
viernes, 13 de agosto de 2021

#books #architecture | Juliaan Lampens, 1950-1991

Juliaan Lampens, 1950-1991 / Juliaan Laampens, Gerard Vandenhaute, Paul Vermeulen ; verantwoordelijke uitgever, Sofie De Caigny.

Antwerpen : Vlaams Architectuurinstituut, 2020.
131 p. : principlamente il. + 1 cuadernillo (XXIII p.).
Catálogo de una exposición celebrada en deSingel (Amberes-Bélgica) del 28 de noviembre de 1991 al 5 de enero de 1992. Complementado con una biografía actualizada, un prólogo y nuevas traducciones.

/ NL / Libros / Catálogos / / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Bélgica / Juliaan Lampens

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9789492567147
Cita APA-7: Laampens, Juliaan, Vandenhaute, Gerard, & Vermeulen, Paul (2020). Juliaan Lampens, 1950-1991 (Nieuwe, herziene en aangevulde uitgave). Vlaams Architectuurinstituut.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72LAMPENS JUL

[.en] The Flanders Architecture Institute reissues the book ‘Juliaan Lampens 1950–1991’, which was originally compiled for the retrospective exhibition of the architect held at deSingel in 1991. The architecture of Juliaan Lampens (1926-2019), one of the greatest Belgian architects of the twentieth century, possesses uniquely sculptural qualities that continue to fascinate audiences at home and abroad. ‘Juliaan Lampens 1950–1991’ is the reissue of an exhibition catalogue from 1991, supplemented by an updated biography, a foreword and new translations in both French and English. It is a unique reference work because the hand of the master is emphatically present in every facet of the publication. The architect literally and figuratively shaped the book: texts, plans, photographs and sketches are interwoven with personal notes and invite the reader to enter the exceptional universe of Juliaan Lampens. This new revised and enlarged edition was facilitated by the non-profitorganisation Juliaan Lampens vzw (Jo Van Den Berghe, Luc De Vos, Koen Dekeyser, Franck Velghe, Dieter Lampens) and Daan Dufait. Besides reissuing the book, the Flanders Architecture Institute also draws on the oeuvre of Juliaan Lampens (1926–2019) for the second edition of ‘Unfolding the Archives’, which offers an unprecedented insight into this architect’s working method.

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