
domingo, 31 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Duplex Architects : rethinking housing

Duplex Architects : rethinking housing / edited by Ludovic Balland and Nele Dechmann.
Zurich : Park Books, 2021.
416 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / Arquitectura doméstica / Duplex Architekten / Inmuebles para vivienda

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783038602309
Cita APA-7: Balland, Ludovic, & Dechmann, Nele (eds.) (2021). Duplex Architects : rethinking housing. Park Books.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.2 DUP

[.en] Duplex Architects, founded in 2007 in Zurich and with offices also in Düsseldorf, Hamburg, and, most recently, also in Paris, have gained an excellent reputation internationally for their designs of various scales and vast range of typologies.

This first monograph on Duplex Architects’ work in Germany and Switzerland offers a close look at their approach to housing design. Five projects in Switzerland are documented extensively through a wealth of images, plans, and visualizations and exemplify the firm’s position on urban planning, typology research, and materiality and demonstrate their utterly independent way of working.

Urban scale, search for new forms of communal living, the importance of community and a collaborative design process are at the core of Duplex Architects’ considerations in residential architecture.

Nele Dechmann’s text and Ludovic Balland’s photo essay both illuminate Duplex Architects’ work each in its own way. Further texts are contributed by the firm’s founding partners Anne Kaestle and Dan Schürch, as well as by other expert authors, who cast their own personal glance at the five projects featured in this book.

With contributions by Hubertus Adam, Marc Angélil, Nele Dechmann, Anne Kaestle, Andreas Ruby, Caspar Schärer, Dan Schürch, Philip Ursprung, Niklas Maak and Günther Vogt. Photographs by Mathilde Agius, Ludovic Balland, Lars-Ole Bastar, Roxana Rios, Alexander Rosenkranz and Mihai Sovaiala.

sábado, 30 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture #film | Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film / edited by Susan Larson

Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film / edited by Susan Larson.
Bristol, UK ; Chicago, USA : Intellect, 2021.
xiii, 320 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – España / Cine – Decorados / Cine – Exteriores / Ciudades en el cine

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781789384895
Cita APA-7: Larson, Susan (ed.) (2021). Architecture and the urban in spanish film. Intellect.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-791.43:72 ARC

[.en] This will be the first edited collection in English on urban space and architecture in Spanish popular film since 1898. Building on existing film and urban histories, this innovative volume will examine Spanish film through contemporary interdisciplinary theories of urban space, the built environment, visuality and mass culture from the industrial through to the digital age.

‘Architecture and Urbanism in Spanish Film’ brings together the innovative scholarship of an international and interdisciplinary group of film, architecture and urban studies scholars thinking through the reciprocal relationship between the seventh art and the built environment. Some of the shared concerns that emerge from this volume include the ways cinema as a new technology reshaped how cities and buildings are built and inhabited since the early twentieth century; the question of the mobile gaze; film's role in the shifting relationship between the private and the public; film and everyday life; monumentality and the construction of historical memory for a variety of viewing publics; the impact of the digital and the virtual on filmmaking and spectatorship.

Primary readership will be those researching, teaching and studying Spanish film, international film studies, urban cultural studies, cultural studies, and architects who are interested in interdisciplinary endeavours.

📎 Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film
Jorge Gorostiza | Arquitectura + Cine + Ciudad, 2022-05-19


Hace un par de días llegó a mi casa ‘Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film’, un libro publicado el año pasado por Intellect, y aunque ya lo había recibido para descargarlo, no quería escribir sobre él hasta tenerlo en mis manos.

Este libro, como indica su título, recoge una serie de artículos sobre la arquitectura y lo urbano en el cine español, y no se hubiera editado sin el esfuerzo titánico de la doctora Susan Larson, que lo ideó y se ocupó de coordinarlo minuciosamente.

Un libro colectivo que recoge textos de autores españoles y estadounidenses, la mayoría de ellos profesores en universidades como las de Arizona, Northern Illinois, Texas Tech, Valencia, Valladolid, Virginia, Warwick, Washington Seattle y las madrileñas Camilo José Cela, Complutense, Politécnica y San Pablo CEU.

