
jueves, 11 de marzo de 2021

#books #architecture | Building Berlin : the latest architecture in and out of the capital. V. 7

Building Berlin : the latest architecture in and out of the capital. V. 7 / [edited by the Architects Chamber Berlin].
Salenstein : Braun, 2018.
181 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Alemania / Berlín (Alemania)

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783037682371

Cita APA-7: Architects Chamber Berlin (ed.) (2018). Building Berlin: the latest architecture in and out of the capital. Vol. 7. Braun.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.038(430) BUI/VII

[.en] Architecture from and in Berlin has always been a reflection of the current global building sector and a trend indicator at the same time. Whether residential construction, landscape design, or traffic planning – the concepts developed in the German capital are internationally renowned. As every year, Building Berlin once again presents the most interesting projects of the past year. Thematic essays that add a reflective dimension to the representative examples complement the presentation of the roughly 65 projects across eight chapters. This year, the volume focuses on the mega-theme of densification. The range of solutions for making a city more compact extend from closing gaps on small corner lots, via new buildings that utilize inner courtyard spaces or mini-houses for urban nomads, to temporary commercial architecture and the expansion of universities under the ground.

This volume presents an in-depth selection of the most exciting new projects: from unconventional pop-up architecture to large international projects and attractive and resident-friendly urban open spaces. The exhibition of works is supplemented by informative essays that illuminate current topics, backgrounds, trends and developments in the world of construction – not only in Berlin. How can affordable and yet high-quality residential space be created? How will demographic change influence life in the different neighbourhoods? And how can a city like Berlin continue to position itself architecturally as an art and culture metropolis?

  • Projects:
  • Headquarter of Federal Intelligence Service in Berlin, Germany (Kleihues + Kleihues)
  • Communication and Information Center at Erfurt University, Germany (Nickl & Partner)
  • Stadium FK Krasnodar, Russia (gmp)

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