
viernes, 15 de julio de 2022

#books #architecture | Energy and Sun : Sustainable Energy Solutions for Future Megacitie

Energy and Sun : Sustainable Energy Solutions for Future Megacitie / Ludger Eltrop, Thomas Telsnig, Ulrich Fahl (Editors).
Berlin : Jovis , [2013].
246 p. : il.
Serie: Future Megacities ; 1.

/ EN / Libros / Arquitectura - Aspecto del medio ambiente / Arquitectura y radiación solar / Energías renovables / Urbanismo - Aspecto del medio ambiente

📘 Ed. impresa: ISBN 9783868592733
Cita APA-7: Eltrop, Ludger, Telsnig, Thomas, & Fahl, Ulrich (eds.) (2013). Energy and sun : sustainable energy solutions for future megacitie. Jovis.
ehuBiblioteka A-620.91 ENE

[.en] Solar energy is in focus worldwide. So is the role of cities and public governments for creating a more sustainable urban future. This volume highlights the role of solar energy and other solar related energy technologies for a low carbon and sustainable energy system, particularly for cities and city regions in the South. The articles refer to solar energy generation technologies, smart city planning concepts, as well as “passive” solar building design approaches. Thus, the volume takes a broad and applied approach by analysing projects and different solutions for a more efficient and solar oriented building design and technology implementation.

‘Energy and Sun’ takes a close look at the current possibilities of solar energy, which is safe, sustainable and low in carbon emissions, and particularly viable for urban regions in the Southern hemisphere. The essays in this volume are grouped into three sections: "Solar and Sustainable Energy Technologies" (with discussions on photovoltaic off-grid technologies in rural Andhra Pradesh, energy efficiency in irrigation, solar power plants for South Africa and the Joined Biogas, Charcoal and Erosion Prevention Project in Hyderabad, India); "Solutions For Buildings and Settlements" (including essays on housing design in the MENA region and the calculation of the energy performance of buildings and energy efficiency in Iranian cities); and "System Analytical and Integration Approaches" (with essays on solar and other options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, solar energy usage in Gauteng, South Africa and photovoltaic systems for social and economic empowerment in peri-urban and rural areas in South Africa).

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