Con investigadores de procedencias tan variadas, no es extraño que los artículos, dentro del tema general, se ocupen de asuntos innovadores muy diferentes entre sí y abarcando un arco temporal muy amplio, y para comprobarlo, basta leer el índice del libro:

  • «Architecture, the Urban and the Critical Possibilities of Spanish Film Studies», Susan Larson
  • 1. «Architecture, Urbanistic Ideology and the Poetic- Analytic Documentary Mode in Mercado de futuros (2011) by Mercedes Álvarez», Benjamin Fraser
  • 2. «Establishing Shots as Urban Blueprints in Spanish Feature Films», Jorge Gorostiza
  • 3. «The Rhythm of the Modern City: Traffic and Mobility in Spanish Film,1896– 1936», Nuria Rodríguez- Martín
  • 4. «Childhood Spectacle, Modernity and Madrid as a Dystopic City: Luis Lucia’s Cerca de la ciudad (1952)», David Foshee
  • 5. «Elevators and the Poetics of Vertical Mobility in Spanish Film», Tom Whittaker
  • 6. «An Archi-Texture of Pleasure: The Verbena, the Modistilla and the Mantón de Manila in Rosa de Madrid (1927)», Juli Highfill
  • 7. «Surface Tension and Utopian Underworlds: Orpheus and the Executioner in Luis García Berlanga’s El verdugo (1963)», Patricia Keller
  • 8. «Mediating Everyday Life: Domestic Architecture in Spanish Film», Josefina González Cubero y Alba Zarza Arribas
  • 9. «Through the Looking Glass: Images of the Ordinary World in Oscar- Nominated Spanish Cinema», Emeterio Diez Puertas y María de Arana Aroca
  • 10. «Who and What Was José Antonio Nieves Conde Criticizing in the Film El inquilino (1957)?», Susan Larson y Carlos Sambricio
  • 11. «Madrid 1964: Icon of Modernity or City of Memory? A Look at the ‘Details’», Vicente Sánchez- Biosca
  • 12. «Making Madrid Plastic: Waste and Space in Pedro Almodóvar’s Post- movida Films», Samuel Amago
  • 13. «Uncanny Urbanism and Generational Shifts in Carlos Marques Marcet’s 10.000 km and Anchor and Hope», Leigh Mercer
  • 14. «Dead to Capitalism: Zombified Territory and Junkie Spaces in Cabanyal Z, or How to Unleash Monstrous Creativity in the Urban», Stephen Luis Vilaseca

En la cubierta del libro aparece la fotografía de Emilio Ruiz del Río dentro de una maqueta que afortunadamente se conserva en la Filmoteca Española, y que construyó para la película Operación Ogro, sujetando el Dodge Dart en el que iba Carrero Blanco; hace varios años Emilio me contó que toda la maqueta estaba hecha a la misma escala que los automóviles de juguete, que compró para ponerlos en las calles. Me alegra que la doctora Larson escogiera esa foto que además es un homenaje a un gran profesional cinematográfico y una estupenda persona.

Mi artículo, como antes se mencionaba, se titula «Establishing Shots as Urban Blueprints in Spanish Feature Films», fue el primero que escribí sobre el tema de la ciudad en los inicios de las películas españolas, un asunto que surgió a raíz de una conferencia impartida en Fotograma 018 organizada por el GIRAC de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Valladolid, titulada «Planos de situación: Ciudades en principios de películas», que generó posteriormente otro artículo titulado: «Desde el cielo y en descenso hasta el monumento: Ciudades en principios de películas», publicado en 2019 en el número 40 de la revista mexicana Bitácora Arquitectura, que ya se comentó aquí, y por último por ahora el texto «La ciudad desde el aire en las pantallas. Espectador y transeúnte», editado en el número 19 de la revista Quintana y también comentado aquí; al haberse publicado después de los dos anteriores, al leerlo ahora no se puede comprobar la evolución de la investigación, pero a pesar de ello, como otras veces, por si pudiera interesarle a alguien, copio su principio, en "versión española":

En español se denomina “plano de situación” al primer plano que se incluye en todos los proyectos de arquitectura, en la mayoría de los de ingeniería y en los planes urbanísticos, en este plano se indica dónde estará situada la edificación que se va a construir o reformar, o la zona que se va a planificar, y su escala permite que se muestre casi toda la ciudad o al menos una amplia zona de la misma. Hay una relación directa entre este término arquitectónico y el cinematográfico ya que en español también se denomina “plano de situación” al plano con el que se inician las películas y que habitualmente es un plano general con amplias vistas de la ciudad donde se va a desarrollar el argumento.

Hasta aquí el fragmento, si desean seguir leyéndolo junto con los otros, les aconsejo que compren ‘Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film’, y mejor en una librería como, por ejemplo, ‘8½’ en Madrid.

viernes, 29 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin : refurbishment of an architectural icon

Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin : refurbishment of an architectural icon / published by Arne Maibohm for the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning.
Berlin : Jovis, 2021.
320 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Alemania / Berlín (Alemania ) / Museos – Arquitectura / Neue Nationalgalerie (Berlín)

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783868596885
Cita APA-7: Maibohm, Arne (2021). Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin : refurbishment of an architectural icon. Jovis.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-727.7 NEU

[.en] The Neue Nationalgalerie on the Berlin Kulturforum is an architectural icon as well as the crowning conclusion of architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s life work. An outstandingly successful and sensitive refurbishment and modernization project was carried out for the building’s most significant overhaul since its opening in 1968. It complies with the requirements of a contemporary museum exhibition facility, as well as monument-preservation guidelines. David Chipperfield Architects developed the renovation concept under the motto of "As much Mies as possible."

