
miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2021

#books #architecture | Experience in action! : DesignBuild in architecture

Experience in action! : DesignBuild in architecture / Vera Simone Bader and Andres Lepik (ed.).

Munich : Detail, 2020.
207 p. : il.
Catálogo de la exposición celebrada en la Pinakothek der Moderne del Architekturmuseum de la Technische Universität München, del 19 de marzo al 14 de junio de 2020.

/ EN / Libros / Catálogos / Arquitectura – Estudio y enseñanza / Construcción / Diseño arquitectónico

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783955535148
Cita APA-7: Bader, Vera Simone, & Lepik, Andres (eds.) (2020). Experience in action! : designbuild in architecture. Detail.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72:378 EXP

[.en] The DesignBuild teaching method, which also lets students build their designs, is seeing increasing demand; it is now offered at many architecture schools around the world. It is based on socially committed projects carried out in poorer regions of the world. However, some projects focus on deprived areas of the students’ own home countries. Apartment buildings, community centres, schools, hospitals and theatres are among the tasks realised single-handedly by students. In bringing these designs to life, the students learn to work with a wide variety of building materials and how to organize a building site. Cultural exchange plays an important role, for the students get to know people with whom they would otherwise never have come into contact. This has led to a critical examination of DesignBuild in terms of neocolonialism. The exhibition takes up this question and discusses it in interviews and statements. Nonetheless, the show aims first and foremost to present DesignBuild to a wider audience as a practical learning method and to motivate a deeper investigation of the subject.

DesignBuild is a method of instruction that students use to design and build actual projects at several architecture schools around the world, often in developing countries, but sometimes on their own doorsteps. With DesignBuild, students gain experience that goes far beyond planning and design. The focus is on temporary buildings and long-term projects, experimental approaches and interventions into infrastructures. With respect to the main aspects of research - dialogue - design - build, research contexts and processes of individual projects come under discussion. Constructive aspects and social exchange are also important. The book provides a critical overview of the most exciting DesignBuild projects worldwide.

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