas.

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