This publication provides deep insight into the planning, execution, monument preservation, and restoration from the perspective of those involved. The exemplary handling of the historical fabric is presented in design documents and numerous large-format photographs that impressively illustrate the design stage, the construction site, and the refurbishment results.

With articles by David Chipperfield, Bernhard Furrer, Gunny Harboe, Joachim Jäger, Dirk Lohan, Fritz Neumeyer, Alexander Schwarz, Gerrit Wegener, and some 30 project managers

jueves, 28 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Crafting wood : structure and expression

Crafting wood : structure and expression / Urs Meister, Carmen Rist-Stadelmann, Machiel Spaan (eds.).
Zürich: Park Books, 2021
160 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura - Aspecto del medio ambiente / Arquitectura - Siglo XXI / Casas de madera / Construcción de madera

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783038602354
Cita APA-7: Meister, Urs, Rist-Stadelmann, Carmen, & Spaan, Machiel (eds.) (2021). Crafting wood : structure and expression. Park Books.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-694 CRA

[.en] Wood has a centuries-long tradition as well a huge potential for future use as a highly versatile building material. ‘Crafting Wood: Structure and Expression’ presents newly gained knowledge on timber construction and on timber joints in particular. This book—lavishly illustrated with plans, sketches, and photographs—emerged from an international educational cooperation of the University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU in Trondheim, and the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam. The program treated a vast range timber joints from diverse theoretical and practical aspects. Students conceived and made by hand new joints that were then applied in prototypes for entire structures, designed also as part of the course, at a scale of 1:5. The volume analyzes this learning process and offers a new introduction to the topic of timber joints in architecture through text and images.

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | The wood that makes our cities

The wood that makes our cities / edited by Michèle Leloup, Cyrille Weinter, and Jad Hussein.
Zürich : Park Books 2022
192 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura - Aspecto del medio ambiente / Arquitectura - Siglo XXI / Casas de madera / Construcción de madera / Madera de construcción

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783038602583
Cita APA-7: Leloup, Michèle, Weiner, Cyrille, & Hussein, Jad (eds.) (2022). The wood that makes our cities. Park Books.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-694 WOO

[.en] Wood is an ideal building material for sustainable architecture. It grows back and absorbs large quantities of CO2. But where does it actually come from in each case, and how will we make forestry and wood processing fit for the future? In what ways are conventional notions of professions and qualifications in architecture, engineering, and construction tested by using wood as building material?

French journalist Michèle Leloup together with architect François Leclercq—a pioneer of timber construction in France—have for a long time explored the ecological, economic, industrial, and technical challenges of using timber for major structures and urban architecture. This book summarizes their findings using examples from the French forestry and construction industry. It also takes a look at Austria and the innovative work by Hermann Kaufmann, an internationally revered leader in the further development of traditional timber architecture. In addition, the book features five projects by Leclercq Associés.

Richly and attractively illustrated with new images by French architecture photographer Cyrille Weiner, The Wood That Makes Our Cities offers a concise survey of topical questions and findings in contemporary timber construction.

martes, 26 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Plattenbau Berlin : urban residential architecture : a photographic journey

Plattenbau Berlin : urbane Wohnarchitektur : ein fotografischer Rundgang = Urban residential architecture : a photographic journey / Jesse Simon.

München [etc.] : Prestel, 2022.
247 p. : il.
Ed. bilingüe inglés - alemán

/ EN / DE / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Alemania / Arquitectura doméstica – Alemania / Berlín (Alemania) / Inmuebles para vivienda

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783791388359
Cita APA-7: Simon, Jesse (2022). Plattenbau Berlin : urbane Wohnarchitektur : ein fotografischer Rundgang = Urban residential architecture : a photographic journey. Prestel.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-77.034 PLA

[.en] This book takes a fresh look at Plattenbauten, the iconic residential buildings that Berliners love to hate; celebrating the beauty of their textural details and discovering a microcosm of 20th-century urbanism in the story of their construction. Made from prefabricated concrete panels, Plattenbauten rose from the ruins of Berlin, providing a quick and inexpensive solution to the severe housing shortage faced by the city after World War II. Although criticized in their day for their sterility and impersonal scale, they nonetheless became an integral part of the city. Drawn from his extensive investigations into Berlin’s urban landscape, Jesse Simon’s texts and photographs offer a convincing argument for the aesthetic and social value of buildings that were once described as ‘eyesores’. Focused on urban developments constructed between the 1950s and the early 1990s, the book is structured geographically, devoting equal attention to the former East and West. It includes more than 200 images filled with warm light and saturated hues, revealing a diversity of color and detail that may often be lost on the casual observer. It also illustrates how, despite vast differences in political ideologies, both East and West Berlin employed remarkably similar approaches to the creation of new urban spaces. For fans of Brutalism and Modernism, ‘Plattenbau Berlin’ is both an engaging reconsideration of postwar urbanism, and a unique entry point for exploring Berlin’s history and architecture.

