
sábado, 21 de mayo de 2022

#books #landscape | Drawing for Landscape Architects 1 : Basic Drawing, Graphics, and Projections

Drawing for Landscape Architects 1 : Basic Drawing, Graphics, and Projections / Sabrina Wilk.

Berlin : DOM publishers, 2021.
356 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura del paisaje / Dibujo de paisajes / Flora urbana / Zonas verdes

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869228525 / 9783869226521
Cita APA-7: Wilk, Sabrina (2021). Drawing for landscape architects 1 : basic drawing, graphics, and projections. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-712 DRA/I

[.en] Landscape architects rely heavily on graphics to communicate content and ideas. From large-scale master plans and strategic visions, to design concepts and specific moods, through to types of vegetation and precise construction details – at some point everything has to be explained on paper. This handbook focuses on areas which, even in the age of digital media, are still staples of the profession: drawing, graphics, and projections. Both instructional and inspirational, it covers the basics of landscape-architectural representation in an easy-to-understand way, encouraging readers to draw their ideas and develop their own graphic language and style. Showcased in these pages are many examples from landscape architecture offices worldwide, offering practical guidance and ideas in key thematic areas:
  • Introduction to drawing tools, applications, and effects
  • Symbols in different scales, styles, and abstraction levels
  • Basic principles for layout and lettering
  • Fundamentals of orthographic and parallel projections
  • Drawing in contemporary landscape-architectural practice

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