
miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2021

#books #architecture | Evolution : the work of Grimshaw Architects. Vol. 4, 2000-2010

Evolution : the work of Grimshaw Architects. Vol. 4, 2000-2010 / Nicholas Grimshaw ; introduction by Johnny Tucker.
London : Laurence King Publishing, 2019.
256 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / Nicholas Grimshaw / Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781786275530
Cita APA-7: Grimshaw, Nicholas (2019). Evolution : the work of Grimshaw Architects. Vol. 4, 2000-2010. Laurence King Publishing.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72GRIMSHAW EVO

[.en] The first of three new volumes, ‘Evolution: Volume 4’ showcases Grimshaw’s best projects completed in the first decade of the millennium. It celebrates works ranging in scale and geography: from the renowned Eden Project in Cornwall with its vast clear-span biomes, to Australia’s first significant contemporary rail terminus Southern Cross Station, to New York’s EMPAC facility, a cutting-edge performance space. With an introduction by Blueprint editor Joh
nny Tucker, projects are illustrated in detail with drawings, photographs and a complete chronology. What emerges is Grimshaw’s consistent pursuit of excellence and innovation, distinguishing the practice since its inception in 1980.

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