lunes, 25 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Structured lineages : learning from Japanese structural design

Structured lineages : learning from Japanese structural design / edited by Guy Nordenson.
New York, N.Y. : The Museum of Modern Art, 2019.
229 p. : il.
Publicado con motivo del simposio del mismo nombre celebrado en el Museo de Arte Moderno el 30 de abril de 2016, que se organizó junto con la exposición "A Japanese Constellation: Toyo Ito, SANAA, and beyond".

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Japón / Estructuras - Diseño

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781633450561
Cita APA-7: Nordenson, Guy (2019). Structured lineages : learning from japanese structural design. Museum of Modern Art.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.036(520) STR

[.en] ‘Structured Lineages: Learning from Japanese Structural Design’ presents a selection of essays and roundtable discussions by internationally prominent structural engineers on the intertwined traditions of architecture and engineering in postwar Japan.

Originally delivered as talks at a symposium held at the Museum of Modern Art in 2016, on the occasion of the exhibition ‘A Japanese Constellation: Toyo Ito, SANAA, and Beyond’, the ten essays gathered in this volume offer insight into the collaborations between architects and structural engineers that engendered many of the most important buildings erected in Japan after 1945, with special focus on the work of Tange Kenzo, Kawaguchi Mamoru, Kimura Toshihiko, Matsui Gengo, Saitoh Masao, Sasaki Mutsuro and Tsuboi Yoshikatsu.

Charting a largely unexplored history in a manner at once scholarly and accessible, these conversations and essays―each accompanied by an expansive array of archival and contemporary photographs―illustrate how intimately the innovations of this collaborative tradition passed from one generation to the next. Some of Japan’s most recognizable, globally influential designs are traced to their origins in a mentor’s earlier experiments. The diverse backgrounds of the scholars and engineers who contributed to ‘Structured Lineages’ inform the book’s uniquely international perspective on the spirit of creativity and cooperation that arose in Japan in the latter half of the 20th century and persists in Japanese architectural practices to this day.

domingo, 24 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Leandro Valencia Locsin : filipino architect

Leandro Valencia Locsin : filipino architect / Jean-Claude Girard.
Basel , Switzerland : Birkhäuser, [2022].
319 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Filipinas / Leandro Locsin

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783035620924

Cita APA-7: Girard, Jean-Claude (2022). Leandro Valencia Locsin : filipino architect. Birkhäuser.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72LOCSIN LEA

[.en] The largely unknown oeuvre of the Philippine architect Leandro V. Locsin (1928-1994) embodies the search for identity in the built environment. Having completed his studies, Locsin opened his practice in 1953 in the capital Manila which, after the aerial attacks by the Allied forces for the liberation of the Philippines from Japanese occupation, had been almost completely destroyed. The reconstruction, as well as technical innovations and favorable political and economic conditions, made it possible for him to design a wide range and large number of projects, including hotels, commercial buildings, churches, cultural venues, and public buildings. His work combines inspiration from modernism with local traditions and comprises a total of 245 projects, of which more than half were completed. The book presents a selection of the most important buildings and projects.

sábado, 23 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | An American renaissance : beaux-arts architecture in New York City

An American renaissance : beaux-arts architecture in New York City / Phillip James Dodd ; photography by Jonathan Wallen ; foreword by Julian Fellowes ; essay by Richard Guy Wilson.
Melbourne [etc.] : Images Publishing Group, 2021.
412 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XIX – Estados Unidos / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Estados Unidos / Nueva York (N.Y.)

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9781864706819
Cita APA-7: Dodd, Phillip James (2021). An american renaissance : beaux-arts architecture in New York City. Images Publishing Group.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72.036(73) ANA

[.en] The Gilded Age, also referred to as the American Renaissance, is an era associated with unparalleled growth, technological advancement, prosperity, and cultural change. Spanning from the 1870s to the 1930s, it marks the first time that the titans of American finance and industry had more wealth than their European counterparts. As the centre of this dynamic economy, New York City attracted immigrant workers and millionaires alike. It was not enough for the self-appointed elite to just build their own grand châteaux and palazzos along Fifth Avenue―collectively they dreamed of creating a new metropolis to rival the great cultural capitals of London, Paris, and Rome. To flaunt their newly acquired wealth they needed an architecture dripping in embellishment and historical reference. Enter the Beaux-Arts.

