
martes, 26 de enero de 2021

#books #architecture | Nature of the city : green infrastructure from the ground up

Nature of the city : green infrastructure from the ground up / Andrew Tempany and Tom Armour.

London : RIBA Publishing, 2020.
IX, 150 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura del paisaje / Jardines – Arquitectura / Urbanismo – Aspecto del medio ambiente

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781859468722
Cita APA-7: Tempany, Andrew, & Armour, Tom (2020). Nature of the city : green infrastructure from the ground up. RIBA Publishing.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-711.4:504 NAT

[.en] This is a practical guide to delivering green infrastructure from the ground up and bringing nature in to the built environment. Exploring the process of delivery through an array of design approaches and case studies, it demystifies the concept and provides the tools for practical implementation - highlighting the challenges and opportunities on both small and large projects.

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