This book, which has been painstakingly researched and beautifully photographed over many years, takes a close look at 20 of the finest examples of Beaux-Arts architecture in New York City. While showing public exteriors, its focus is on the lavish interiors that are associated with the opulence of the Gilded Age―often providing a glimpse inside buildings not otherwise viewable to the public. While some of the buildings and monuments featured are world-renowned landmarks recognisable and accessible to all, others are obscure buildings that history has forgotten.

Set amid the magnificent achievements of an American Renaissance, this book recounts not only the fascinating stories of some of New York’s most famous and significant Beaux-Arts landmarks, it also recalls the lives of those who commissioned, designed, and built them. These are some of the most acclaimed architects, artists, and artisans of the day―Daniel Chester French, Cass Gilbert, Charles McKim, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Louis Comfort Tiffany, and Stanford White―and some of the most prominent millionaires in American history―Henry Clay Frick, Jay Gould, Otto Kahn, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, and the ubiquitous Astor and Vanderbilt families. Names that―as Julian Fellowes (the acclaimed director of Downton Abbey) notes in the Foreword―“still reek of money.”

viernes, 22 de julio de 2022

#livres #guides #architecture | Guide d'architecture : Toulouse : architecture moderne et contemporaine :1950-2020

Guide d'architecture : Toulouse : architecture moderne et contemporaine :1950-2020 / publié por la Maison de l`Architecture Occitanie-Pyrénées avec Christof Göbel.
Berlin : DOM, 2021.
264 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural guide.

/ FR / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Francia / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – Francia / Toulouse (Francia)

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869227351
Cita APA-7: Göbel, Chistof (2021). Guide d'architecture : Toulouse : architecture moderne et contemporaine :1950-2020. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(44) GUI

[.fr] Ce guide d’architecture moderne et contemporaine met en valeur la riche histoire de l’architecture de la ville de Toulouse. Offrant un regard sur le patrimoine architectural et sur le développement urbain de la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle et du début du XXIe siècle, cette publication est le résultat du travail collectif d’un comité d’experts, architectes et auteurs, réunis pour donner à tous les clefs pour comprendre l’architecture autant comme pratique que comme résultat construit d’un acte de conception.

Réparti selon cinq zones géographiques dans les limites de Toulouse Métropole, le guide propose une lecture critique illustrée de plus de 140 réalisations modernes et contemporaines remarquables. Ponctué de textes thématiques d’auteurs invités, le guide propose de comprendre, au-delà de l’architecture, le contexte historique, politique et social des développements urbains successifs de Toulouse. Le guide est une invitation à la balade afin de reconnaître, comprendre et apprécier, au fil des pérégrinations, la production architecturale récente en présence à Toulouse et ses principaux protagonistes.

jueves, 21 de julio de 2022

#livres #guides #architecture | Monaco: Guide d'architecture : Beausoleil, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin

Monaco: Guide d'architecture : Beausoleil, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin / Jean-Philippe Hugron.
Berlin : DOM, 2021.
287 p. : il.
Serie: Architectural guide.

/ FR / Libros / Guías / Arquitectura – Guías / Arquitectura - Mónaco

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869226941
Cita APA-7: Hugron, Jean-Philippe (2021). Monaco: guide d'architecture : Beausoleil, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG Referencia A-(036)72(449.49) MON

[.fr] Monaco est avant tout un laboratoire dédié à la densité et à l’intensité. De l’extension sur la mer à la conquête des sous-sols, la principauté rivalise d’inventivité. Plus que New York, c’est elle la véritable capitale de la congestion. Monaco délire ! Ce guide d’architecture est donc aussi un guide d’urbanisme. Le patrimoine de la ville est, par ailleurs, menacé tant l’exiguïté de cette cité-Etat appelle un renouveau permanent. D’un pay-sage sans cesse changeant naît un goût immodéré pour la nouveauté et, en réaction, une nostalgie parfois couleur pasti-che. Les styles et les époques s’y retrouvent donc pêle-mêle dans une collection improbable et unique en son genre de con-structions de toutes tailles.

Comprendre Monaco invite aussi à regarder deux communes voisines : Beausoleil, autrefois baptisée Monte-Carlo Supéri-eur, et Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. Ce livre inédit a été imaginé comme une promenade architecturale conduisant sur les tra-ces de Charles Garnier, Louis Notari, Kevork Arsenian, Jean Ginsberg, Jean Badovici, Eileen Grey et Yvonne Le Corbusier, l’épouse monégasque du maître moderne. Des luxueuses villas de Beausoleil aux prestigieux palaces de Monaco, les 116 notices de ce guide ainsi que les 17 courts essais thématiques et les 22 biographies, sont une invitation à découvrir une histoire méconnue de l’architecture...

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2022

#libros #arquitectura #catalogos | Anna Heringer : essential beauty = la belleza esencial

Anna Heringer : essential beauty = [la belleza esencial].

Madrid : Arquitectura Viva ; Fundación ICO, 2022.
208 p. : il.

Ed. bilingüe español - inglés
/ ES / EN / Libros / Catálogos / Anna Heringer / Arquitectura – Aspecto del medio ambiente / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9788412454147
Cita APA_7: Heringer, Anna (2022). Anna Heringer : essential beauty = [la belleza esencial]. Arquitectura Viva, Fundación ICO.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-72HERINGER ANN

[.es] Editado por Arquitectura Viva junto con la Fundación ICO, el catálogo de la exposición ‘Anna Heringer. La belleza esencial’ recoge las principales obras y proyectos de la arquitecta alemana, desde sus edificios en Bangladesh — las Escuelas Meti y Desi o el edificio Anandaloy—, en China —los albergues de bambú y el Museo de la Cerámica de Majiayao— y en África —un campus educativo en Ghana o una guardería en Zimbabue—, hasta los proyectos desarrollados en Europa —el espacio para el nacimiento en Austria, un alojamiento ayurveda en Alemania o un proyecto de ecoturismo en España—, en los que ha incorporado materiales y técnicas tradicionales de aquellos países, como la tierra compactada. Bajo el lema ‘La arquitectura es una herramienta para mejorar vidas’, Heringer ha impulsado también iniciativas como el taller Dipdii Textiles para mujeres de Bangladesh o el Manifiesto de Laufen por una cultura del diseño más humana. Encuadernado en tela y tapa dura, con 208 páginas y en edición bilingüe español-inglés, el catálogo incluye, además de los textos de la Fundación ICO/Museo ICO y del comisario Luis Fernández-Galiano, un artículo de Angelika Fitz, directora del Architekturzentrum de Viena, y una conversación entre la arquitecta y el crítico Peter Buchanan.

martes, 19 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | The Power of Past Greatness Urban Renewal of Historic Centres in European Dictatorships

The Power of Past Greatness Urban Renewal of Historic Centres in European Dictatorships / Harald Bodenschatz, Max Welch Guerra (eds.).
Berlin : DOM publishers, 2021
192 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – Europa / Barrios históricos – Europa / Ciudades - Renovación - Europa / Urbanismo – Siglo XX – Europa

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783869222059
Cita APA-7: Bodenschatz, Harald, & Guerra, Max Welch (eds.) (2021). The power of past greatness: urban renewal of historic centres in european dictatorships. DOM.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-711.4.025 POW

[.en] The redevelopment of historical centres became an important policy field in the era of European dictatorships following the First World War. At that time historical centres were regarded as shabby and as tarnishing the desired image of a magnificent new city, of a showcase of the dictatorship. This led to the widespread demolition of older buildings. Historical streets and squares disappeared and were replaced by new apartments and workplaces for the loyal middle classes, by car-friendly roads and ostentatious new buildings. Nevertheless, the redevelopment of historical centres did not exclusively mean the eradication of the ‘old town’. The aim of the dictatorship in many cases was also the preservation, and often the cultic display, of historical testimonials to past greatness.

The book presents examples of the redevelopment of historical centres in Mussolini’s Italy (Rome, Brescia, Bologna, Naples), in Stalin’s Soviet Union (Moscow), in Hitler’s Germany (Berlin), in Salazar’s Portugal (Lisbon, Évora, Óbidos) and in Franco’s Spain (Madrid, Toledo, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Santillana del Mar). These are followed by a brief summary of the history of the redevelopment of historical centres in Europe. This volume represents the very first attempt to identify the commonalities and differences in the redevelopment of historical centres in dictatorships in Europe in the first half of the 20th century.

lunes, 18 de julio de 2022

#recursos #articulos #arquitectura | La arquitectura española del segundo franquismo y el "Boletín de la Dirección General de Arquitectura", 1946-1957

La arquitectura española del segundo franquismo y el "Boletín de la Dirección General de Arquitectura", 1946-1957 / Víctor Pérez Escolano [Universidad de Sevilla].
En: RA : revista de arquitectura (ISSN 1138-5596), n. 16 (2014), p. 25-40.

/ ES / Artículos / RE / Open Access / Arquitectura – Publicaciones periódicas / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – España

🔓 Ed. digital:
Cita APA-7: Pérez Escolano, Víctor (2014). La arquitectura española del segundo franquismo y el "Boletín de la Dirección General de Arquitectura", 1946-1957. RA : revista de arquitectura, 16, 25-40.
Open Access / RE-UNAV DADUN [Universidad de Navarra]
Open Access / RE-UNAV Revistas [Universidad de Navarra]
Open Access / RE-USE IdUS [Universidad de Sevilla]
Open Access / RE-Dialnet

[.es] La arquitectura española responde al proceso de recomposición geoestratégica tras la II Guerra Mundial. Después de la autarquía, durante los años cincuenta camina hacia el desarrollismo económico y la transformación cultural y tecnológica. El Boletín Informativo de la Dirección General de Arquitectura muestra los acontecimientos de la renovación arquitectónica, su modernización e internacionalización hasta 1957. Revisar la arquitectura del segundo franquismo pasa por reconocer las reflexiones producidas coetáneamente, la integración de la arquitectura en la innovación artística, la recepción de los hitos internacionales significativos, y las respuestas más elocuentes de la producción arquitectónica que ofrece en los edificios religiosos un ejemplo singular.

A la muerte de Franco se intensificaron los trabajos sobre la arquitectura y la cultura del régimen. Habían sido habituales las interpretaciones unidimensionales, y se hacían necesarios nuevos estudios que trataran de introducir la modulación necesaria en un periodo tan prolongado de cuarenta años. Desde mi punto de vista, aunque pueda estar condicionado, la de mayor importancia sería la exposición central celebrada con ocasión de la XXXVII Bienal de Venecia de 1976, que se venía preparando aún en vida de Franco, “España. Vanguardia artística y realidad social: 1936-1976”. Los textos para su preparación, junto algún encargo más, compusieron el libro que con ese título se publicó en España. La contribución de Ignasi de Solá-Morales, “Arquitectura española contemporánea: balbuceos y silencios”, significaría un nuevo enfoque crítico para un periodo concreto, al que se podría denominar segundo franquismo, dejando aparte “el periodo de los primeros años del franquismo, lo años del proyecto fascista y de la autarquía económica”, aún “reconociendo la conexión potente que existe entre una y otra etapa y advirtiendo incluso que en el campo de la arquitectura no hay una evidente solución de continuidad a todos los niveles que permita fijar con seguridad las diferencias entre uno y otro momento”.

En ese año de 1976, se encaró la arquitectura del primer franquismo en los ciclos de conferencias tenidos en diversas ciudades españolas con el título “La arquitectura española en los años de la Autarquía”, en las que intervinieron Ignasi de Solá-Morales, Carlos Sambricio, Víctor Pérez Escolano, Antón Capitel, José Quetglas y Fernando de Terán, en San Sebastián, Barcelona y Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, algunas publicadas en la revista “Arquitectura”, dando pie a una reacción crítica contra algunos de esos textos por parte de Oriol Bohigas, Tomás Llorens y Helio Piñón en “Arquitecturas bis” , al considerarlos faltos de sensibilidad histórica. En 1977 el Colegio de Arquitectos de Cataluña promovió una exposición de la que fue comisario Lluis Doménech Girbau, cuyo catálogo editó “Cuadernos de Arquitectura”. Un interés cada vez mayor que se tradujo en la publicación sucesiva de otros libros de Alexandre Cirici, Gabriel Ureña, Sofía Dieguez, o Antonio Bonet Correa, entre otros, que ampliaban la intensiva revisión del periodo franquista en los años transcurridos entre la muerte de Franco y la promulgación de la Constitución de 1978 y siguientes. [...]

domingo, 17 de julio de 2022

#monographic #architecture | a+t 56 | Generosity : housing design strategies : the indeterminacy of the floor plan

Generosity : housing design strategies : the indeterminacy of the floor plan / [editors, Aurora Fernández Per, Javier Mozas].

Vitoria-Gasteiz : A+t, 2022.
133 p. : il.
Serie: A+t ; 56.

/ ES / EN / Monográficos / Arquitectura – Siglo XX / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI / Arquitectura doméstica

📕 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9788409411498
Cita APA-7: Fernández Per, Aurora, & Mozas, Javier (eds.) (2022). Generosity : housing design strategies : the indeterminacy of the floor plan. A+t.
ehuBiblioteca BCG Referencia A-72(082) *AMA/56

[.en] The magazine launces a new series, ‘Generosity: Housing Design Strategies’, in which architectural projects identifying with specific design strategies are grouped into four sections: indeterminacy, exteriority, privacy, and interactivity. At the core of the series is the concept of generosity, an essential quality for the design of collective housing. Generosity transforms the condition of the built volume and makes it habitable, generating comfort, well-being, and much more. This first issue in the series focuses on the indeterminacy of the floor plan and features work by Fala Atelier, Esch Sintzel, FAR frohn&rojas, Lacol & La Boqueria, Peris+Toral, and others.

‘The Indeterminacy of the Floor Plan’ is the first issue of the ‘Generosity’ series, dedicated to the design of collective housing. After the ‘Density’ series, which warned about the importance of living in a compact and balanced environment, the new series is committed to the generosity of design. Throughout the entire series, generosity translates into design strategies, identified as:

  • Strategies of Indeterminacy: focused on enhancing spatiality and flexibility.
  • Strategies of Exteriority: aimed at improving the relationship with the environment.
  • Strategies of Privacy: whose objective is to build a protected and own place.
  • Strategies of Interactivity: capable of promoting interrelation and cohesion between neighbours.

sábado, 16 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Hutong metabolism : ZAO-standardarchitecture

Hutong metabolism : ZAO-standardarchitecture / editor, Cristina Steingräber ; with contributions by Nondita Correa Mehrotra [ et al.].
Berlin : ArchiTangle, [2021].
287 p. : il.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura – Siglo XX – China / Arquitectura – Siglo XXI – China / Beijing (China) / Inmuebles para vivienda

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783966800150
Cita APA-7: Steingräber, Cristina I. (ed.) (2021). Hutong metabolism : ZAO/standardarchitecture. ArchiTangle.
ehuBiblioteka BCG A-728.2 HUT

[.en] Small stone hutongs, built within a courtyard-and-alley system, are emblematic of Beijing’s traditional inner-city architecture which still contends with modern, cooperate redevelopments to shape the character of the city. In one of the oldest cities in China, the important tasks of preservation and revitalization require particular sensitivity. Captured at the centre of the battlefield between development, conservation and renovation, the hutongs, on the verge of erasure, call into question the paradoxical nature of these paradigms. The Micro Hutong Renewal series by ZAO/standardarchitecture focusses on small structures which residents have added to hutong courtyards in the last 60 years. The anchor project of this publication is the Hutong Children’s Library & Art Centre, which won the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 2016.

A foreword from the Aga Khan Award director, Farrokh Derakhshani, and a series of photographs and drawings by the architect will present this project alongside another project from the series; The Micro Hutong and Co-living Courtyard, as well as ZAO/standardarchitecture’s social housing projects in the center of Beijing. In addition, scholarly essays from across disciplines will explore alternative perspectives of China’s historical cities and the challenges they face. Several interviews with different people involved with the Hutong projects, such as residents and users of different ages will ensure a broad range of perspectives. The holistic message of the book will illustrate how ZAO/standardarchitecture’s work considers the city and its components as living organisms. This is what gives rise to the title: Hutong Metabolism.

viernes, 15 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Energy and Sun : Sustainable Energy Solutions for Future Megacitie

Energy and Sun : Sustainable Energy Solutions for Future Megacitie / Ludger Eltrop, Thomas Telsnig, Ulrich Fahl (Editors).
Berlin : Jovis , [2013].
246 p. : il.
Serie: Future Megacities ; 1.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura - Aspecto del medio ambiente / Arquitectura y radiación solar / Energías renovables / Urbanismo - Aspecto del medio ambiente

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783868592733
Cita APA-7: Eltrop, Ludger, Telsnig, Thomas, & Fahl, Ulrich (eds.) (2013). Energy and sun : sustainable energy solutions for future megacitie. Jovis.
ehuBiblioteka A-620.91 ENE

[.en] Solar energy is in focus worldwide. So is the role of cities and public governments for creating a more sustainable urban future. This volume highlights the role of solar energy and other solar related energy technologies for a low carbon and sustainable energy system, particularly for cities and city regions in the South. The articles refer to solar energy generation technologies, smart city planning concepts, as well as “passive” solar building design approaches. Thus, the volume takes a broad and applied approach by analysing projects and different solutions for a more efficient and solar oriented building design and technology implementation.

‘Energy and Sun’ takes a close look at the current possibilities of solar energy, which is safe, sustainable and low in carbon emissions, and particularly viable for urban regions in the Southern hemisphere. The essays in this volume are grouped into three sections: "Solar and Sustainable Energy Technologies" (with discussions on photovoltaic off-grid technologies in rural Andhra Pradesh, energy efficiency in irrigation, solar power plants for South Africa and the Joined Biogas, Charcoal and Erosion Prevention Project in Hyderabad, India); "Solutions For Buildings and Settlements" (including essays on housing design in the MENA region and the calculation of the energy performance of buildings and energy efficiency in Iranian cities); and "System Analytical and Integration Approaches" (with essays on solar and other options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, solar energy usage in Gauteng, South Africa and photovoltaic systems for social and economic empowerment in peri-urban and rural areas in South Africa).